World Summit for Social Development

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The World Summit on Social Development took place from March 6-12, 1995 in Copenhagen. 117 heads of state and government took part. The summit dealt primarily with the fight against poverty and adopted a declaration and a program of action.


In a resolution containing the declaration and the program of action as an annex,

"recommends (the Summit) the United Nations General Assembly to adopt, at its fiftieth session, the Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action adopted at the Summit."

Copenhagen Declaration

The declaration emphasizes the close connection between social development and justice on the one hand and the maintenance of peace and security on the other hand:

"We are jointly convinced that social development and social justice are indispensable prerequisites for the establishment and maintenance of peace and security within our nations as well as between them. Conversely, social development and social justice can take place without peace and security and without respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms fail to materialize. This fundamental interdependence, recognized 50 years ago in the Charter of the United Nations, has grown ever closer since then. "

It is further stated

"that economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of a sustainable development that forms the framework for our efforts to bring about a higher quality of life for all people. A balanced social development which recognizes empowering the poor to use environmental resources in a sustainable manner is a necessary foundation for sustainable development. "

The declaration contains seven (self) "commitments" by the heads of state and government, namely:

  • "To create an economic, political, social, cultural and legal environment that enables people to achieve social development" ;
  • "To the goal of eradicating poverty in the world through determined national action and international cooperation, as it is an ethical, social, political and economic imperative for humanity" ;
  • "To promote the goal of full employment as a fundamental priority of our economic and social policy and to enable all people, men as well as women, to secure a secure and permanent livelihood through freely chosen employment and productive work" ;
  • "To promote social inclusion by working to build stable, safe and just societies based on the promotion and protection of all human rights, as well as non-discrimination, tolerance, respect for diversity, equal opportunities, solidarity and security and the participation of all people, including vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and individuals " ;
  • "to promote full respect for human dignity, to bring about equality and equal treatment between men and women, and to recognize and recognize the participation of women and the leading role that women can play in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life and development to promote " ;
  • "To promote and achieve the goals of universal and equitable access to good education, the highest attainable physical and mental health, and access for all people to basic health care, by making special efforts to address inequalities in terms of social conditions , regardless of race, national origin, gender, age or disability; to respect and promote our common culture as well as our respective cultural peculiarities; to strive to strengthen the role of culture in development; the indispensable basis for a sustainable one To maintain human-centered development; and to contribute to the full development of human resources and social development. The aim of these activities is to eradicate poverty, promote full employment and promote social inclusion " ;
  • "Accelerate economic and social development and the human resource development of Africa and the least developed countries" .

Action program

The action program is divided into the chapters

  • introduction
  • I. A conducive environment for social development
  • II. Eradication of Poverty
  • III. Broadening the availability of productive employment opportunities and reducing unemployment
  • IV. Social integration
  • V. Implementation and follow-up measures

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ UN page on the world conferences of the 1990s
  2. ^ Resolution of the World Summit
  3. a b "Copenhagen Declaration" on Social Development
  4. ↑ of the action program
  5. Chapter I of the action program
  6. Chapter II of the action program
  7. Chapter III of the action program
  8. Chapter IV of the action program
  9. Chapter V of the action program