Advertising portal

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Advertising portals are Internet portals or online networks that have specialized in providing advertising options for marketing a website. In contrast to offline advertising, advertising portals in particular offer offers in the area of ​​online or Internet marketing.


Advertising portals often offer a wide range of advertising options. This enables the compilation of individual advertising campaigns tailored to cost and income , and in contrast to offline advertising, the success of a campaign can be measured directly. Another factor is the increasing importance of the Internet as a virtual marketplace. More and more Internet users are becoming customers willing to buy who are looking for offers online. This can be a great advantage over providers who only advertise their products offline. In addition, online advertising tends to be cheaper than offline advertising.

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Free advertising portals

There are free and paid advertising portals, the latter being predominant. As free advertising portals particular Exchange systems such as are traffic exchange , banner exchange , pop Exchange and Text Link Exchange. With such exchange systems, virtual points can be collected by showing or viewing third-party advertisements, which in turn can then be exchanged for showing one's own advertisement.

Paid advertising portals

These are primarily advertising portals that offer online advertising in the form of " pay per click ", " pay per lead " or " pay per sale ". Providers of so-called affiliate networks belong to this area. However, there are also paid advertising portals that are classified in the " Paid4 scene ". Some advertising portals offer a wide range of advertising options, including both paid and free online advertising.


In particular, free advertising portals that work according to the exchange system are considered dubious in broad circles of marketing experts. Some of these work according to the snowball principle and do not generate any high-quality internet traffic (visitor flow). An alternative to promoting a website through advertising portals is professional search engine optimization . Search engines generate high-quality traffic on the one hand, and free visitors who come across a website out of their own interest on the other.