Werner von Melle bust

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Friedrich Wield: Bust of Werner von Melle in the main building of the University of Hamburg

The Werner von Melle bust is in the entrance area of ​​the main building of the University of Hamburg . It is a bronze cast. The Hamburg senator and later mayor Werner von Melle (1853–1937) is shown in his official costume. Von Melle was a major co-founder of the university. The original of the bust was created in 1929 and is the most important portrait creation by the Hamburg sculptor Friedrich Wield (1880–1940). As a co-founder of the Hamburg Secession, Wield was persecuted during the Nazi era.

Destruction and re-pouring

On May 3, 1977 the bust was stolen by students. It was planned to melt them down to donate the proceeds to the armed liberation struggle of the people of Zimbabwe. But then they were cut into pieces with a cutting torch, which were sold for 5 D-Marks. The total proceeds amounted to 4,000 Deutschmarks.

Von Melle was seen among left-wing students as the ideologue of an exploitative Hamburg merchants who enriched themselves in colonial businesses at the expense of the local population.

Later a replica was made and the bust was put up again.


  • Hugo Sieker : Sculptor Wield 1880–1940. A memorial book. Hans Christians, Hamburg 1975.
  • Socialist student group (ed.): Von Melle - Imperialist Idol, Hamburg 1977

Web links

Coordinates: 53 ° 33 '46.2 "  N , 9 ° 59' 17.4"  E