Westphalian Provincial Insurance

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Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft

legal form Corporation
founding 1910
Seat Muenster
management Wolfgang Breuer (CEO)
Number of employees 1600 (back office)
sales 1,103.2 million euros (2013)
Branch Property and accident insurance
Website www.provinzial-online.de
As of December 31, 2014

The Westphalian provincial insurance corporation is a property and casualty insurer based in Westphalian Münster . The company belongs to the Provinzial-NordWest -versicherungsgruppe and is their largest composite insurer.

The Westfälische Provinzial looks back on a long history. It originally goes back to early fire societies, the oldest of which was launched in 1722. In 1997 the company celebrated its 275th anniversary. Today's corporation is the legal successor of the Westphalian provincial Feuersozietät that in the legal form of a to 2001 public institution as property and casualty insurance for the former Insurance Group Westphalian Provincial worked. Today it is a 100% subsidiary of Provinzial NordWest Holding Aktiengesellschaft , with which a control and profit and loss transfer agreement was concluded.

Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft currently manages around five million insurance contracts from around 1.8 million customers. The gross premium income booked in 2013 was EUR 1.1 billion.

Web links

Footnotes and individual references

  1. Older predecessor companies, 2001 conversion of the public corporation into a stock corporation.
  2. a b Information according to the company's website , additional 2,200 employees in the field
  3. a b Gross premium income posted, information according to the 2013 annual report
  4. ^ Pressarbeit-bockow.de : Company presentation Westfälische Provinzial