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Repeatability is a technical term from the field of measurement technology and, above all, analytical chemistry , and describes the precision under repeatability conditions.

Repeatability is the degree of agreement between results of independent measurements of the same analyte performed under the following conditions:

  • the same measurement method
  • same processor
  • same instrument
  • same place
  • the same experimental conditions
  • Repetition of the measurements within short time intervals

Repeat conditions are usually present when a sample is examined several times in quick succession with the same accessory. In contrast to the comparative precision , the boundary conditions are clearly defined more precisely.

Repeatability is a property of the process, not the result. It is calculated by multiplying the standard deviation of the individual results by a tabulated factor. For a confidence level of 95% the factor is 2.8. Ideally, at least eight individual measurements should be carried out.

See also: reproducibility , laboratory precision , Measurement System Analysis

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