Wild boar

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Wildeber , also Wildewer and Wildifer is a figure from the legendary circle around Dietrich von Bern , which is passed down among other things through the Thidrek saga . According to Jakob Grimm , the name from Old High German wild and pero (bear) has been transformed into wild boar by folk etymology .

Wildeber plays the most important role in these sagas in the liberation of Widgas , who was captured during the fight against the Wilzen under King Osantrix because of the faithlessness of his brother-in-arms, Heime. Together with the singer Ilsung he moves to the land of the Wilzen and dances dressed as a bear at court. When the king tries to chase the bear, Wildeber kills twelve dogs within a short time and kills the king when he tries to intervene. After that, it is easy for the two heroes to free Widga as well.

In the fight against King Isung and his sons, which Dietrich fought out with his comrades in arms, he suffered a defeat like most of Dietrich's companions.

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