Wildsau Dirt Run

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The Wildsau Dirt Run is an extreme obstacle run on a natural route that leads through rivers, forests and meadows with inclines and slopes. This obstacle course is also known as the dirtiest in Austria.


The Wildsau Dirt Run has existed in Austria since 2009. In 2016, 9 Wildsau dirt runs took place in 7 federal states. In the years that followed, a few locations varied. In 2019 6 Austrian locations are part of the Wildsau Dirt Run Cup.


There are three different Classic run ratings. A difference is made here by the chosen distance of the run. The fun run consists of 5+ km, the advanced run lasts 10+ km and the extreme run comprises 20+ km. The individual performances of the runners are counted for all distances. The Wildsau Battle took place for the first time in 2017, in which the Classic Runners can compete against each other in a direct duel. Children were able to have their first wild boar experience in the Junior Run, from 2019 the little ones can run with the adults with an accompanying person or written consent, depending on their age.

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