Winfried Kohnen

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Winfried Kohnen (* 1953 ) is a German mathematician.

Winfried Kohnen, Oberwolfach 2007

Kohnen received his doctorate in 1980 at the University of Bonn under Don Zagier ( relationships between half-weight modular shapes and full-weight modular shapes ). He is a professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg .

He deals with modular shapes and their application in arithmetic geometry. A theorem named after him, Benedict Gross and Don Zagier describes Heegner points on modular elliptic curves using coefficients of the power series expansion of modular forms of half-integer weight.

The Kohnenraum of modular forms was named after him.

His doctoral students include Kathrin Bringmann and Jan Hendrik Bruinier (second referee).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project
  2. ^ Gross, Kohnen, Zagier Heegner points and derivatives of L-Series , Part 2, Mathematische Annalen, Volume 278, 1987, pp. 497-562; Part 1 of Gross, Zagier Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 84, 1986, pp. 225-320