Residential courtyard

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The courtyard is public street space. The term is used in the planning of roads. The residence function of pedestrians predominates, vehicle traffic is only of secondary importance. It is primarily used in the development of new single-family home areas.

The street width should be at least 7.00 m, the width of the tramline at least 4.75 m.

When designing a dead end street, there may be a maximum of 80 residential units in the courtyard, otherwise a maximum of 160 residential units. The length should not exceed 200 m or 300 m.

In dead ends, a turning option (turning circle or hammer) must be structurally created at the end.

The connection to other roads is usually via a sidewalk crossing.

See also


  1. PLAST-Hmb., PLAST 3, p. 16, 1988