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Wolf Quest
Studio Minnesota Zoo and Eduweb
Publisher Eduweb
December 21, 2007
platform Windows , Mac
genre Serious game
Subject Life of wolves
Game mode Single player, multiplayer
medium Download, Internet (online version)
language English

WolfQuest is a free 3D computer game from the Minnesota Zoo and Eduweb . It aims to bring the behavior of wolves and other animals closer to children, adolescents and adults. The first version was called WolfQuest: Amethyst Mountain Deluxe . In the spring of 2010, the second part called WolfQuest: Slough Creek was published.

It can be played as an online and offline version, but for the online version you have to register in the forum of the site.

The game won several awards for "Best Online Game" in 2008.

Amethyst Mountain

The character in the game is a wolf who lives in Yellowstone National Park and has to look for food there and find a so-called mate (partner). The player can hunt rabbits and elk (which can be found in the Elk Hunting Ground ) if the area is kept free of coyotes and no bears come too close. But he can also pay a visit to the other wolf packs and interact with them.

In the online version , up to five players can set out as a pack to explore the area or to hunt together. With the integrated chat window, the players can exchange ideas. Unfortunately, there are major restrictions on the choice of words, such as the word mate .

Slough Creek

In the second part you also play a wolf. This part can only be started after completing the first part, which ends with finding a mate . Only then can the player switch to the new environment, i.e. to Slough Creek .

As in Amethyst Mountain , Slough Creek also has some hunting grounds for elk and also areas for other wolf packs. In Slough Creek the player is supposed to found a pack, which means that he has to choose one of the four dens (caves or shelters) and mark his new territory and defend it from attackers such as coyotes or other wolves.

Soon after, the biggest challenge in Slough Creek follows , four small pups are born and the player has to feed them, carry them back into the cave and protect them from the occasional passing bears and coyotes.

From version 2.5 the season and the weather can change.

There is again an online version in which the player can roam Slough Creek with other players . However, there are no puppies in this version.

In September 2015, the next part with the title Wolfquest 2.7 will appear. After several delays, it will now be available for download in November 2015.

Web links