Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron

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Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron
FISA logo
sport rowing
Founded June 25, 1892
Place of foundation Turin
president Jean-Christophe Rolland
Members 155 national associations
(as of 2019)
Association headquarters Lausanne , Switzerland
Official languages) English , French
Homepage www.worldrowing.com

The Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron ( FISA ) is the world rowing association founded in 1892, which organizes, for example, the rowing world championships for adults, juniors and masters as well as the rowing world cup , sets competition rules and promotes rowing around the world. FISA continues to strive to make rowing more popular and to get more people to row.

In public, the association usually operates under the brand name World Rowing or the English-language name International Rowing Federation .


The World Rowing Association has the legal form of an association according to Article 60ff. of the Swiss Civil Code . Its purpose as well as its organs are defined in a statute ( English Statutes and related bye-laws ), which together with the international regatta rules defined by the association ( English Rules of racing and related bye-laws ) in the so-called “FISA Rule Book” in English is published.

A regular FISA congress takes place every year, at which delegates from the currently 155 national member associations meet to develop rules and guidelines for competitions and to develop and maintain international relationships. Every four years, always after the Olympic Games, there is an extraordinary meeting at which the delegates mainly organize the world championships and develop the rules for them. Apart from the congresses, which constitute the highest body, FISA also forms the council , which consists of the president, the vice-president, the treasurer, the manager, the chairmen of the specialist commissions and the continent delegates (who act as a link to the national rowing federations ) is composed. The council meets at least three times a year to organize FISA business.

FISA headquarters since 2006: Maison du Sport International in Lausanne

The FISA office has been in Lausanne since 1996 and has been there since 2006 in the Maison du Sport International , where numerous other leading international associations have their headquarters. The current president of the association since 2014 is the French Jean-Christophe Rolland .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About FISA. In: www.worldrowing.com. World Rowing Association, accessed on September 18, 2019 (English).
  2. FISA Rule Book (2019). (PDF; 2.95 MB) In: www.worldrowing.com. World Rowing Association, accessed on September 18, 2019 (English).

Coordinates: 46 ° 30 '55.4 "  N , 6 ° 36' 29.5"  E ; CH1903:  536271  /  151902