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XDMCP in the TCP / IP protocol stack :
application XDMCP
transport UDP
Internet IP ( IPv4 , IPv6 )
Network access Ethernet Token
FDDI ...

XDMCP ( X D isplay M anager C ontrol P rotocol ) is a network protocol used for communication between an X server and an X display manager . The requesting X server usually runs on an X terminal to which a logon service is to be made available.


The X Display Manager acts as a server in the XDMCP. It waits on UDP port 177 for requests of the type QUERY(single request ) and BROADCAST_QUERY(a broadcast request that was not directed to an X server, but goes to an entire subnet ). If he receives such a request, he can WILLINGrespond with a packet. This contains information about the server, but it does not oblige the client to establish the connection.

The chooser

A chooser usually provides a list of available display managers. This can be a list of predefined hosts with their respective networkBROADCAST_QUERY addresses or a list that was obtained through an email request. Most of the time, the host itself is also listed as it provides a display manager.

If the user selects a host from the list, the X server on the local computer connects to the X display manager on the remote computer.

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