Xosl is an acronym for E x tended O perating S ystem L oader and is a free boot loader such as GRUB and LILO , with the aim of usability . It is very easy to install and use and supports all common operating systems. It offers a graphical interface when booting, can automatically play key combinations when booting, and much more. The software was written by Geurt Vos.
XOSL is subject to the GNU General Public License , so it is free software that is available in source code and can be freely copied, changed and distributed. The current version has been version 1.1.5 since the end of 2000. Up to 2004 there was a domain www.xosl2.com from which the program could be obtained. This domain has not been active since 2005. In 2002 the program was also translated into German.
Web links
- Test report at TecChannel
- Download German version ( ZIP ; 455 kB)