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When xkill is called, the cursor becomes a skull that is positioned on the window to be closed
After a click, the X client is closed

xkill is for X Window System belonging utility that the X server instructs the connection to an X client to separate hard, and thus the client (in most cases) to "kill" (English to kill ).

Under a graphical interface, i. H. In the X Window System, programs are usually closed by clicking the Close button in the title bar of the window that belongs to the program.

This button from the program xkill, the "graphic" kill, has grown historically . With the help of this obligatory utility program you could end an X client by clicking on the X window belonging to it . This functionality can still be found in some window managers, e.g. B. via the key combination Strg+ Alt+ Esc, with which you can end the responsible X-Client by clicking on its window if the graphical user interface is no longer responsive.

Other user interfaces

xkill is limited to the X Window System. But other user interfaces also offer the option of terminating a program hard. Microsoft Windows operating systems offer the task manager . Apple Mac OS X offers the force quit mechanism.

Individual evidence

  1. Jim Fulton, Dana Chee: XKILL (1) manual page. In: Documentation for the X Window System Version 11 Release 6.9 and 7.0 (X11R6.9 / X11R7.0). The X.Org Foundation, December 21, 2005, accessed August 13, 2008 .