Zambia Congress of Trade Unions

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Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is the dominant umbrella organization of trade unions in Zambia .

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions was founded in 1965. Its headquarters are in Oxford Street, Baynards Building, Kitwe . The following individual trade unions belong to it:

  1. Airways and Allied Workers Union
  2. Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy Association
  3. Bankers Union of Zambia
  4. Basic Education Teachers Union of Zambia
  5. Copper Belt Academic Workers Union of Zambia
  6. Copper Belt University and Allied Workers Union
  7. Copper Belt University Senior Administration, Professors and Technical Staff Union
  8. Gemstone and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
  9. Grain and Meat Workers Union of Zambia
  10. Health Workers Union of Zambia
  11. Hotel, Catering, Tourism and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
  12. Judicial and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
  13. Mine Contractors and Allied Workers Union
  14. Mine Workers Union of Zambia
  15. National Energy Sector and Allied Workers Union
  16. National Road Sector Agencies and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
  17. National Union Building Engineering and General Workers
  18. National Union for Communication Workers
  19. National Union for Public Service Workers
  20. National Union of Aviation and Allied Workers
  21. National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers
  22. National Union of Plantation and Agriculture Workers
  23. National Union of Public Service Workers
  24. National Union of Technical Lecturers and Allied Workers
  25. Petroleum and Allied Workers Union
  26. Professional Teachers Union of Zambia
  27. Railways Workers Union of Zambia
  28. Secondary School Teachers Union of Zambia
  29. United Home and Domestic Workers Union of Zambia
  30. United Truck Drivers and Allied Workers Union of Zambia
  31. University of Zambia and Allied Workers Union
  32. Workers Union of Tazara
  33. Zambia Bureau of Standards Workers Union
  34. Zambia Bus and Taxi Workers Union
  35. Zambia Graphical and Allied Workers Union
  36. Zambia National Union of Health and Allied Workers
  37. Zambia National Union of Teachers
  38. Zambia Revenue Authority Workers Union
  39. Zambia Unified Union of Tourism and Hospitality
  40. Zambia Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers
  41. Zambia Union of Government and Allied Workers
  42. Zambia Union of Journalists
  43. Zambia Union of Nurses Organization
  44. Zambia Union of Security Officers and Allied Workers
  45. Zambia United Local Authorities Workers Union

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation .

Fackson Shamenda was president from 1991 to 2002, and Leonard Choongo Hikaumba since 2002 .

The general secretaries were Alec Chirwa from 1991 to 1998 and Sylvester Tembo from November 2002 .

286,000 members (1997) are organized in the trade unions. In 1990 there were 356,000. The number of members decreased with the number of formal employees, which decreased from 527,000 in 1990 to 472,000 in 1997. Only 11 percent of the working population in Zambia were formally employed in 2000 and 89 percent were informally.

The organization was instrumental in the overthrow of the dictator Kenneth Kaunda and the democratization of Zambia. Its 1974-1991 chairman, Frederick Chiluba , became the first free-elected President of Zambia after Kaunda. Newstead Zimba was Secretary General under him.

In 2002 it was

  • the minimum wage is US $ 0.07 per hour
  • the maximum regular working time was 48 hours a week, most workers had a 40-hour week,
  • the minimum age for employment was 16 years
  • PAYE tax system (Pay as you earn) collects 40 percent for incomes higher than US $ 500 per month.
  • the informal sector knows child labor.

The role of the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ) is unclear. Its seat is Lusaka, its president Joyce Nonde.

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