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The symbol of Zendokai Karate
Zendokai Kanji

Zendōkai ( Japanese 禅 道 会 , literally: " Zen path association") refers to the karate organization founded by Takashi Ozawa . Zendōkai is a Japanese mixed martial arts and budō sport. This is full contact karate, in which throwing and floor techniques, holding, levering and choking techniques are also permitted.


The association, officially NPO Hōjin Budō Sōgō Kakutogi Renmei Karatedō Zendōkai ( NPO 法人 日本 武 道 総 合格 闘 技 連 盟 空手道 禅 道 会 , dt. "Non-profit corporation of Japanese martial arts and mixed martial arts association: Karate way. Zendō became in Japan" Founded in 1999 by the karate grandmaster Takashi Ozawa in Iida , which had its origins in Kyokushin and Kūdō . There are 110 Zendokai karate schools across Japan with more than 12,000 members. Zendokai members can also be found in many professional fighting competitions such as Rizin, Deep, Pancrase, Shootboxing, ZST, and Jewels.


Zendōkai karate deals with the expansion of Japanese karate techniques by adding grappling, judo and jiu-jitsu techniques, resulting in Japanese mixed martial arts. It creates real self-defense conditions in which throwing and ground techniques, as well as holding, levering and choking techniques are trained.

Graduations and belt colors

The learning progress of a Zendokai Karateka is indicated by the color of his belt, which symbolizes a certain student degree ( Kyū degree ) or master degree ( Dan degree) . A beginner starts with the white belt, the highest possible belt is the 10th black belt (10th dan).

As soon as a student has completed the required minimum training time, they can take examinations to obtain the next higher belt. In the exams, static individual techniques (Kihon Geiko), individual techniques in movement (Ido Geiko), throwing techniques ( Nage Waza ), floor techniques (Ne-Waza) and various forms of fighting (Yakusoku Kumite, sparring) are examined.

The following table illustrates the belt colors in Zendokai Karate, analogous to its origin from the Kūdō :

Degree none 10. Kyu 9. Kyu 8. Kyu 7. Kyu 6. Kyu 5. Kyu 4. Kyu 3. Kyu 2. Kyu 1. Kyu 1st Dan 2nd - 10th Dan
Japanese Mukyu Jukkyu Kyūkyū Hakkyu Nanakyū Rokkyu Gokyu Yonkyu Sankyu Nikyu Ikkyu Shodan from Nidan
Belt color White purple purple blue blue yellow yellow green green brown brown black black
with a corresponding number of golden stripes


Like most other styles of karate, Zendokai has a spiritual core, in particular the elements of Zen Buddhism. These worldviews serve to explain the systems of Budō and to create a certain understanding. The so-called Dōjōkun offers a good insight into the principles of karate philosophy .


In Zendokai there are five central rules which should reflect the spirit and the being:

  1. We cultivate the mind and natural posture through martial arts training.
    一 つ 、 我 々 は 、 武 の 修業 を 通 じ 、 自然 体 の の 精神 を 涵養 す る こ と
  2. We show respect for the "elders" and all other living beings.
    一 つ 、 我 々 は 、 長 上 を 敬 し 、 一切 衆生 を 尊重 す る こ と
  3. We strive for peace and respect harmony so that struggle does not do wrong.
    一 つ 、 我 々 は 、 平和 和合 の 志 を 重 ん じ 、 無 な る 闘 争 を 行 わ ざ る こ と
  4. We train body and mind equally to honor the Bunbu Ryōdō.
    一 つ 、 我 々 は 、 身心 を 練 磨 し 、 文武 両 道 を 重 ん ず る こ と
  5. We expand the martial arts through Zen so that the training can fill a whole life.
    一 つ 、 我 々 は 、 拳 禅 一如 を 武 道 と し 、 生涯 修業 の 道 を 全 う す る こ と
  • Bunbu ryōdō is an expression from the Edo period and means "literature and weapons, both ways". So, wise advice is not only to train your muscles and body, but also to cultivate and educate your mind. Only those who have a certain spiritual maturity should handle weapons, because only then can the possible consequences of their own actions be correctly assessed. The old masters were without exception well versed in literature, dealt easily with calligraphy, played musical instruments or engaged in other arts apart from karate.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Zendokai Karate Association: Introduction (English)
  2. a b Zendokai Karate Association: Introduction (Japanese)
  3. Zendokai Karate-MMA Switzerland / Germany
  4. Zendokai International Division: Belt Levels (Japanese) ( Memento of the original from June 18, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.thaizenkarate.com
  5. Kudo International Federation: Belts and Exams (English)
  6. a b Zendokai Karate Association: International branches (English)