Census Act 2021

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Basic data
Title: Act to carry out the census in 2021
Short title: Census Act 2021
Abbreviation: ZensG 2021
Type: Federal law
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Legal matter: Administrative Law (Germany)
Issued on: November 26, 2019 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1851 )
Entry into force on: 3rd December 2019
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Zensus Act 2021 (ZensG 2021) is a federal German law for the implementation of the ten-year census prescribed by EU Directive 763/2008. According to the Federal Government, it ties in with the "tried and tested elements" of the 2011 census in the European Union and, where necessary, provides for methodological and organizational developments.

The construction of the infrastructure required for the 2021 census was regulated with the 2021 Census Preparation Act .


The so-called censorship date is set by law on May 16, 2021 (Section 1 (1)). Definitions such as “resident” or “usual place of residence” are defined in Section 2. In the following paragraph, the survey units (specifically “people and households”) are defined and who are part of the population.

The survey and auxiliary criteria are specified for the survey parts (Section 6).

In principle, there is an obligation to provide information (§§ 23 ff). This means that the municipalities and administrations, but also every citizen (if necessary) have to participate in the data collection. For the household sample according to § 11 and the repeat surveys according to § 22, all adults and minors who run their own household are required to provide information and participate (§ 25).

In order to guarantee data protection, the auxiliary features must be separated from the survey features as early as possible and deleted no later than four years after the censorship date (Section 31).

A cost compensation of a total of 300 million euros from the federal government to the states was specified in Section 36. The distribution is based on the expenditure of the federal states (§ 36). However, the costs for data transmission to the Federal Statistical Office will not be reimbursed (Section 35). Originally, the federal states had demanded 415 million euros for financial compensation, which could only be reached in the mediation committee .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 (PDF) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on population and housing censuses
  2. Federal government presents Census Act 2021, 1st reading, website of the German Bundestag, April 4, 2019
  3. Mediation process in the 19th electoral term, law for the implementation of the census in 2021 (Census Act 2021 - ZensG 2021). Retrieved December 6, 2019 .