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The cingulotomy (also called cingulotomy) is a radical operation in the human brain in which the cingulate gyrus (the cingulum) is permanently severed by an electrocaustic incision . As a result of the operation, the cingulum is permanently severed, which irreversibly changes the patient's psyche .

This operation is regarded as the last choice means ( Ultima Ratio ) for the treatment of severe mental disorders caused by neuronal caused defects. Most often, surgery is performed if the OCD syndrome ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ) is present.

The latest procedures do not require opening the skull ( trepanation ). Instead, targeted radiological radiation such as B. used the gamma knife to specifically cut through brain tissue .

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are the main indication, along with affective disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder , depression and chronic pain syndromes.

If the cingulotomy with a ventral located lesion , combined, resembles a subkaudalen tractotomy, then one speaks of a limbic lobotomy .

See also