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Two-tier (precisely: two-tier youth welfare office ) means that the youth welfare office not only consists of the administration of the youth welfare office, but also consists of the youth welfare committee and the administration of the youth welfare office.

The legal basis for this dichotomy can be found in Sections 70, 71 of Book VIII of the Social Code, which regulate the organization, composition, tasks and decision-making rights of the youth welfare committee as part of the youth welfare office.

The youth welfare committee is a special kind of municipal committee. It expresses the educational reform concept of a lively youth welfare office and democratic co-responsibility. This becomes particularly clear if one uses the justification of the Federal Government for the establishment of the two-tier youth welfare office. There it says:

"The institution of the youth welfare committee should realize a real democracy, especially in the youth welfare office, and transfer responsibility for the upbringing of young people to the citizens who have demonstrated common sense through free collaboration in the common good."

The federal legislature wanted to avoid that the concerns of children, young people and their families lie exclusively in the hands of bureaucrats. In addition, those who are committed to this group of people and have appropriate experience should be involved. These are independent individuals and representatives of voluntary organizations.

These play an important role because without their sponsorship the state would not be able to meet its obligations in the social field with the available financial resources. That is why there was also a particular interest in involving the independent organizations in the decision-making and planning processes of youth welfare.

The two-tier structure of the youth welfare offices is based on cooperation, participation, networking, broadly represented professionalism and planning coordination. This professional orientation corresponds with a modern approach of citizen and affected person participation.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Justification of the Federal Government on the draft of a law to amend the regulations of the Reich Youth Welfare Act, BT-Drs. 1/3641

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