Basel magazine for history and archeology

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The Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde is a journal for historical studies . It is published by the Basel Historical and Antiquarian Society . It contains scholarly contributions and mishaps on topics from history and its neighboring disciplines, as well as obituaries by historians with a Basel connection; until the 1970s, handwritten sources were also repeatedly edited. The magazine appeared and appears in the years Volume 1 from 1902 to Volume 18 from 1919 and from Volume 19 from 1921 to today as an annual volume. Since 2002, most of the articles in a volume have been dedicated to one main topic. Before that, individual volumes were designed as commemorative publications. Each volume also contains the annual report and annual accounts of the publisher and, until 1999, of the Pro Augusta Raurica Foundation. In addition, the Archaeological Soil Research of the Canton of Basel-Stadt published its activity report over a longer period in the Basler Zeitschrift.

The Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde and its predecessor Articles on Patriotic History (from 1839) were digitized by the Swiss Electronic Academic Library Service (SEALS).

Well-known authors (alphabetical)


  • Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde 86 (1986), pp. 19–26.

Web links