Benedetta Cappa

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Benedetta Cappa , also Benedetta , (born August 15, 1897 in Rome , † May 15, 1977 in Venice ) was an Italian painter of futurism and the wife of the founder of futurism Filippo Tommaso Marinetti .


Benedetta was a student of the futurist Giacomo Balla in Rome in 1917 , where she met Filippo Tommaso Marinetti , whom she married in 1923 and with whom she traveled to Argentina and Brazil. The very harmonious marriage has two girls. Benedetta Cappa was a versatile artist who, in addition to paintings, also worked on stage sets and was a writer. From 1919 to 1920 she developed her tavole tattili , works of art to be touched, which were based on a manifesto by Giacomo Balla and undoubtedly provided the inspiration for Marinetti's tattilism , the touch as an additional element of the art experience. In 1924 she completed her first novel ( Le forze umane - Romanzo astratto con sintesi grafiche ). Back in Rome, she studied the graphic values ​​of words. In 1926 she began to design stage sets. In addition, she participated with her paintings in numerous exhibitions and signed the Manifesto dell'aeropittura futurista (1929) and the Manifesto della Plastica murale futurista (1934). After Marinetti's death in 1944, she endeavored to promote the spread of Futurism internationally.


  • Ingo Bartsch, Maurizio Scudiero (Ed.): “... we machines too, we also mechanized! … “The second phase of Italian futurism 1915–1945. Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-933040-81-7 .
  • Dietrich Kämper (ed.): The musical futurism. Cologne 1999.
  • Maurizio Calvesi: Futurism. Munich 1975.
  • Evelyn Benesch, Ingried Brugger: Futurism. Radical avant-garde. Milan 2003.
  • Caroline Tisdall, Angelo Bozzola: Futurism. London 2000, ISBN 0-500-20159-5 .
  • Christa Baumgarth: History of Futurism. Reinbek near Hamburg 1966.
  • Evelyn Benesch, Ingried Brugger: Futurism - Radical Avant-garde. Exhibition catalog. Milan 2003, ISBN 88-202-1602-7 .
  • Hansgeorg Schmidt-Bergmann : Futurism - History, Aesthetics, Documents. Reinbek near Hamburg 1993, ISBN 3-499-55535-2 .