Bourgogne (wine region)

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The Burgundy wine region. The regional appellation Bourgogne is practically congruent with the wine-growing region of Burgundy.

The Bourgogne wine-growing region is the regional appellation of the Burgundy wine-growing region . Every wine from the Greater Burgundy region can bear this name, provided that the minimum requirements are met. Since July 31, 1937, these provisions have been recorded as part of an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC for short).

In 2006, a total of 971.37 hectares with white grape varieties and 1842.11 hectares with red varieties were declared under this designation of origin . The average production volume between 2003 and 2007 was 52,764 hectoliters of white wine and 93,534 red and rosé wine. These values ​​do not include the production volumes of Bourgogne Aligoté , the growing conditions of which are described separately.

  • For the red and rosé are varieties Pinot Noir , Pinot Liébault and Pinot Gris admitted. To max. 15%, the white grape varieties Chardonnay and / or Pinot Blanc are also permitted. The Gamay grape variety is also permitted in the Rhône department , as it is located there in the Beaujolais wine-growing region . The César and Tressot varieties also find their way into the wines locally . The harvest restriction is 55 hectoliters / hectare, the minimum alcohol content is 10%. The regulation requires that the must for the red wine contains at least 162 grams of sugar per liter (→ must weight ). For rosé wine, this value is 153 g / l.
  • When white wine only Chardonnay and / or Pinot Blanc are approved. The harvest restriction is 60 hectoliters / hectare, the minimum alcohol content is 10.5%. The minimum must weight is 153 g / l.

Some congregations have a special status. The wines harvested in Serrigny may be called Bourgogne Chapelle-Notre-Dame . Bourgogne Chapitre are the names of the wines from Chenôve . Some parcels in the city of Dijon are allowed to be marketed under the name Bourgogne Montrecul (or Montre-Cul or En Montre-Cul). The wines from Joigny may carry the designation Bourgogne Côte-Saint-Jacques on the label . The allocation of a special status is often the first step towards a specific appellation.

Approved vineyards according to municipality

Yonne department

In the Yonne department , vines from the following 54 municipalities are permitted:

Accolay , Asquins , Augy , Auxerre , bein , Bernouil , Béru , Bleigny-le-Carreau , Chablis , Champvallon , La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne , Charentenay , Chemilly-sur-Serein , Cheney , Chichée , Chitry , Collan , Coulanges-la-Vineuse , Courgis , Cravant , Dannemoine , Dyé , Epineuil , Escolives-Sainte-Camille , Fleys , Fontenay-près-Chablis , Irancy , Joigny , Junay , Jussy , Lignorelles , Ligny-le-Châtel , Maligny , Migé , Molosmes , Mouffy , Poilly -sur-Serein , Quenne , Saint-Bris-le-Vineux , Saint-Cyr-les-Colons , Saint-Père , Serrigny , Tharoiseau , Tonnerre , Tronchoy , Val-de-Mercy , Venoy , Vermenton , Vézelay , Vézinnes , Villy , Vincelottes , Viviers , Volgré .

Côte-d'Or department

In the Côte-d'Or department , vines from the following 91 municipalities are permitted:

Aloxe-Corton , Ancey , Arcenant , Auxey-Duresses , Baubigny , Beaune , Belan-sur-Ource , Bévy , Bissey-la-Côte , Bligny-lès-Beaune , Boncourt-le-Bois , Bouix , Bouze-lès-Beaune , Brion-sur-Ource , Brochon , Chambolle-Musigny , Charrey-sur-Seine , Chassagne-Montrachet , Chaumont-le-Bois , Chaux , Chenôve , Chevannes , Chorey , Collonges-lès-Bévy , Comblanchien , Corcelles-les-Monts , Corgoloin , Cormot-le-Grand , Corpeau , Couchey , Curtil-Vergy , Daix , Dijon , Échevronne , L'Étang-Vergy , Fixin , Flagey-Echézeaux , Fussey , Gevrey-Chambertin , Gilly-lès-Cîteaux , Gomméville , Griselles , Ladoix-Serrigny , Larrey , Magny-lès-Villers , Mâlain , Marcenay , Marsannay-la-Côte , Massigny , Mavilly-Mandelot , Marey-lès-Fussey , Meloisey , Messanges , Meuilley , Meursault , Molesmes , Monthelie , Montliot-et- Courcelles , Morey-Saint-Denis , Mosson , Nantoux , Noiron-sur-Seine , Nolay , Nuits-Saint-Georges , Obtrée , Pernand-Vergelesses , Plombières-lès-Dijon , Poinçon-lès-Larrey , Pommard , P. othières , Premeaux-Prissey , Puligny-Montrachet , Reulle-Vergy , La Rochepot , Saint-Aubin , Saint-Romain , Santenay , Savigny-lès-Beaune , Segrois , Talant , Thoires , Vannaire , Vauchignon , Villars-Fontaine , Villedieu , Villers -la-Faye , Villers-Patras , Vix , Volnay , Vosne-Romanée , Vougeot .

Saône-et-Loire department

In the Saône-et-Loire department , grapes from the following 154 municipalities are permitted:

Aluze , Ameugny , Azé , Barizey , Berzé-la-Ville , Berzé-le-Châtel , Bissey-sous-Cruchaud , Bissy-la-Mâconnaise , Bissy-sur-Fley , Bissy-sous-Uxelles , Blanot , Bonnay , Bouzeron , Boyer , Burgy , Burnand , Bussières , Buxy , Bray , Bresse-sur-Grosne , Cersot , Chagny , Chaintré , Chamilly , Champagny-sous-Uxelles , Chânes , Change , Chapaize , La Chapelle-de-Guinchay , La Chapelle-sous- Brancion , Charbonnières , Chardonnay , Charnay-lès-Mâcon , Charrecey , Chasselas , Chassey-le-Camp , Château , Cheilly-lès-Maranges , Chenôves , Chevagny-les-Chevrières , Chissey-lès-Mâcon , Clessé , Cortambert , Cortevaix , Couches , Crêches-sur-Saône , Créot , Cruzille , Culles-les-Roches , Curtil-sous-Burnand , Davayé , Dennevy , Dezize-lès-Maranges , Donzy-le-National , Dracy-lès-Couches , Dracy-le- Fort , Épertully , Etrigny , Farges-lès-Mâcon , Fleurville , Fley , Fontaines , Fuissé , Genouilly , Germagny , Givry , Grevilly , Hurigny , Igé , Jalogny , Jambles , Jugy , Jully-lès-Buxy , Lacrost , La ives , Laizé , Leynes , Lournand , Lugny , Mâcon , Malay , Mancey , Martailly-lès-Brancion , Massy , Mellecey , Mercurey , Milly-Lamartine , Montagny-lès-Buxy , Montbellet , Montceaux-Ragny , Moroges , Nanton , Ozenay , Paris-l'Hôpital , Péronne , Pierreclos , Préty , Prissé , Pruzilly , Remigny , La Roche-Vineuse , Romanèche-Thorins , Rosey , Royer , Rully , Saint-Albain , Saint-Amour-Bellevue , Saint-Boil , Saint-Clément -sur-Guye , Saint-Denis-de-Vaux , Saint-Désert , Saint-Gengoux-de-Scissé , Saint-Gengoux-le-National , Saint-Gilles , Saint-Jean-de-Trézy , Saint-Jean-de -Vaux , Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune , Saint-Mard-de-Vaux , Saint-Martin-Belle-Roche , Saint-Martin-du-Tartre , Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu , Saint-Maurice-des-Champs , Saint-Maurice-de-Satonnay , Saint-Maurice-lès-Couches , Saint-Pierre-de-Varennes , Saint-Sernin-du-Plain , Saint-Symphorien-d'Ancelles , Saint-Vallerin , Saint-Vérand , Saint -Ythaire , La Salle , Salornay-sur-Guye , Sampigny-lès-Maranges , Santilly , Sassangy , Saules , Savigny-sur-Grosne , Sennecey-le-Grand , Senozan , Sercy , Serrières , Sigy-le-Châtel , Sologny , Solutré-Pouilly , Tournus , Uchizy , Vaux-en-Pré , Vergisson , Vers , Verzé , Le Villars , La Vineuse , Vinzelles , Viré .

Rhône department

In the Rhône department , grapes from the following 85 municipalities are permitted:

Alix , Anse , L'Arbresle , Les Ardillats , Arnas , Bagnols , Beaujeu , Belleville , Belmont-d'Azergues , Blacé , Le Bois-d'Oingt , Le Breuil , Bully , Cercié , Chambost-Allières , Chamelet , Charentay , Charnay , Châtillon-d'Azergues , Chazay-d'Azergues , Chénas , Chessy , Chiroubles , Cogny , Corcelles-en-Beaujolais , Dareizé , Denicé , Émeringes , Fleurie , Frontenas , Gleizé , Jarnioux , Juliénas , Jullié , Lacenas , Lachassagne , Lancié , Lantignié , Légny , Létra , Liergues , Limas , Lozanne , Lucenay , Marchampt , Marcy , Moiré , Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin , Morancé , Nuelles , Odenas , Oingt , Les Olmes , Le Perréon , Pommiers , Pouilly-le-Monial , Quincié -en-Beaujolais , Régnié-Durette , Rivolet , Salles-Arbuissonnas-en-Beaujolais , Saint-Clément-sur-Valsonne , Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux , Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu , Saint-Étienne-des-Oullières , Saint-Étienne-la-Varenne , Saint-Germain-sur-l'Arbresle , Saint-Georges-de-Reneins , Saint-Jean-d'Ardières , Saint-Jean-des-Vignes , Saint-Julie n , Saint-Just-d'Avray , Saint-Lager , Saint-Laurent-d'Oingt , Saint-Loup , Sainte-Paule , Saint-Romain-de-Popey , Saint-Vérand , Sarcey , Ternand , Theizé , Vaux- en-Beaujolais , Vauxrenard , Vernay , Ville-sur-Jarnioux , Villié-Morgon .

For a while, vineyards from the following communities were permitted up to the 2005 vintage :

  1. In the Côte-d'Or department: Chevigny-en-Valière , Combertault , Corcelles-les-Arts , Ebaty , Levernois , Merceuil , Montigny-lès-Beaune , Perrigny-lès-Dijon , Sainte-Marie-la-Blanche , Tailly .
  2. In the Yonne department: Appoigny , Chichery , Montagny-la-Resle .
  3. In the Saône-et-Loire department: Géanges , Saint-Loup-de-la-Salle , Chaudenay , Demigny .
