Flag of Colombia

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Flag of Colombia
Flag of Colombia.svg

Vexillological symbol : National flag on land and service flag at sea?
Aspect ratio: 2: 3
Officially accepted: November 26, 1861
Naval war flag ?War flag at sea
Trade flag ?Trade flag

The flag of Colombia was adopted on November 26, 1861. The design of the flag was designed by Francisco de Miranda for Venezuela and later also used for the Greater Colombia created by Simón Bolívar , which is why the flags of Venezuela and Ecuador follow the same basic design.

Description and meaning

The national flag consists of three horizontal stripes in the colors yellow, blue and red. The upper yellow stripe is twice as wide as the two lower stripes.

There is no official description of the meaning of the colors.

However, three explanatory models are widely used:

  • Yellow for sovereignty and justice, blue for nobility, loyalty and vigilance, and red for bravery, honor, generosity and the blood toll that had to be paid in the struggle for independence.
  • Yellow for universal freedom, blue for the equality of all peoples and social classes before God and the law, and red for brotherhood
  • Yellow for great natural resources, blue for the waters of the two oceans, and red for the blood spilled in the struggle for independence.

Historical flags

Flags of Greater Colombia
Flags of the (independent) New Granada

See also