Frutolf von Michelsberg

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Frutolf von Michelsberg (* unknown; † January 17, 1103 ) was a monk and priest in the Michelsberg monastery in Bamberg , whose prior he was temporarily. He probably came from Bavaria.

Frutolf may have worked as a teacher of the Quadrivium in the monastery, but above all as a librarian and scribe. In this capacity he ensured a considerable expansion of the Michelsberg library holdings. Some of the works he copied are still preserved today.

He also appeared as an author of his own works: The world chronicle ( Chronica ) Frutolf is considered the most comprehensive and best-ordered chronograph of the early Middle Ages . It reaches from creation to 1099 and was edited and continued by Ekkehard von Aura after Frutolf's death . Furthermore, a Breviarium de musica almost certainly comes from Frutolf's pen, a Liber de divinis officiis and instructions for a board game with number pieces are not clearly attributable to Frutolf.


  • Georg Waitz (Ed.): Ekkehardi Uraugiensis Chronica . In: Georg Heinrich Pertz u. a. (Ed.): Scriptores (in Folio) 6: Chronica et annales aevi Salici. Hanover 1844, pp. 33–210 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version )
  • Franz-Josef Schmale and Irene Schmale-Ott (eds.): Frutolfs and Ekkehards chronicles and the anonymous imperial chronicle (= selected sources on German history in the Middle Ages (Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe), vol. 15). Darmstadt 1972, ISBN 3-534-01429-4 (contains , inter alia: Introduction to Frutolf, pp. 4–19; Frutolfs Chronik, pp. 46–121 (Latin / German text from the year 1000 on)).
  • Franz-Josef Schmale, Irene Schmale-Ott, Christian Lohmer (eds.): The chronicle of Frutolf von Michelsberg and its continuations . (= MGH SS 33). Part 1: ISBN 3-7752-5042-5 (in preparation, status: December 2015), Part 2: ISBN 3-7752-5462-5 (in preparation, status December 2015).


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