Hans Henning from the East

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Hans Henning von der Osten (born October 31, 1899 in Potsdam , † June 30, 1960 in Uppsala ) was a German archaeologist from the Near East .


After graduating from high school during the First World War , von der Osten was drafted by the army in 1917 and seriously injured on the western front . Even after the war he remained in the Reichswehr . In addition to his military duties, he studied archeology , ancient oriental studies and ancient history at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin . Eduard Meyer and Friedrich Delitzsch were among his teachers, Emil Forrer and Ernst Friedrich Weidner were among his fellow students . During the occupation of the Ruhrwas used by the east as a liaison officer and stayed with Heinz Oskar Hauenstein in Elberfeld to collect material that could be used for propaganda purposes. From 1922 he continued his studies in the United States, initially in New York and finally in Chicago .

In 1927 he was head of the Anatolian expedition of the " Oriental Institute " at the University of Chicago , his deputy was Erich Friedrich Schmidt . He taught at Ankara University from 1936 to 1939 ; his students included Tahsin Özgüç . From 1951 taught von der Osten at the Swedish University of Uppsala , from which he received an honorary doctorate in 1959.

He has two children with his first wife Maria Isabel Baptista; Erimar from the East and Leopoldo from the East.

In 1960 he was elected the first director of the Tehran department of the German Archaeological Institute , but died before official business began.


Publications (selection)

  • The world of the Persians. G. Kilpper, Stuttgart 1956.
  • The excavation of Tell eṣ-Ṣaliḥiyeh. Svenska Syria Expedition 1952–1953. Svenska Institutet i Athens, Uppsala 1956.
  • Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1934. The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications; Vol. XXII ( text online ).
  • Ancient oriental seal stones from the Hans Silvius von Aulock collection. Almquist & Wiksell 1957. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia XIII.
  • with Rudolf Naumann : Takht-i-Suleiman. Mann, Berlin 1961.
  • Exploration in Hittite Asia Minor. 1929 (OIC 8, Chicago 1929) 76-77.
  • Discoveries in Anatolia 1930–31. Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1933.
  • Four sculptures from Marash. In: Metropolitan Museum Studies 21, 1929, pp. 112-132.
  • Aghaya Kaleh. In: The American Journal of Semitic Languages ​​and Literatures 45, 1929, pp. 275-278.
  • Seven Parthian statuettes. In: The Art Bulletin 8, 1926, pp. 169-174.
  • The Ancient Seals from the Near East in the Metropolitan Museum: Old and Middle Persian Seals. In: The Art Bulletin 13, 1931, pp. 221-224.
