Karl Theodor Robert Luther

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Discovered asteroids : 24
Thetis April 17, 1852
Proserpine May 5, 1853
Bellona March 1, 1854
Leukothea April 19, 1855
Fides October 5, 1855
Aglaya September 15, 1857
Calypso April 4, 1858
Mnemosyne September 22, 1859
Concordia March 24, 1860
Leto April 29, 1861
Niobe August 13, 1861
Diana March 15, 1863
Alcmene November 27, 1864
Klio August 25, 1865
Antiope October 1, 1866
Arethusa November 23, 1867
Hecuba April 2, 1869
Amalthea March 12, 1871
Peitho March 15, 1872
Sophrosyne September 27, 1873
Germania September 12, 1884
Eucrates March 14, 1885
Tyche May 4, 1886
Glauke February 20, 1890

Karl Theodor Robert Luther (born April 16, 1822 in Schweidnitz , † February 15, 1900 in Düsseldorf ) was a German astronomer who was best known for the discovery of numerous asteroids .


From 1841 he studied philosophy , mathematics and astronomy in Breslau and Berlin . At the same time he worked at the Berlin observatory and got a job there in 1848. In 1851 he moved to the Düsseldorf observatory as director .

Between 1852 and 1890 he succeeded in discovering a total of 24 asteroids . He outbid the Franco-German astronomer Hermann Goldschmidt , who found 14 asteroids between 1852 and 1861. After Luther, the American Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters had 48 asteroids ( 1861–1889) and the Austrian Johann Palisa had 123 asteroids (1874–1923).

While drawing the academic star map hora O , Luther discovered the variable star T Piscium in the constellation Pisces .

At the University of Bonn he was awarded a Dr. phil. honoris causa and received the Lalandesches Prize for Astronomy seven times from the Paris Académie des Sciences . His city of Düsseldorf was also financially grateful for the prestige gained through the discoveries.

Medal Luther Goldschmidt Hind.jpg

On the Paris commemorative medal of 1868, which was minted on the occasion of the hundredth asteroid, he is shown alongside Hermann Goldschmidt and John Russel Hind , two other multiple discoverers. The medal was in 1869 in the Paris Mint on behalf of Napoleon III. pronounced. The asteroid (1303) Luthera was named after him. In addition, the moon crater Luther was named after him. In 1882 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .


“The other day I wanted to go to the observatory with an acquaintance and suddenly thought of that stargazer in Düsseldorf who was also there in the pubs and has always been tracking down such small planets, the fool, I think his name was Lutter; otherwise I had forgotten him completely. "

- Gottfried Keller to Ferdinand Freiligrath , correspondence in October 1855


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Individual evidence

  1. Joseph & Fellner No. 1354, illustration plate 57
  2. Quoted from: Beatrix Müller, Marianne Tilch (Ed.): Düsseldorf. Texts and images from four centuries. JB Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-476-00784-7 , p. 220