List of central solar eclipses in Europe in the 21st century

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This article contains a list of all solar eclipses of the 21st century that could or can be observed from Europe in a central , circular or total manner. As a supplement, there is also a full list of all solar eclipses of the 21st century .

In Germany , Austria or Switzerland , only the solar eclipse of September 3, 2081 is total. The eclipses of July 13, 2075 , February 27, 2082 and July 23, 2093 can be seen in this area in the 21st century .

The following columns are used in the table:

  • Date : The information refers to the time of the greatest eclipse (which does not have to be within Europe) and is given in terrestrial time (TT).
  • Type : The eclipses in the table are total or ring-shaped , hybrid eclipses do not occur in Europe in the 21st century, partial eclipses are not included in the table.
  • Size : The maximum size of the eclipse as defined by NASA .
  • Duration : Is the duration of the total or ring-shaped phase of the eclipse at the place where the axis of the umbra of the moon is closest to the center of the earth ( Greatest Eclipse ). As a rule, this corresponds to the longest duration of the eclipse. This location does not have to be in Europe for the eclipses shown.
  • Visibility area : The area in which the darkness is central, i.e. can be seen in a ring or totally, is given. The areas outside Europe are also indicated.
date Art size Duration Visibility area
May 31, 2003 Ring-shaped 0.938 03m37s Iceland , Greenland
Oct 3, 2005 Ring-shaped 0.958 04m32s Iberian Peninsula , Ibiza , Libya , Sudan , Kenya
March 29, 2006 Total 1.052 04m07s Africa , Kastelorizo , Turkey , Georgia , Russia , Kazakhstan , north Mongolia
Aug 1, 2008 Total 1.039 02m27s Canada , Greenland , Kvitøya ( Spitsbergen ), Novaya Zemlya , Siberia , Mongolia , China
March 20, 2015 Total 1.045 02m47s North Atlantic , Faroe Islands , Svalbard
Aug 12, 2026 Total 1.039 02m18s Northern Russia , Eastern Greenland , Western Iceland , Iberian Peninsula , Balearic Islands
Aug 2, 2027 Total 1.079 06m23s South coast of Spain , Gibraltar , north coast of Africa , Arabian Peninsula , Somalia
Jan 26, 2028 Ring-shaped 0.921 10m27s South America , Iberian Peninsula
June 1, 2030 Ring-shaped 0.944 05m21s North Africa , Malta , Greece , Turkey , southeastern Bulgaria , southeastern Ukraine , Russia , Kazakhstan , China , Japan
Jun 21, 2039 Ring-shaped 0.945 04m05s Alaska , northern Canada , Norway , Central Sweden , South Finland , the Baltics , Russia
Jun 11, 2048 Ring-shaped 0.944 04m58s USA , Canada , Greenland , Iceland , Central Norway , Central Sweden , Baltic States , Russia , Turkmenistan , Afghanistan
Sep 12 2053 Total 1.033 03m04s Gibraltar , North Coast of Africa , Arabian Peninsula , Indonesia
Nov 5, 2059 Ring-shaped 0.942 07m00s South of France , Sardinia , Northeast Africa , Maldives , Indonesia
Apr 30, 2060 Total 1.066 05m15s Brazil , West and North Africa , Cyprus , Turkey , Kazakhstan , China
Apr 20, 2061 Total 1.048 02m37s Ukraine , Russia , Kazakhstan , Svalbard , Arctic Ocean
22 Jun 2066 Ring-shaped 0.943 04m40s Russia , USA , Canada , Azores
Jul 13, 2075 Ring-shaped 0.947 04m45s Northeast Spain , South France , Italy , Southeast Austria , Eastern Europe , Russia
3rd Sep 2081 Total 1.072 05m33s France , Switzerland , Southern Germany , Austria , Slovenia , Bulgaria , Turkey , Syria , Iraq , Arabian Peninsula
Feb. 27, 2082 Ring-shaped 0.930 08m12s South America , Iberian Peninsula , Southern France , Italy , Southern Germany , Austria
Jul 3, 2084 Ring-shaped 0.942 04m25s Russia , USA , Canada
Apr 21, 2088 Total 1.047 03m58s Cape Verde , Western Sahara , Mauritania , Mali , Algeria , Tunisia , Italy , Malta , Greece , Turkey , Georgia , Russia , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan , China
23 Sep 2090 Total 1.056 03m36s Canada , Greenland , Great Britain , France , Belgium
7 Feb 2092 Ring-shaped 0.984 01m48s Panama , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , Canary Islands , Morocco , Algeria
23 Jul 2093 Ring-shaped 0.946 05m11s North America , Caribbean , British Isles , Netherlands , Germany , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Eastern Hungary , Romania , Turkey , Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan , Pakistan
May 11, 2097 Total 1.054 03m10s North America , Northern Europe

Individual evidence

  1. All data not marked separately comes from the NASA website ( )

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