Nikolai Evgenyevich Sorokin

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Nikolai Sorokin ( Russian Николай Евгеньевич Сорокин * 15. February 1952 in the settlement Kasatschi, Rajon Wesjoly , Rostov Oblast , RSFSR ; † 26. March 2013 in Rostov-on-Don , Russia ) was a Russian and Soviet -Russian theater - and film actor , Director , theater educator and politician . He was the artistic director and director of the Rostov Academic Maxim Gorky Theater . In 1999 he was awarded the title “ People's Artist of Russia ”.


In 1975 Sorokin graduated from the Rostov Art School, where he received acting lessons from Mikhail Buschtnow , and then worked at the Rostov Gorki Theater. In 1984 he graduated from GITIS , the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, with a degree in acting and directing , his acting teacher there was Elina Bystritskaya . He then returned to the Rostov Theater, where he continued his work as an actor and also as a director.

In 1996 Nikolai Sorokin became artistic director of the Rostov Academic Maxim Gorky Theater, and from 2007 its theater director.

From 1999 to 2003 he was a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, first as a member of the faction on the pro-Putin “Unity” list, later as a member of the “ United Russia ” party. During this time he was vice chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism.

From 2004 to 2012 he trained actors in the Rostov branch of the State University of Art and Culture Saint Petersburg .

Nikolai Sorokin dedicated forty years of his life to the Rostov Theater. As an actor he portrayed over a hundred characters, as a director he realized numerous theater productions that were also successful abroad.

Sorokin was married to Tamara Alexandrovna Sorokina, with whom he had a daughter. Nikolai Sorokin died on March 26, 2013 in Rostov-on-Don.

Theater work (selection)

Theater work as an actor (roles)

Theater work as a director

At the Rostov Academic Maxim Gorki Theater

At the Bulgarian Ivan Radoew Theater in Pleven

  • Wassa Schelesnowa by Maxim Gorki


  • 1985: New territory under the plow (TV movie)
  • 2002: Vovochka ( Russian Вовочка )
  • 2003: Kill Evening ( Russian Убить вечер )
  • 2005: Ataman ( Russian Атаман )
  • 2006: Schedule of Fates ( Russian Расписание судеб )
  • 2006: The Last Slaughter ( Russian Последний забой )

Titles and awards

Web links