Series scheme of the BHStB and BHLB

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The locomotives were designated by the Bosnian-Herzegovinian State Railways (BHStB) and later the Bosnian-Herzegovinian State Railways (BHLB) according to the following scheme:

Locomotive classification
designation Coupled axles Weight (locomotive and tender)
I. 1 under 23 tons
IIa 2 under 23 tons
IIb 2 23-25 ​​tons
IIc 2 over 25 tons
IIIa 3 under 30 tons
IIIb 3 30-35 tons
IIIc 3 over 35 tons
IVa 4th under 40 tons
IVb 4th 40-46 tons
IVc 4th over 46 tons
Va 5 under 50 tons
Vb 5 50-56 tons
Vc 5 over 56 tons
VIc 6th

An Arabic number at the end of the designation indicates the total number of axles. Each locomotive has been given an additional number, which largely corresponds to the chronology of its commissioning. The five-axle locomotives and the six-axle mallets are an exception .

The series scheme remained in use on the railways of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes for the Bosnian narrow-gauge locomotives. It was not until 1933 that the Yugoslav State Railways (JDŽ) introduced their own numbering scheme.


  • Keith Chester: The Narrow Gauge Railways of Bosnia Hercegovina. Stenvalls 2006, ISBN 91-7266-166-6 .