UN Security Council Resolution 4

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Small Flag of the United Nations ZP.svg
UN Security
Council Resolution 4
Date: April 29, 1946
Meeting: 39
Identifier: S / RES / 4 ( document )

Poll: Pro: 10  Ent. : 1  Cons: 0
Object: The Spanish question
Result: accepted

Composition of the Security Council in 1946:
Permanent members:

China Republic 1928Republic of China (1912–1949) CHN FRA GBR SUN USAFranceFrance  United KingdomUnited Kingdom  Soviet Union 1923Soviet Union  United States 48United States 

Non-permanent members:
AustraliaAustralia FROM BRA EGYBrazil 1889Brazil  Egypt 1922Egypt 
Mexico 1934Mexico MEX NLD POLNetherlandsNetherlands  PolandPoland 

Flag of Spain (1945–1977) .svg
Historic flag? Spanish flag at the time of the Franco regime in the version from 1945 to 1977

Resolution 4 of the UN Security Council was adopted on 29 April 1946th The Security Council condemned the Franco regime in Spain and formed a sub-committee to determine whether Franco's rule was leading to international tension and, if so, what should be done.


The resolution was passed with 10 votes. The Soviet Union abstained. This is the first resolution in the history of the Security Council in which a permanent member abstained. This is important insofar as in the early days of the Security Council it was not clearly clarified whether or not an abstention in the Security Council equals a no-vote and thus a veto. The Soviet representative in the Security Council, Gromyko , who did not publicly support the resolution but wanted it to take effect, stated on the record that he did not want his abstention to be understood under any circumstances as a precedent for the treatment of the abstention of permanent members in the Security Council.


In Resolution 7 of June 26, 1946, the Security Council dealt with the result of the subcommittee's investigation. This had confirmed all the facts that led to the condemnation of the Franco regime. In Resolution 10 of November 4, 1946, the Security Council finally ended its involvement in the matter and handed over all files to the General Assembly.

See also

Web links

Wikisource: Original text of the resolution  - sources and full texts (English)


  1. Hortense Ute Demme: Hegemonic concepts in international law: The permanent seat in the Security Council of the United Nations. Frankfurt am Main, 2006, p. 965.