Sigi Rothemund

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Siegfried Rothemund , called Sigi or Siggi Götz , (born March 14, 1944 ) is a German film director and screenwriter . His father Siegfried Rothemund was the owner of Siro Musik GmbH , his son Marc Rothemund is also a director, his daughter Nina Rothemund an actress. The center of my life is Munich.

Live and act

Siegfried Rothemund initially directed and wrote Lederhosen films and shallow comedies under the pseudonym Siggi Götz . He used this name "if he wanted to have fun in the cinema below level" :( FAZ ) These include go, take off your dirndl (1973), Greek figs (1976), Big Mäc (1985) and pirate station Powerplay (1982) . This period lasted until 1988 and ended with the episode film Strong Times . His son Marc made the film Pornorama about this era of German cinema .

As early as 1979 the director was able to distinguish himself as Sigi Rothemund with the Christmas series Timm Thaler . With the series Hafdetektiv , in which Klaus Löwitsch played the leading role, he took the first steps in the crime scene before he - again with Löwitsch in the leading role - directed Peter Strohm . This was followed by series works for Die Männer vom K3 (1992) and Alles bes Mord (1994). In 2002, after two episodes, he took over the film series Donna Leon from Christian von Castelberg and has directed all episodes ever since. He also realized episodes for Ein Fall für den Fuchs (2005) and Commissario Laurenti (2006).

Rothemund was also successful as a director of cinema and television films. Works such as Affäre Nachtfrost (1989), The Intruder (1990), The Final (1998), Our Children! Lost on vacation (1998), Yesterday is never over (1999), A father to fall in love with (2001), A lonely house at the lake (2004) and Granny against will (2012).

Filmography (selection)

useful information

The cinematic magazine Sigi Götz Entertainment has existed since 2001 , edited by Ulrich Mannes, who borrowed the pseudonym of Siegfried Rothemund for its title and, among other curiosities from the history of film, deals with the work of the namesake.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Glossary Feuilleton - Olivia Pascal forever in FAZ , June 30, 2005, No. 149, p. 43
  2. ^ Sigi Rothemund. IMDB, accessed August 13, 2020 .
  3. SigiGötz-Entertainment - the personality magazine for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Retrieved on August 13, 2020 (German).