Tom and Jerry

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Tom and Jerry is an American series of 161 short cartoons produced for the cinema between 1940 and 1967 . Most of the episodes deal with the tomcat's attempt to catch the house mouse Jerry, which results in bizarre chases and duels, in which the mouse usually has the upper hand.

The production was extremely successful worldwide and received numerous prizes and awards. Seven episodes were awarded an Oscar , and another six were nominated for an Oscar. This makes Tom and Jerry the most award-winning cartoon series ever.



The series was preceded by the animated film Jerry drives too colorful ( Puss Gets the Boot ), which was released in 1940. Like the first 114 episodes, it was produced in the animation studio of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer under the direction of William Hanna (1910-2001) and Joseph Barbera (1911-2006) under classic animation conditions. Fred Quimby and other high-ranking representatives of the MGM reacted rather cautiously to the screening of the film, while they had liked the preliminary versions very much. When the film was released in cinemas without major advertising, Rudolf Ising received the credit for directing, while Hanna and Barbera were not named in the original version. After the film was Oscar-nominated, Quimby called the two of them into his office, told them MGM didn't want to put everything on one card, and let them work on other characters. It was only when short film expert Besa Short (1895–1974) asked Quimby by letter “when the world would see more of these adorable cat-and-mouse cartoons” that Hanna and Barbera were instructed to work on the characters again. Now the cat, initially called Jasper , and the mouse (called Jinx by Hanna ) needed a new name. For this purpose, employees of the studio were asked to write down pairs of names on pieces of paper that were collected in a hat. The slip of paper pulled out of the hat had the names Tom and Jerry on it and it was from animator John Carr, who won fifty dollars with it. Now the studio still had to get legal approval to name the two characters Tom and Jerry after the cocktail . The Van Beuren Studios characters of the same name had already been discontinued in 1933.

Between the first episodes of Tom and Jerry, there are stylistically different characters for Tom and Jerry, depending on the animation team and concept. In the beginning, cats were very cute, fluffy and stylized, while the mouse was rather knotty and not very differentiated in terms of expression. The further development of the figures led from the realistic style of 1949 used today in merchandising to more distinctive forms that were again significantly more abstract. In the course of time both the mouse and the reinforcement for Tom appeared minor characters. The main characters became the bulldog Spike (which was initially introduced under different names and later appeared more frequently), his son Tyke and the mouse boy Nibbles ( called Tuffy in later comic strips ). Other minor characters, such as a yellow canary or Tom's cat friends , the black-haired Tim ( Butch ), the orange-haired Liky ( Lightning) and an unnamed young cat (often incorrectly referred to as a bear child, in the original Topsy ), appeared more frequently, but disappeared just as quickly again and did not become constant companions.

In these first episodes, Tom and Jerry are animal figures who play jokes, especially in the home environment. The cat is being held by the black housekeeper Mammy Two-Shoes , who is afraid of mice. In the American original, she speaks with a pronounced southern accent of blacks, comes to the fore as an authority or punitive person and is often harmed. A special feature is that the people drawn in the older films only ever show the lower half of the body (seen from the perspective of a child or an animal). In more recent productions, human figures can also be seen in full.

The older episodes were generally more creative, more violent and very successful in theaters. Hanna and Barbera later produced other well-known cartoon series such as the Feuerstein family for television . The MGM animation department was closed in 1957.


In 1961 and 1962, 13 Tom and Jerry cartoons were produced by Gene Deitch in Prague , followed by 34 cartoons by Chuck Jones and Les Goldman from 1963 to 1967 . Here, too, further stylistic changes have been made, the characters have become more striking and increasingly fictional, lead their own lives and act like people. In the 1960s, the housekeeper Mammy Two-Shoes was replaced by a white housewife. This was done in the light of socio-political changes in the United States.

In the following years, other animated films were made for television in which violence was largely avoided and which - with a smaller budget  - could not keep up with the artistic quality of the cinema episodes. The series lost its attractiveness as a result, but was able to keep in the audience's favor due to the continued broadcast of the older episodes.


The older episodes were created in and immediately after World War II and were fraught with stereotypes. Above all, this included jokes at the expense of the fat black housekeeper Mammy Two-Shoes , which corresponded to the ubiquitous cliché of black Mammy, who also worked with slapstick-like overdrawings, for example when around twenty long petticoats in various brightly colored patterns are gathered up in quick succession. Recent new releases are often edited these days; Both TV broadcasts and DVD releases cut scenes of violence or scenes that some considered racist (e.g. when someone's face was sooty after an explosion).

Editing began as early as the mid-1950s, however, when Mammy Two-Shoes , who had appeared in almost every episode up until then, was replaced in new productions by a slender, middle-class white housewife, as the films could be sold better on television . Lillian Randolph's dubbing voice , who also had a soft, accent-free voice, was replaced with June Foray's voice , who spoke with an Irish accent. In the copies available today, there are often no human figures at all.

However, the original movies also featured extremely violent scenes that were already left out in the 1960s when old film material was transferred to new media. All master tapes in circulation today no longer contain this material. The numerous consecutive adaptations meant that the films can no longer be seen today in the state in which they were seen by audiences in the 1940s and 1950s.


German television

"Tom and Jerry" was first shown on German television in 1976 on ZDF. For the German television market, individual episodes were cut together into collective contributions (initially structurally separated by means of interim films by the cartoonist Curt Linda , in which a ghost and a skeleton frighten each other), later, from 1981, but based on the individual episode Jerry's Diary from 1949, by Kenneth Muse and Ed Barge was animated according to the style they developed. In this episode, Tom discovers Jerry's diary and reads what is a short framework story into which five excerpts from other episodes are played. This episode was used when the production was tailored to TV format, with the clips being replaced with different episodes each time. These episodes are separated from several interludes in which Tom's good mood gradually deteriorates and towards the end of which he angrily tears up his diary and smears a cake in the face of the completely surprised Jerry (the latter, however, was cut out when switching from ZDF to ProSieben in the early 1990s .) These interludes were accompanied by the piano intro or outro of the title song of the German TV version, Thank you for the flowers by Udo Jürgens . The song is one of Jürgens' most famous pieces. In this form Tom and Jerry became known to the German audience. Because the framework plot of Jerry's Diary was shown in every TV episode, it became the most famous episode of all: The figures drawn in the style of Muse and Barge are now considered typical Tom and Jerry in Germany and are used in German merchandising .

All episodes are synchronized with a voice from the off, which mostly tells and comments from Jerry's perspective. But there are also episodes in which what has happened is commented on from a neutral position; these are those that were used from June 1983 to fill the gaps before the news broadcast today (television broadcast) . These episodes ran under the title Hunting Scenes in Hollywood and were mostly severely shortened; some episodes are only available in German in the shortened version. The theme song of the hunting scenes in Hollywood was The Entertainer , the frame story was the episode Matinee Mouse (Tom and False Peace) from 1966, in which Tom and Jerry watch their own films in a cinema, amuse themselves at each other's pain and each other her mood gradually deteriorated. These cartoons have been integrated into the normal series since they were broadcast on ProSieben.

Similar to the Pink Panther , the mostly rhyming comments are a German peculiarity and should contribute to entertainment and easier understanding of the plot through additional context and wit. The content of the original and the dubbed version therefore appear slightly different to the German-speaking audience. Siegfried Rabe , who was also the co-author of the theme song of this German TV version, Thank you for the flowers , was responsible for the German texts for the first TV broadcasts . The texts were initially spoken by Peter Ehret , and after 1981 by Stefan Krause . Arnold Marquis spoke the lyrics for the hunting scenes in Hollywood . The bulldog Spike and Mammy-Two-Shoes were mostly spoken by Walter Reichelt and Marianne Wischmann .

In 1987 the series Tom and Jerry ran regularly on ZDF for the last time, but the hunting scenes in Hollywood continued to be broadcast for some time and moved to the afternoon program. On September 3, 1990, the first broadcast was on ProSieben , where the series ran until 1996. The series later ran in the third programs as well as in the first (2001-2006), on kabel eins (2006-2008), again in the first program (2007) and finally for the first time in full and in chronological order on RTL 2 (2008). The series also runs sporadically on ORF 1 and SF two . Since 2014 holds Super RTL the rights to the series, where they can be seen in February, 2014. In addition, the classic German opening credits with the well-known "Thank you for the flowers" song by Udo Jürgens are used.

Almost all cartoons from 1940 to 1967 are now available on DVD - in a 12-part Tom & Jerry Classic Collection . In the context of this publication, however, Tom as a millionaire (14) and unwilling babysitter (100) were forgotten . These are only on the best-of DVDs Tom and Jerry - Auf Reisen or Tom and Jerry - Your greatest hunting scenes - Part 2 (Tom as a millionaire) as well as Tom and Jerry - Uninvited guests or Tom and Jerry - your greatest hunting scenes - Part 5 ( unwilling babysitting under the alternative title Stress with the offspring ) included.


In Great Britain , the oldest surviving versions of the episodes are usually shown, that is, those that Barbera himself transferred from cinema tapes to new material in 1965. The BBC also uses the episodes as an emergency tape in the event of broadcast interruptions and technical malfunctions instead of a notice board because fewer viewers then switch. In the heavily cartoony Japanese media market, Tom and Jerry is one of the 100 most popular productions.

Honourings and prices

These episodes won the Academy Award (Oscar) for best short film .

These episodes were nominated for the Academy Award (Oscar), but did not win it.

These episodes were nominated for the Annie Award but did not win:

  • 1946: Springtime for Thomas
  • 1955: That's My Mommy
  • 1956: Muscle Beach Tom


First series (1940-1958) by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera produced

# Premiere Original title German
1 February 10, 1940 Puss Gets the Boot
Oscar nominated for best animated short film
Jerry is too colorful
2 July 19, 1941 The Midnight Snack With body and soul
3 December 6, 1941 The Night Before Christmas
Oscar nominated for best animated short film
Christmas eve
4th January 17, 1942 Fraidy Cat Tom is a ghost lover
5 April 18, 1942 Dog trouble Tom and I in training
6th May 30, 1942 Puss n 'toots A heart and a mouse
7th July 18, 1942 The Bowling Alley-Cat Tom and I hit all nines
8th October 10, 1942 Fine Feathered Friend Tom and the stupid chicken
9 January 16, 1943 Sufferin 'cats Tom and Tim, the two villains
10 May 22, 1943 The Lonesome Mouse Shards bring luck
11 June 26, 1943 Yankee Doodle Mouse
Oscar for Best Animated Short Film
Tom plays fireworks
12 December 25, 1943 Baby puss Tom as a baby
13 February 26, 1944 The Zoot Cat Clothes make the man
14th May 6, 1944 The Million Dollar Cat Tom makes mice / Tom as a millionaire
15th July 22, 1944 The bodyguard Dog days for Tom
16 October 28, 1944 Puttin 'on the dog News from dog life
17th November 23, 1944 Mouse Trouble
Oscar for best animated short film
Tom is educating himself
18th May 5, 1945 The Mouse Comes to Dinner Tom and I at a table
19th July 7, 1945 Mouse in Manhattan A Broadway tune
20th July 21, 1945 Tee for Two Tom plays golf
21st September 22, 1945 Flirty Birdy Tom gets a rare bird
22nd December 22, 1945 Quiet Please!
Oscar for the best animated short film
Tom the night watchman
23 March 30, 1946 Springtime for Thomas Tom gets one on the hat
24 May 18, 1946 The Milky Waif Never without Tom
25th June 29, 1946 Trap happy Who digs a pit for others
26th August 31, 1946 Solid serenade Tom in love rush / Tom as a troubadour
27 February 22, 1947 Cat fishin ' Tom is in trouble
28 March 15, 1947 Part Time Pal Tom and the kitchen songs
29 April 26, 1947 The Cat Concerto
Oscar for best animated short film
Tom gives a concert
30th June 14, 1947 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse
Oscar-nominee for Best Animated Short Film
Stinginess makes you small and ugly
31 July 12, 1947 Salt water tabby Tom is on vacation
32 August 30, 1947 A mouse in the house Tom and Jerry can't help it
33 September 27, 1947 The Invisible Mouse The invisible mouse
34 June 1, 1948 Kitty Foiled Two little ones against Tom
35 July 17, 1948 The Truce Hurts Peace to Tom
36 September 18, 1948 Old Rockin 'Chair Tom What will become of Tom?
37 October 30, 1948 Professor Tom Professor Tom
38 December 11, 1948 Mouse cleaning Tom as a clean man
39 February 26, 1949 Polka dot puss Tom and I with red dots
40 April 30, 1949 The Little Orphan
Oscar for best animated short film
Tom and me and Nibbelchen
41 May 14, 1949 Hatch Up Your Troubles
Oscar-nominated for Best Animated Short Film
The little woodpecker
42 July 9, 1949 Heavenly Puss To hell with Tom / To hell with Tom
43 September 3, 1949 The Cat and the Mermouse Tom and the sea mouse
44 October 1, 1949 Love That Pup Have fun with Spike
45 October 22, 1949 Jerry's Diary
(used as title sequence in the German version)
Jerry's Diary
46 December 10, 1949 Tennis chumps Tom and Tim on the ball
47 January 7, 1950 Little Quacker Tom and the naughty duckling
48 January 14, 1950 Saturday Evening Puss Tom's having a party
49 March 11, 1950 Texas Tom Texas Tom
50 April 8, 1950 Jerry and the Lion Tom and the lion number
51 July 1, 1950 Safety Second Tom on Security Day
52 September 16, 1950 Tom & Jerry at the Hollywood Bowl Tom and Jerry in Hollywood
53 October 21, 1950 The Framed Cat Tom and the club thief
54 November 25, 1950 Cue Ball Cat Passionate player
55 January 6, 1951 Casanova Cat Tom and I are looking for a bride
56 March 3, 1951 Jerry and the Goldfish My friend the goldfish
57 April 7, 1951 Jerry's Cousin
Oscar-nominated for Best Animated Short Film
Lesson for Tom
58 May 26, 1951 Sleepy-Time Tom Sleep, Tommy, sleep
59 July 7, 1951 His Mouse Friday Tom goes nuts
60 September 8, 1951 Slicked-up pup Tom in terms of cleanliness
61 October 6, 1951 Nit-Witty Kitty Tom is not a mouse and not a cat
62 December 8, 1951 Cat napping The garden friend
63 January 12, 1952 The Flying Cat The flying cat
64 February 16, 1952 The Duck Doctor Tom shoots over the target again
65 March 15, 1952 The Two Mouseketeers
Oscar for best animated short film
Dear Tom is losing his head
66 April 12, 1952 Smitten kitten To be in love is everything
67 April 19, 1952 Triplet Trouble Revenge is sweet
68 June 14, 1952 Little Runaway Tom goes to the circus
69 July 26, 1952 Fit to Be Tied Unity is strength
70 September 6, 1952 Push button kitty Tom and the technology
71 October 18, 1952 Cruise Cat A trip across the sea
72 November 29, 1952 The Dog House Tom becomes a builder
73 January 10, 1953 The Missing Mouse Tom sees white mice
74 February 21, 1953 Jerry and Jumbo Night performance for Tom
75 March 21, 1953 Johann Mouse
Oscar for the best animated short film
Cat and Mouse in waltz beat
76 April 25, 1953 That's my pup! Tom becomes a climbing master
77 5th September 1953 Just Ducky Tom is up to his neck
78 17th October 1953 Two Little Indians Tom and the little Indians
79 November 21, 1953 Life with Tom My life with Tom
80 January 23, 1954 Puppy Tale Tom has a heart for the little ones
81 January 30, 1954 Posse Cat Tom as a lazy cowboy
82 April 17, 1954 Hic-cup pup Tom the dog lover
83 May 29, 1954 Little School Mouse teacher and student
84 August 14, 1954 Baby butch Flirting has to be learned
85 4th September 1954 Mice follies Tom on black ice
86 October 2, 1954 Neapolitan Mouse Tom and I in Naples
87 November 13, 1954 Downhearted Duckling Downhearted Duckling
88 November 20, 1954 Pet Peeve The final deadline
89 18th December 1954 Touché, pussy cat!
Cinemascope, Oscar nominated for the best animated short film
Tom and the new mouse keteer
90 March 12, 1955 Southbound Duckling
The trip to the south
91 April 30, 1955 Pup on a picnic Tom and the hangover breakfast
92 May 21, 1955 Mouse for sale The sold mouse
93 2nd September 1955 Designs on Jerry Tom the old trapper
94 September 9, 1955 Tom and Chérie
Tom and I in beautiful France
95 October 14, 1955 Smarty Cat Flicker evening with Tom
96 November 11, 1955 Pecos plague Uncle Peco
97 November 19, 1955 That's My Mommy
Tom becomes a mother
98 January 27, 1956 The Flying Sorceress
Another night
99 March 23, 1956 The Egg and Jerry
Remake of Hatch Up Your Troubles (1949), Cinemascope
Tom and I on the hunt
100 May 4th 1956 Busy Buddies
Prequel to Dead Watchers (1958), Cinemascope
Unwilling babysitter
101 September 7, 1956 Muscle Beach Tom
Tom as sore muscles
102 October 21, 1956 Down Beat Bear
Tom the permanent dancer
103 November 16, 1956 Blue Cat Blues
Three times poor black cat
104 December 14, 1956 Barbecue Brawl
Blessed meal
105 February 22, 1957 Tops with Pops
remake of Love That Pup (1949), Cinemascope
Have fun with Spike
1 March 29, 1957 Give and Tyke
spin off to Tom and Jerry
Spike and Tyke - the dog tag
106 April 19, 1957 Timid Tabby
Visit for Tom
107 June 7, 1957 Feedin 'the Kiddie
remake of The Little Orphan (1949), Cinemascope
Tom and me and Nibbelchen
2 July 26, 1957 Scat Cats
spin off to Tom and Jerry
Spike and Tyke -
108 September 6, 1957 Mucho Mouse
Tom in the land of guitars
109 November 1, 1957 Tom's Photo Finish
Tom is flashed
110 January 3, 1958 Happy Go Ducky
Happy Easter
111 March 7, 1958 Royal Cat Nap
Tom and the Musketeers
112 May 2, 1958 The Vanishing Duck
The power of the invisible
113 June 6, 1958 Robin Hoodwinked
Tom and I at Robin Hood
114 August 1, 1958 Dead Watchers
Tom and I as babysitters

Second series (produced by Gene Deitch ) (1961–1962)

# Premiere Original title German
115 September 7, 1961 Switchin 'kitten Tom the Bell American
116 October 26, 1961 Down and outing Fresh fish for Tom
117 7th December 1961 It's Greek To Me-ow! Report from Greece
118 January 1, 1962 High steaks Tom and I in the neighbor's garden
119 February 1, 1962 Mouse Into Space Tom and the Astromaus
120 April 1, 1962 Landing stripling Tom hunting for birds
121 June 1, 1962 Calypso Cat Tom wants to go to Calypso Island
122 July 1, 1962 Dicky Moe Tom and the white whale
123 August 1, 1962 The Tom And Jerry Cartoon Kit Tom and I as craft friends
124 September 1, 1962 Tall In The Trap Tom as a walking trap
125 October 1, 1962 Sorry Safari Heia Safari
126 November 1, 1962 Buddies Thicker Than Water Tracks in the snow / Tom as a snowman
127 December 1, 1962 Carmen Get It! Tom and I at the opera

Third series (produced by Chuck Jones ) (1963-1967)

# Premiere Original title German
128 1963 Pent-House Mouse Tom and the Penthouse Mouse
129 1964 The Cat Above and The Mouse Below Tom the singing cat
130 1964 Is there a Doctor in the Mouse? Jerry the cyclone
131 1964 Much Ado About Mousing Tom gets in trouble
132 1964 Snowbody Loves Me Play with fire
133 1964 The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse Tom gets a deputy
134 1965 Ah Sweet Mouse Story of Life Tom as a vole / Tom in need
135 1965 Tom-ic Energy Playing with Tom
136 1965 Bad Day At Cat Rock Tom as a real brain worker
137 1965 The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off Tom wants to play with love / All mice love Tom
138 1965 Haunted Mouse Tom and the magic
139 1965 I'm Just Wild about Jerry Tom's going downhill
140 1965 Of feline bondage The good fairy
141 1965 The Year of the Mouse In the year of the mice
142 1965 The Cat's Me-ouch Tom comes to the dog
143 1966 Duel Personality Duel at dawn
144 1966 Jerry, Jerry Quite Contrary Tom under pressure
145 1966 Jerry Go-Round Tom and I at my friend Jumbo's
146 1966 Love Me, Love My Mouse The very in love Tom
147 1966 Puss 'n' Boats Tom has to keep watch
148 1966 Fillet Meow Tom and me and the goldfish
149 1966 Matinee Mouse Tom and the false peace
150 1966 The A-Tom-Inable Snowman Tom and the little woof-woof / a hungry cat
151 1966 Catty-Cornered Tom and the dear neighbor
152 1967 Cat and Dupli-Cat The trip to Venice
153 1967 O-Solar-Meow Tom and I in space / the cheese planet
154 1967 Guided Mouse-illeg Tom and I in the cheese country
155 1967 Rock 'n' Rodent Sleepyhead Tom
156 1967 Cannery Rodent Tom as sardine / canned food
157 1967 The Mouse from HUNGER Jerry chases Tom
158 1967 Surf-Bored Cat Tom the super surfer
159 1967 Shutter Bugged Cat Tom's great super trap
160 1967 Advance and Be Mechanized Tom and I are far away
161 1967 Purr-Chance to Dream Tom's sleepless nights

The Tom and Jerry Show ( Hanna-Barbera ) (1975)

  1. Stay Awake Or Else ... (Remake of Sleepy-Time Tom (1951))
  2. The Ski Bunny
  3. No way, stowaways
  4. No bones about it
  5. An Ill wind
  6. Beach Bully
  7. Mammoth Manhunt
  8. The Wacky World Of Sports
  9. Robin Ho Ho
  10. Safe But Not Sorry
  11. Gopher Broke
  12. The super bowler
  13. Tricky McTrout
  14. The tennis menace
  15. Cosmic Cat And Meteor Mouse
  16. Castle Wiz
  17. Grim And Bear It
  18. The Flying Sorceress - (remake from 1956)
  19. The Kitten Sitters (Tom and I and Remmi-Demmi)
  20. Termites Plus Two (Tom and I and the termites)
  21. Planet Pest (Tom and I and the little friend)
  22. The Hypochondriac Lion (Tom and I at the zoo)
  23. The Egg And Tom And Jerry (Tom and I on the Hunt)
  24. Give 'Em The Air
  25. Watch Out, Watch Dog (Tom and I and the watchdog)
  26. The Super Cyclists
  27. The Police Kitten (Tom and I and strange feathers)
  28. The Outfoxed Fox (Tom and I and Big Eddy)
  29. Towering Fiasco (Tom and I go for a walk)
  30. The Lost Duckling (Tom and I between heaven and earth)
  31. Beanstalk Buddies (Tom and me and bad times)
  32. Two Stars Are Born (Tom and I in Hollywood)
  33. Son Of Gopher Broke (Tom and I as gardeners)
  34. The Sorcerer's Apprentices
  35. Hold that pose
  36. The Supercape Caper
  37. Chickenrella (Tom and I in old fairy tales)
  38. Double Trouble Crow (Tom and I and Thanksgiving)
  39. Jerry's Nephew (Tom and I migrate)
  40. See Dr. Jackal and Hide! (Tom and me and the professor)
  41. Planet Of The Dogs (Tom and I on a Star)
  42. The Campout Cutup (Tom and I and the mosquito plague)
  43. Triple trouble
  44. The Bull Fighters
  45. Cruise Kitty
  46. It's no picnic
  47. Big feet
  48. The Great Motorboat Race

Tom and Jerry (Comedy Show) (Filmation Associates) (1980–1982)

  1. Cat in the Fiddle (cat music)
  2. A Connecticut Mouse in King Arthur's Court (Ritter Tom)
  3. Farewell Sweet Mouse (goodbye little mouse!)
  4. Get Along Little Jerry (In the Wild West)
  5. Gopher It, Tom (The Vegetable Stealer)
  6. The Great Mousini (The Great Mousini)
  7. Heavy booking (no noise!)
  8. The Incredible Shrinking Cat
  9. Invasion of the Mouse Snatchers
  10. Jerry's Country Cousin (The Country Cousin)
  11. Kitty Hawk Kitty (Aviation Pioneers)
  12. Mechanical Failure (The Robot in the House)
  13. Most Wanted Cat (Tom quits!)
  14. Mouse Over Miami
  15. New Mouse in the House
  16. No Museum Peace (No peace in the museum)
  17. Pied Piper Puss (Mouse Catcher Puss)
  18. Pie in the Sky (The Lunch Break)
  19. The Plaid Baron Strikes Again (The Mouse Pilot)
  20. The Puppy Sitter
  21. Save That Mouse (visiting grandma)
  22. Say what? (The parrot)
  23. School for Cats (The Cat School)
  24. Snow Brawl (cat and mouse in the snow)
  25. Spike's Birthday
  26. Stage Struck (a show for two)
  27. Superstocker (in the supermarket)
  28. The Trojan Dog
  29. Under the Big Top (artists in the big top)
  30. When the Rooster Crows

Tom & Jerry Kids (Hanna-Barbera) (1990-1994)

73 episodes, including 26 shown in Germany

  1. The Frisbee Fido; Dakota Droopy; A dog tired afternoon
  2. Toys remain toys; Droopy supplies; My friend
  3. Prehistoric friends; Droop & dripple; Wonderful Marvin
  4. Bat mouse; Puss and Wauwau; Visit from space
  5. The pain in the ass; Droopys Fitness Center; The Mouse Scouts
  6. Sugar Belle loves Tom; Super Duper Spike; Mall House
  7. Chaos in space; Drooperotti; At the beach
  8. Crocodile the walker; Red kitten; Knight Tom
  9. A friend for life; Droopy and Julia; Computer games
  10. The baby condor; The pirate treasure; Who is the nicest tomcat?
  11. Tom and the Snowman; The Maltese Poodle; Tom as Tarzan
  12. Baby Dogs AD; McWolf's revenge; With 500 hp to victory
  13. Battle of the Mouse !; Sheikh McWolf; Urfo, the space dog
  14. Circus antiquarian bookshop; Very coy poodles; Friend head-thumper
  15. How To Knock Friends; Droopyland; The exterminator is coming again
  16. Jerry's mother; Spotlight; Tom's Terror
  17. Who are you, kitten ?; Broadway Droopy; Kitty pirates
  18. Fathers day; The hostage of the air; The super chipmunk
  19. Amadeus mouse; Muscleman droopy; The gifted penguin
  20. Slowpoke Antonio; The Bewitched Droopy; Wild mouse
  21. Catch the mouse; Good Knight Droopy; Birthday surprise
  22. Cleocatra; Wolfenstein; Hunting school
  23. Zorrito; Deep sleep droopy; Difficult to swallow
  24. The Little Thinker; The rap rat is everywhere; My pet
  25. Calaboose Cal 495; The Return of the Chubby Man; All good friends
  26. Jerry Hood and his happy mice; Eradicator Droopy; Tyke on tour
  27. One pizza too many; Visit to Mcwolfula; The wilderness is calling
  28. Rats and plague in the wild west; Pearls and spies; Tom as a babysitter

40. The guard cat; The Race to the North Pole; A snowman is only human

Warner Brothers (1993 to date)



  • The Mansion Cat


  • The Magic Ring



  • Shiver Me Whiskers (pirates on a treasure hunt)


  • A Nutcracker Tale (A Christmas Story)


  • Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes (Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson)


  • Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz)


  • Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and his Merry Mouse (Tom and Jerry - Robin Hood and his daring mouse)


  • Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure (Tom and Jerry - A Giant Adventure)


  • Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon (Tom and Jerry and the Lost Dragon)


  • Tom and Jerry: Spy Quest (Tom and Jerry Agent Hunt)


  • Tom and Jerry: Back to Oz (Tom and Jerry - Return to Oz)


  • Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

The Tom and Jerry Show (since 2014)

# First broadcast German-language first broadcast Original title German
1 1st Mar 2014 (Canada) Nov 3, 2014 Spike Gets Skooled / Cats Ruffled Furniture A lesson for Spike / Tom and the witches
2 1st Mar 2014 (Canada) Nov 4, 2014 Sleep Disorder / Tom's In-Tents Adventure The super bed / the call of nature
3 March 8 2014 (Canada) Nov 5, 2014 Birthday Bashed / Feline Fatale Tyke's birthday / the fish can conspiracy
4th 15th Mar 2014 (Canada) Nov 6, 2014 Cat Nippy / Ghost of a Chance Ice-cold hangover once / Tom's nine lives
5 May 3, 2014 (Canada) Nov 7, 2014 Holed Up / One of a Kind The house guest / danger in the dog park
6th May 10, 2014 (Canada) Nov 10, 2014 Belly Achin '/ Dog Daze Tom's lucky day / dog days
7th Apr 6, 2014 (Canada) Nov 11, 2014 Birds of a Feather / Vampire Mouse Two of the same kind / The transformation potion
8th Apr 12, 2014 (Canada) Nov 12, 2014 Entering and Breaking / Franken Kitty Spike, the security expert / The time machine
9 Apr 19, 2014 (Canada) Nov 13, 2014 Tom-Foolery / Haunted Mouse The street tiger / ghost hunter
10 Jul 10, 2014 (USA) Nov 14, 2014 Here's Looking A-Choo Kid / Superfied The cuddly kitten / superpowers
11 Jul 11, 2014 (USA) Nov 17, 2014 What a Pain / Hop to It The Pest Repeller / Hopp, hopp!
12 May 10, 2014 (Canada) Nov 18, 2014 For the Love of Ruggles / Sleuth or Consequences The Search for Ruggles / The False Snoops
13 May 17, 2014 (Canada) Nov 19, 2014 Dinner Is Swerved / Bottled Up Emotions The romantic dinner / mixed feelings
14th Jul 16, 2014 (USA) 9/14 Mar 2015 Turn About / The Plight Before Christmas Rendevouz with obstacles / The enchanted Santa Claus
15th Jul 17, 2014 (USA) 10/11 March 2015 Tuffy Love / Poof! Tuffy home alone / Harry, the magic bunny
16 Jul 21, 2014 (USA) 12./13. March 2015 Top Cat / Mummy Dearest The head cat / dearest mommy
17th Jul 22, 2014 (USA) 16./17. March 2015 Domestic Kingdom / Molecular Breakup The Domestic Kingdom / Molecular Travel
18th 23 Jul 2014 (USA) 18./19. March 2015 Just Plane Nuts / Pets Not Welcome Flight with obstacles / pets not allowed
19th Jul 24, 2014 (USA) 20./23. March 2015 Cruisin 'for a Bruisin / Road Trippin' Ship ahoy! / On the way
20th Jul 25, 2014 (USA) 24./25. March 2015 Magic Mirror / Bone Dry Mirror on the wall / The bone thief
21st Jul 28, 2014 (USA) 26./27. March 2015 My Bot-y Guard / Little Quacker & Mr. Fuzzy Hide The security robot / the little monster
22nd Jul 29, 2014 (USA) 30./31. March 2015 Pipeline / No Brain, No Gain The wedding ring / the super brain
23 Jul 30, 2014 (USA) 1./2. Apr. 2015 Cat Napped / Black Cat Cat-napped / black cat
24 Jul 31, 2014 (USA) 3rd / 6th Apr. 2015 Hunger Strikes / Gravi-Tom Hunger, hunger / Gravi-Tom
25th Aug 1, 2014 (USA) 7th / 8th Apr. 2015 Ghost Party / Cat Astrophe Ghost party / cat astrophe
26th Aug 4, 2014 (USA) 9/10 Apr. 2015 Curse Case Scenario / Say Cheese The cursed curse / Tom shrunk

Media reference effect

The series can be seen as a model for Itchy & Scratchy , a fictional television series within the Simpsons .

Web links

Commons : Tom and Jerry  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Joseph Barbera: My Life in 'Toons: From Flatbush to Bedrock in Under a Century , Turner Pub, Nashville 1995, ISBN 978-1-57036-042-8 , pp. 74 ff.
  2. Debbie Mauldin Cottrell: SHORT, BESA in: Handbook of Texas Online, accessed April 28, 2012
  3. ^ A b William Hanna and Tom Ito: A Cast of Friends , Da Capo Press, Cambridge 2000, ISBN 978-0-306-80917-0 , p. 46
  4. see e.g. B. Mouse comes to table from 1945
  6. about The Little Woodpecker (episode 41) or Lesson for Tom (episode 57)