Walter M. Scott

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Walter M. Scott (born November 7, 1906 in Cleveland , Ohio , † February 2, 1989 in Los Angeles ) was an American film set designer .


Walter M. Scott was hired as a production designer at 20th Century Fox in 1939 , where he and his colleague Lyle R. Wheeler were often responsible for decorating the film sets. By 1973 he was involved in more than 300 film productions and worked with a number of important directors such as Ernst Lubitsch , Howard Hawks , Otto Preminger , Michael Curtiz , Billy Wilder , George Cukor and Robert Altman . In the course of his career, Scott has been nominated a total of 21 times for an Oscar in the category Best Production Design. He won the trophy for six films, including the monumental epics Das Gewand ( The Robe , 1953) and Cleopatra (1963) and The King and I ( The King and I , 1956). He died in Los Angeles in 1989 at the age of 82 and was buried in Inglewood Park Cemetery , Inglewood .

Filmography (selection)



Best production design



  • 1954: The Robe ( The Robe ) (together with R. Lyle Wheeler, George W. Davis, Paul S. Fox)
  • 1957: The King and I ( The King and I ) (together with R. Lyle Wheeler, John DeCuir, Paul S. Fox)
  • 1960: The Diary of Anne Frank ( The Diary of Anne Frank ) (together with R. Lyle Wheeler, George W. Davis, Stuart A. Reiss)
  • 1964: Cleopatra (with John DeCuir, Jack Martin Smith, Hilyard M. Brown , Herman A. Blumenthal, Elven Webb , Maurice Pelling , Boris Juraga , Paul S. Fox, Ray Moyer )
  • 1967: Fantastic Voyage (with Jack Martin Smith, Dale Hennesy , Stuart A. Reiss)
  • 1970: Hello, Dolly! (in cooperation with John DeCuir, Jack Martin Smith, Herman A. Blumenthal, George James Hopkins , Raphael Bretton )

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