Wolfgang Neuss

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Hans Wolfgang Otto Neuss (official spelling) (born December 3, 1923 in Breslau ; † May 5, 1989 in Berlin ) was a German cabaret artist and actor .

Wolfgang Neuss (3rd from left) at the awarding of the Berlin Art Prize for Film and Television (1964)


Youth and war

Wolfgang Neuss was born as the son of Otto and Elisabeth Neuss (née Gebauer) in Breslau. He had a sister Eva (later married Eva de Bouyse). After elementary school, Neuss began an apprenticeship as a butcher , but then went to Berlin at the age of 15 to become a clown . This excursion ended in the youth custody facility of the Berlin police headquarters on Alexanderplatz .

During the Second World War he was first in the labor service in road construction , then from 1941 a soldier on the Eastern Front . He was wounded several times and received the Iron Cross . According to his description, he evaded further combat missions as a machine gunner by mutilating himself :

“When I was seventeen, I shot my finger off because of fear in Russia. It was a war and the Russian was only a few meters away from me. And I knew: I'm so short-sighted that I won't meet anyone anyway. An injury was the last chance to get out of the cauldron . So I took the 98k carbine , dropped into a moat, held the index finger of my left hand and pulled the trigger. Fear drove me to progress. "

According to another representation, the story of the fired finger is a legend.

Shortly before the end of the war, he escaped combat in East Prussia on a hospital ship to Denmark . He spent the first post-war period in an internment camp in Flensburg .

During his stays in the hospital and in the camp, he organized colorful evenings, told jokes and appeared as a comedian . He made a career out of this talent and became a cabaret artist. After first appearances (as "Hansi Neuss" or "Peter pips") he came in the late 1940s during a nine-week engagement as master of ceremonies at the Hamburg Hansa-Theater under the name Wolfgang Neuss out great.

His hobby was playing soccer. From 1967 the appearances as "Balltreter Rixdorfer & Co" provided u. a. Sammy Drechsel , Dieter Hildebrandt and Rudi Dutschke regularly for public and media interest.

The two Wolfgang

In 1949 he met Wolfgang Müller , to whom he immediately felt a kindred spirit. From then on, the two appeared as a duo ("The Two Wolfgangs"). In 1950 they went to West Berlin, where they accepted an engagement with the cabaret Die Bonbonniere . In the same year Neuss received his first film role in The Man Who Seeks Himself (director: Géza von Cziffra ), wrote plays, acted in theater and directed cabaret.

Neuss also maintained close contacts to cabaret colleagues such as Eckart Hachfeld , Ursula Herking , Thierry , Dieter Hildebrandt and Wolfgang Gruner . In 1952 he worked on two programs for the ensemble The Porcupines .

Neuss and Müller stood out in supporting roles in the musical Kiss me Kate , directed by Leonard Steckel , in 1955 and immediately staged a parody of the musical called Schieß mich Tell as a midnight show . From then on, they received one film offer after another. They also became known as pop singers (including: Schlag nach Shakespeare or: Oh, that could be nice ... ).

A fatal accident brought the success story to an abrupt end: Wolfgang Müller was killed in a plane crash in Switzerland in 1960 while filming Das Spukschloß im Spessart . Wolfgang Neuss was dismissed from the shooting of this film, allegedly with the words: "Now we don't need you either!"

Solo programs

Wolfgang Neuss went on alone and realized the film project Wir Kellerkinder started with Müller with Wolfgang Gruner (first broadcast on ARD on June 26, 1960). This was followed by a boycott by German film distributors, and he went on tour through West Germany with solo programs.

In 1962 he caused a nationwide scandal when he betrayed the killer to the television audience with a newspaper advertisement the day before the broadcast of the last part of the six-part Durbridge crime thriller Das Halstuch . He urged viewers to watch his own film Comrade Münchhausen in the cinema instead . Later he claimed, however, that he had only guessed the "scarf murderer"; According to another representation, his mother is said to have found out about it from the wife of the participating actor ( Dieter Borsche ). The Durbridge thrillers were " street sweeps " in the early days of German television, with ratings of almost 90 percent (see Effects ). The press published letters to the editor from angry TV viewers, there were even death threats and the Bild described Neuss as a “traitor to the fatherland” because of the spoiler .

In 1962 Wolfgang Neuss married Margareta Henriksson from Sweden, whom he had known since 1958. With her, from whom he divorced again in 1967, he had a daughter, Harriet (called Jette) Wixell, née Neuss. Gisela Groenewold, his long-term partner, who accompanied him on a trip to South America in 1969, later separated from him, but left him the apartment in Berlin-Charlottenburg .

In the mid-1960s, Neuss was considered one of the best German cabaret artists. Eckart Hachfeld, Hans Magnus Enzensberger (pseudonym: Andreas Thalmayr) , Thierry , Jens Gerlach and Horst Tomayer wrote texts for his programs. Helene Weigel gave him a lifelong subscription to the Berliner Ensemble . He performed regularly in the restaurant bar Domizil in the basement in the house on Lützowplatz as a man with the kettledrum and thus reached a wide audience nationwide.

Neuss made Wolf Biermann from East Berlin known as a songwriter with a joint program in West Germany and helped him to make his first record . After performing with Biermann in Frankfurt am Main , Neuss, who also performed with other East German colleagues such as Gisela May and Käthe Reichel during the Cold War , was banned from entering the GDR .

In 1965, West Berlin newspapers raised money for the Vietnam War to buy medicines and give away replicas of the Liberty Bell to widows of American soldiers. The cabaret artist protested against this with a special edition of his satirical magazine Neuss Germany and raised a total of 11,000 DM through donations when the newspaper publishers reacted by boycotting his cabaret program announcements.

Acting career

Neuss was a "frequent turner". He made numerous films in one year, ten in 1955 alone. Between 1950 and 1966 he made 55 films in total, and in his last 1984, Is what, Chancellor? based on a script by Gerhard Schmidt and Jochen Busse .

The theater stages also engaged Wolfgang Neuss, for example as Thersites in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida , as a morality singer in Brecht's Threepenny Opera and in the role of Erich Mühsam in Tankred Dorst's drama Toller , which was filmed for television under the title Rotmord by Peter Zadek in 1969.

As a moderator in Viet Nam Discourse of Peter Weiss in a production at the Munich Chamber Theater Neuss was allowed to speak his own text, which he can cash donations for the Vietcong called. When the directorship forbade this action approved by director Peter Stein , Neuss terminated his collaboration; the piece was canceled.

Neuss and the student movement

Footballers Neuss (left) and Kurt Weidemann after a game in Stuttgart, at the invitation of the alternative bookseller Wendelin Niedlich (probably 1968)

In 1967 Neuss played a joint program of political texts and songs with Franz Josef Degenhardt , Hanns Dieter Hüsch and Dieter Süverkrüp , later referred to as the Quartet '67 . There was only one appearance that was recorded by Saarland Radio . The book that documents the quartet's texts was published in 1968; it appeared in numerous editions up to 1980 and contributed significantly to the popularity of the artists involved.

Politically, Neuss initially campaigned for the SPD , which excluded him in February 1966 because of his second vote canvassing for the German Peace Union . After the party had taken him back six months later without further formalities, Neuss announced his resignation in 1968; but in 1971 he again campaigned for the SPD.

It was common knowledge that Neuss was consuming drugs at this time (initially tablets , hashish since 1972 ).

For part of the German public he became an enemy figure. At the height of a press campaign sponsored by the Bild newspaper and after a failed bomb attack, Neuss declared himself a “political refugee” in an exchange of letters with Willy Brandt and went to Sweden. His stay there only lasted a few weeks. After a tour of the Federal Republic of Germany with his Neuss Testament program , he returned to West Berlin. There he joined the APO and took part in demonstrations , sit-ins and other political actions. From 1967 to 1969 he worked in the Republican Club in West Berlin. Most simultaneously to the " Timpani cut", actually he used a drum , he had since then to grievances and contradictions in society towards.


At the end of the 1960s, Neuss' successful run gradually came to an end. His appearances were still sold out, but were no longer panned out only in the Springer press , but also by previously well-meaning critics .

In 1969 he said goodbye to the stage and television and went to Chile for a while . Apart from his last movie, Chapeau Claque (1974), and an appearance as "Man with the Drum" in the current program of the porcupines (November 1973), almost nothing was heard from him during the 1970s. In 1976 the press reported that Neuss was receiving social assistance. In 1979 he made headlines when he was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment on probation in West Berlin for possession of 35.8 g hashish and several LSD trips.

The actor and cabaret artist Wolfgang Neuss in a portrait by the Berlin photographer Werner Bethsold .


Gaston Salvatore wrote his first biography under the title The Man with the Timpani (1974, based on tape recordings); his friend and literary estate administrator Volker Kühn documented his life and work under the title Das Wolfgang Neuss Book (1981), later considerably expanded as Der totale Neuss (1997).

In the early 1980s Neuss celebrated a comeback on stage and on television, regularly wrote columns (e.g. for TAZ and Stern ) and published records and tapes . A long interview with Werner Pieper in Humus magazine (Issue 3, 1979) was the prelude to numerous portraits on radio and television (including by Volker Kühn , Tilman Jens and Rüdiger Daniel ), which the media-experienced Wolfgang Neuss skillfully converted into cabaret performances. For example, before he was filmed or photographed, Neuss used to take out his dentures to shock the viewer.

A celebration on December 3, 1983 for his 60th birthday, organized by the Kulturfabrik on the Berlin Ufa site , gave Neuss the opportunity to hold a 30-minute conference .

A highlight of these years was the talk show People on December 5, 1983, which, according to Stern, was "Show of the Year". In an interview with Wolfgang Menge , Neuss read out a congratulatory telegram allegedly sent to him by the then Governing Mayor Richard von Weizsäcker , which contained the sentence: “A joint must never run out on German soil!” At the subsequent appearance of Weizsäcker, who was then on the candidacy Prepared for the office of Federal President , Neuss recommended the politician, addressed as "Ritschie", to thunderous applause, to "hug his brother ( Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker was meant ) in public" - "This is the real intellectual in the family" -, and described himself as the more promising presidential candidate, but on one condition: "If the children are allowed to vote ... the children always choose one from Sesame Street!"

For his cabaret program Neuss vom Tage on WDR he received the German Cabaret Prize 1983; the laudation was given by his friend Hanns Dieter Hüsch .

Berlin-Charlottenburg, Lohmeyerstraße 6, 2nd floor. Wolfgang Neuss's last apartment.

During a house search in March 1984, the police found 79 grams of hashish and 814 LSD trips; despite an arrest warrant, Neuss remained at large. In July he was sentenced to one year probation by the Moabit jury. An appeal filed by the public prosecutor's office failed before the Berlin Regional Court on November 22nd of the same year. In 1989 the Berlin District Court announced that Neuss had been released from prison: "As far as can be seen, the convicted man has proven himself."

In the 1980s, when his health was already badly damaged, Neuss also had a few TV appearances on the WDR political program ZAK .

As a "toothless late hippie" (also known as "Indian woman") who suffered from cancer in the last years of his life, he became a living legend in West Berlin. He received numerous visitors in his apartment, which the brother of his former lover, the lawyer Kurt Groenewold , had given him rent-free, and entertained them with cabaret monologues. With an appearance on his 65th birthday on December 3, 1988, he finally said goodbye to his audience.

Wolfgang Neuss died on May 5, 1989. A documentary film about him had been made a few days before his death . At his request, he was buried on May 19, next to his film and cabaret partner Wolfgang Müller, in the forest cemetery in Zehlendorf , field UII, grave 112. After the statutory rest period had expired, he was reburied in Wolfgang Müller's grave at the behest of the relatives.

On his 90th birthday (December 3, 2013) the Hemp Museum presented a number of his films in a special exhibition.

The Wolfgang Neuss Archive is located in Berlin in the archive of the Akademie der Künste .

Dedications to Wolfgang Neuss

Franz Josef Degenhardt wrote a requiem for the deceased with Der Trommler ; Neuss is also referred to in the song Immer noch grossly sensual . When Neuss traveled to South America in 1967, Degenhardt wrote the song Adieu Kumpanen , which he dedicated to him.

Another partner of Neuss in the Quartet '67 , Hanns-Dieter Hüsch, wrote the poems Message I and II for Wolfgang Neuss .


  • "You have to protect the Basic Law from your fathers and the constitution from their protectors ."
  • "A joint must never run out again on German soil ."
  • "Imagine it works and nobody can do it." (Based on Carl Sandburg )
  • "Fascism is a variant of the free market economy."
  • "Grass no longer grows where we donate."
  • "I'm not an example, I'm a foreplay."
  • "Today I'm not making myself supper, today I'm worrying about it."
  • "My time has come when the world is so laughable again that it is worth getting third teeth."
  • "I smoke the rope that I would otherwise be hanging on."
  • "I'm not kidding about Helmut Kohl, I'd rather laugh straight away."
  • "All days are of the same length, but of different widths."
  • “The next Challenger will be built without seats. They can also stand for a few minutes. "

Filmography (selection)

Films about Wolfgang Neuss

  • "Wolfgang Neuss: Ecstasy and Melancholy". A film by Jürgen Miermeister, production: ZDF , 1993, 23 min.
  • "Narrkose - By and with Wolfgang Neuss". A film by Rüdiger Daniel and Uschi Sixt-Roessler, first broadcast December 4, 1993, 43 min, production: WDR
  • "The man with the drum: Wolfgang Neuss". Documentation, script and direction: Jürgen Miermeister, production: ZDF, first broadcast: December 3, 1998, partly b / w and mono
  • "Neuss Germany: Troublemaker of the Republic" by Julia Oelkers & Peter Scholl. Documentation, 45 min., Production: rbb , first broadcast: December 4, 2006 OCLC 699079325
  • "The Neuss Testament". A film by Rüdiger Daniel, produced by dibsfilm and rbb, 2009, movie, 72 min.

Cabaret programs

  • Laughing Calories , late 1940s
  • The man with the timpani , 1951
  • If you don't want to hear, you have to watch TV ... , 1959
  • The most recent rumor , 1963
  • Neuss Testament , 1965
  • Asylum in the domicile , 1967
  • Marx people , 1968
  • Neuss vom Tage , in the mid-1980s on WDR

Satirical newspaper Neuss Germany

In December 1964, the first issue of the magazine appeared Neuss Germany - organ of the Central comedian team of Satirical Unity Party , a parody of the New Germany , central organ of the Socialist Unity Party (SED) . By 1966 around ten issues had appeared in three years.


  • We basement children and two other film satires (serenade for fearful rabbits, Comrade Münchhausen). Lama-Verlag, Munich 1961 a. Syndikat Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 1983 ISBN 3-434-46015-2
  • Preface to bag of hawthorn: No beautiful country. Present publisher Peter, Gütersloh 1965
  • How I got warm in: 34 x first love. Documentary stories. Edited by Robert Neumann . Bärmeier & Nikel, Frankfurt a. M. 1966, pp. 312-317
  • The latest rumor. Satires on trivial politics. With 20 illustrations by Oswin ( Oswald Meichsner ). Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1965 (rororo 841)
  • Neuss Testament, a satirical time bomb by Wolfgang Neuss based on texts by François Villon . With contributions by Horst Tomayer, Thierry, Jens Gerlach , Gerd Delaveaux . With 26 woodcuts by Uwe Witt. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1966 (rororo 891); that. ed. u. documented v. Volker Kühn. Syndikat-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., 1985, ISBN 3-434-46055-1
  • Jacques Hartz (Ed.): Longing for Berlin. An illustrated book with an introduction by Marianne Eichholz and contributions by Wolfgang Neuss and Wolf Biermann. Marion von Schröder, Hamburg 1966
  • Asylum in the domicile. Colorful evening for revolutionaries. With the collaboration of Thierry and Hans Magnus Enzensberger. With 20 illustrations by Karl Staudinger . Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1968 (rororo 1072)
  • Franz Josef Degenhardt, Wolfgang Neuss, Hanns Dieter Hüsch, Dieter Süverkrüp: There you have it! Pieces and songs for a German quartet. With 19 illustrations by Eduard Prüssen . Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg 1968; that., Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1970 (rororo 1260), ISBN 3-499-11260-4
  • The Wolfgang Neuss book . A satire collection, edited, documented and commented by v. Volker Kühn. Satire Verlag, Cologne 1981, ISBN 3-88268-014-8
  • Neuss' age. Edited by Werner Pieper. Grüne Kraft, Löhrbach 1982 (The Green Branch 87), ISBN 978-3-922708-87-2
  • to do nothing without drugs. five poems for five marks. Berlin, Stechapfel 1983, ISBN 3-923159-03-X
  • Tunix is ​​better than unemployed . Sayings of a survivor by Wolfgang Neuss. Ed. U. with a preface v. Volker Kühn. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1985 (rororo 5556), ISBN 3-499-15556-7
  • Common sense is pure poison. Bangs from Wolfgang Neuss. Edited by Mathias Broeckers . Heyne, Munich 1985 (Heyne books 18, Scene 26), ISBN 3-453-35054-5
  • Volker Kühn (Ed.): The total Neuss . Collected Works. Rogner and Bernhard, Frankfurt a. M. 1997, ISBN 3-8077-0318-7

Publications on phonograms

  • 1957: Oh, that could be nice / Look at Shakespeare. Wolfgang Neuss and Wolfgang Müller. Single, Heliodor
  • 1957: We child prodigies. Wolfgang Neuss and Wolfgang Müller sing 4 chansons from the film of the same name. EP , Heliodor
  • 1958: The Threepenny Opera with Lotte Lenya , Wolfgang Neuss ( morality singers ), Willy Trenk-Trebitsch , Erich Schellow , Johanna von Koczian , Wolfgang Gruner, the Free Berlin Orchestra ( Wilhelm Brückner-Rüggeberg ), original instrumentation. LP, CBS
  • 1964: The latest rumor. By and with Wolfgang Neuss. Live recording in the domicile , Haus am Lützowplatz , Berlin. LP, Fontana
  • 1965: Neuss Testament. The Villon Show. With Wolfgang Neuss and Fatty George. LP, Fontana; OE: Preiser Records
  • 1965: Wolf Biermann (East) visits Wolfgang Neuss (West). Live in the Gesellschaftshaus am Zoo , Frankfurt a. M., April 19, 1965. (also as a record club edition under the title: Between East and West , 1965). LP, Philips (Philips Twen Series 42)
  • 1967: Asylum in the domicile. Colorful evening for revolutionaries. LP, Fontana
  • 1968: Marx people. By and with Wolfgang Neuss. LP, bellaphone
  • 1968: Neuss speaks image. Tribunal EP TTT1
  • 1971: The best from Wolfgang Neuss. With Fatty George. LP, Philips (contains: Opening; Faites votre jeu im Domizille-Milljöh; Aus der Zyne für die Zyne; Die Nun Elisabeth; Uncle Paul writes from the Black Sea; Inner leadership chain faction; Swetlana Stalin; The fresh air number; Die fette Margot; My Grandma from Neubrandenburg; All-German Ackerfurchenlyrik; Der kleine Herr Ranunkel from Brabant; Rhyming verses ...; Martin Luther and the Bishop; Hey, mother, listen; In the bloom of my blue days )
  • 1982: you understand? Practice, practice, practice! 60 minutes of noise modulation with Wolfgang Neuss. Music cassette (1983), Stechapfel-Verlag
  • 1983: I still have a stoner in Berlin . Recording: Thomas Hammer. Music cassette, Stechapfel-Verlag
  • 1984: Neuss from the day. LP, Hei Fidelio Record at two thousand and one
  • 1987: Heissa Neuss. “The total Wolfgang.” LP, Konnex Records
  • 1995: I still have a stoner in Berlin. CD, contrary music
  • 1996: Quartet '67. Live in Saarbrücken. 2 CDs, contrary music
  • 1997: Neuss Testament. The Villon Show. CD, contrary music
  • 1997: Live in the domicile (contains the programs: “The youngest rumor”, “Marxmenschen”, “Asylum in the domicile” ) Conträr Musik, 2 CDs, 150 min., ISBN 3-932219-07-4
  • 1998: Oh, that could be nice ... CD, Conträr Musik, ISBN 3-932219-08-2
  • 2001: Neuss Attacks - I sit here and think they're stupid. CD, Conträr Musik, ISBN 3-932219-31-7
  • 2003: Cabaret story (s) Wolfgang Neuss: a portrait , ed. by Karin Köbernick. Frankfurt am Main, hr -Media CD (2003), ISBN 3-89844-232-2
  • 2003: Neuss Germany. (contains, among other things, the LP Neuss vom Tage as well as his appearance in East Berlin in 1965 Always when I say "over there" ... ) 2 CDs, Edel Classics
  • 2003: NEUSS TOTAL. The man with the timpani 2 CDs, Bear-Family, ISBN 978-3-89916-014-7
  • 2004: Twice yesterday's Neuss . With Wolfgang Gruner, Katrin Schaake, Heinz Holl and the Johannes Rediske Quartet . 2 CDs, Bear Family, ISBN 978-3-89795-907-1
  • 2004: The Wall - The largest wall newspaper in the world. An audio book - Wolfgang Neuss reads graffiti sayings from the Berlin Wall , ed. by Ronald Steckel . CD, Werner Pieper's Green Force (Der Grüne Zweig 244), ISBN 978-3-922708-61-2
  • 2004: News from Neuss. The last appearance ... live in the ufaFabrik Berlin. DVD-Video, ufaFabrik


  • Roland Berbig: "It will affect you strangely that I say we." Wolfgang Neuss meets Uwe Johnson . In: Roland Berbig, Thomas Herold, Gesine Treptow, Thomas Wild (eds.): Uwe Johnson - Befreundungen. Conversations, documents, essays. Edition Context, Berlin et al. 2002, ISBN 3-931337-40-5 , pp. 145–150.
  • Anke Jablinski: Klettermax - despite the trauma, novel of an upward movement. Autobiography from the circles around Wolfgang Neuss. Axel Dielmann-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-86638-149-0 .
  • Gaston Salvatore : The Story of the Man with the Timpani . = Gaston Salvatore tells the story of the man with the timpani. Wolfgang Neuss, a child with many wrinkles . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1974, ISBN 3-10-051901-9 (Same ud T .: The man with the timpani . March at two thousand and one, Frankfurt am Main 1981; also: Licensed edition. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1983, ISBN 3- 499-15155-3 ( Rororo 5155); also: Wolfgang Neuss - ein wrinkled child. Biography . With an afterword by Siegward Lönnendonker and an annotated register of persons by Volker Kühn . Unchanged new edition of the first edition. Europäische Verlags-Anstalt, Hamburg 1995, ISBN 3 -434-50073-1 ).
  • Volker Kühn:  Neuss, Hans-Wolfgang Otto. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-428-00200-8 , p. 186 f. ( Digitized version ).

Radio plays

  • Andreas Weiser: "I sit here and think: are they stupid". An associative storm of words with Wolfgang Neuss . SFB / WDR / ORB 1998.

Web links

Commons : Wolfgang Neuss  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. According to the entry in his identity card, shown in the rbb film Neuss Germany - Querulant der Republik by Julia Oelkers & Peter Scholl from 2006.
  2. ^ Mathias Bröckers: Neuss Germany. About Wolfgang Neuss (1923–1989) .
  3. graswurzel.net
  4. Siegward Lönnendonker in the afterword to Gaston Salvatore : Wolfgang Neuss - a child rich in wrinkles. Biography. New edition 1995, p. 493:

    “Neuss did not do a cabaret with the left index finger raised, it was no longer on. However, Wolfgang Neuss forged a legend out of the missing finger in his left hand, the legend of war injuries as an act of resistance. 'I could only get out as injured,' he says. And three pages on: 'I've never really invented anything.' Yes, the story of the shot finger! It was an untreated infection when he was in Hamburg in the late 1940s. The nurse and the doctor who had taken his finger off him in the last resort (there was no penicillin at the time ) came to Berlin and just wanted to visit him without knowing that Neuss had built a life for himself with this finger legend. Dirk Müller was a bit pissed off about the story because I hate it, and for a moment thought about whether I should bring the ladies to him. Then he didn't do it. 'Oh no, then everything is broken, leave him, enough if anyone knows.' "

  5. Harriet Wixell: Greetings from Wolfgang Neuss.
  6. Printed in Neuss Testament, a satirical time bomb . Rowohlt, Reinbek 1966, pp. 118-123.
  7. Volker Kühn (Ed.): The total Neuss. Frankfurt a. M. 1997, pp. 745, 748, 751 f.
  8. Christian Schröder: Cabaret artist - laugh tears, howl of cheerfulness. tagesspiegel.de from May 3, 2009. Last accessed on December 3, 2013.
  9. Az. 524-77/84.
  10. Volker Kühn (Ed.): The total Neuss. Frankfurt a. M. 1997, p. 903.
  11. Christian Schröder: Laughing tears, howl of cheerfulness. In: Der Tagesspiegel , May 3, 2009.
  12. ^ Rüdiger Daniel, Vera Bogdahn: Film "The Neuss Testament". Theatrical release April 30, 2009, broadcast on 3sat on June 17, 2012. The film shows Wolfgang Müller's grave.
  13. Don't do anything without love ... Nicholas is the museum's birthday. on hanfmuseum.de on November 13, 2013. Retrieved on December 2, 2013.
  14. ^ Franz Josef Degenhardt: Franz Josef Degenhardt: Requiem . ( Memento from November 25, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  15. ^ Franz Josef Degenhardt: Still roughly sensual ( Memento from November 25, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  16. ^ Franz Josef Degenhardt: Adieu Kumpanen ( Memento from August 19, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  17. Wolfgang Neuss 1966 in an open letter to Willy Brandt, in the online archive of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit : “Dear Comrade Brandt” ; also documented in the book " Der totale Neuss ", Frankfurt am Main 1997, p. 467.
  18. Talk show “People” from December 5, 1983.
  19. "Marx People" program .
  20. Stern , back then always the last page: “The Neuss word of the week” .
  21. ^ Neuss Germany in the journal database. ZDB ID 8747-6