Zaqatala (Rayon)

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Coat of arms of the rayon
Şəki Abşeron Sumqayıt Baku Xızı Siyəzən Quba Quba Şabran Xaçmaz Qusar Qobustan Şirvan Hacıqabul Salyan Neftçala Lənkəran Lənkəran Astara (Rayon) Lerik (Rayon) Yardımlı (Rayon) Cəlilabad (Rayon) Masallı (Rayon) Biləsuvar (Rayon) Sabirabad (Rayon) Saatlı İmişli (Rayon) Kürdəmir (Rayon) Şamaxı (Rayon) Ağsu (Rayon) Göyçay (Rayon) Ucar (Rayon) Beyləqan (Rayon) Ağcabədi (Rayon) Bərdə (Rayon) Zərdab (Rayon) İsmayıllı (Rayon) Qəbələ (Rayon) Ağdaş Yevlax (Stadt) Mingəçevir Yevlax (Rayon) Naftalan Göygöl (Rayon) Gədəbəy (Rayon) Samux (Rayon) Gəncə Şəmkir (Rayon) Tovuz (Rayon) Ağstafa (Rayon) Qazax (Rayon) Oğuz (Rayon) Şəki (Rayon) Qax (Rayon) Zaqatala (Rayon) Balakən (Rayon) Şəmkir (Rayon) Goranboy (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Daskesan (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Terter (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Agdam (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xocavend (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Füzuli (Teile de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Kelbecer (fast vollständig de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xankəndi (unter der Bezeichnung „Stepanakert“ de-facto Teil der Republik Bergkarabach) Cabrayil (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Xocali (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Susa (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Lacin (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Qubadli (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Zengilan (de-facto Republik Bergkarabach) Ordubad (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Culfa (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Naxcivan (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Babek (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Sahbuz (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Kangarli (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Serur (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan) Saderak (Teil der Autonomen Republik Nachitschewan)
Location of the Zaqatala Rayon in Azerbaijan

Zaqatala is a rayon in northern Azerbaijan . The capital of the district is the city of Zaqatala . The district borders Georgia in the southwest and Russia in the northeast .


The district has an area of ​​1348 km² and is located on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus , mostly in the Ganikh-Arichay valley. Seven rivers flow through the region, which becomes flatter in the south. The climate is temperate to subtropical, about half of the district is forested. Unlike the rest of Azerbaijan, mulberry trees are still widespread in Zaqatala.


In 2009, 117,900 people lived in the rayon. These are spread over 22 settlements. A large number of Avars , Lesgiern , Zachuren and Georgians settled in the district .


The region is dominated by agriculture. There are hazelnut plantations. Vegetables, tobacco and grain are grown and sheep are raised. In addition, tobacco, nuts and other foods are processed, there are furniture factories and weaving mills. Silkworms are also bred. In addition, the tourism sector is of economic importance because of the nature park in the Caucasus.


Many fortifications from the Sassanid era have been preserved in the district. Close to the village of Yukhari Chardakhlar is the "Long Wall of Zagatala", one of the largest structures, and there is also an important monument nearby. The villages of Aliabad and Mosul have mosques from the 19th century.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Azerbaijan Development Gateway ( Memento of November 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) about the rayon
  2. a b c d about rayon and city
  3. Azerbaijani Statistical Authority ( Memento of November 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Zaqatala  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 36 '  N , 46 ° 42'  E