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Wiegraf then accompanied Vormav to a meeting Riovanes castle. When Ramza approached the castle to rescue Alma, Vormav ordered Wiegraf to deal with him. Wiegraf met Ramza in a hallway, surrounded by the corpses of the previous guards of Riovannes, and the two fought mano-a-mano. When Wiegraf noticed that Ramza had improved (i.e. had beaten him), he transformed into the Lucavi demon Velius, but at the same time, Ramza's allies arrived. Summoning three Archaic Demons to assist him, Velius attacked the group, but Ramza still triumphed, destroying Velius/Wiegraf.
Wiegraf then accompanied Vormav to a meeting Riovanes castle. When Ramza approached the castle to rescue Alma, Vormav ordered Wiegraf to deal with him. Wiegraf met Ramza in a hallway, surrounded by the corpses of the previous guards of Riovannes, and the two fought mano-a-mano. When Wiegraf noticed that Ramza had improved (i.e. had beaten him), he transformed into the Lucavi demon Velius, but at the same time, Ramza's allies arrived. Summoning three Archaic Demons to assist him, Velius attacked the group, but Ramza still triumphed, destroying Velius/Wiegraf.

:Note: The one-on-one fight with Wiegraf is generally considered by to be the hardest required battle in the game. Even a well-leveled Ramza character can succumb to Wiegraf in a few attacks. Because it takes place as the second battle in a three-battle series, players will not have the option of going back to level up if they save beforehand and do not have a backup file.
:Note: The fight with Wiegraf and Velius is generally considered to be the hardest required battle in the game. Even a well-leveled Ramza character can succumb to Wiegraf in a few attacks. Because it takes place as the second battle in a three-battle series, players will not have the option of going back to level up if they save beforehand and do not have a backup file.
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Revision as of 11:42, 16 June 2006

This is a list of characters in the game Final Fantasy Tactics. Template:Spoilers

Ramza Beoulve


Ramza is a member of the Beoulve family. He has one sister, named Alma Beoulve, whom he loves dearly and is very close to. He has two half-brothers as well, General Zalbag of the Hokuten, and Lord Dycedarg who serves directly under Duke Larg. Ramza desires to be a great hero and uphold the honorable name of his family, therefore he is enrolled at the Royal Academy located in Gariland Magic City. He becomes caught up in a struggle with the Death Corps, a group of former knights who were abandoned at the conclusion of the Fifty-Year War. The reasons behind the Death Corps' actions, as well as the response of the Hokuten Knights, leads both Ramza and Delita to doubt the morality of their country's actions.

Following an incident at Ft. Zeakden in which Delita's sister is killed, Ramza adopts the last name "Ruglia" (to avoid association with the Beoulves), and joins a group of mercenaries led by the Dark Knight Gaff Gafgarion. They are hired to protect Princess Ovelia, but she is kidnapped by Delita, and Ramza sets out to rescue her.

While trying to help Ovelia, Ramza stumbles upon a conspiracy involving the Murond Glabados Church and the 12 "Holy Zodiac Stones" (one for each sign of the Zodiac). He discovers that 12 demons from another plane of existence, called the Lucavi, communicate through each the stones; each demon communicates with a specific mortal who is compatible with a given stone. Promises of unearthly power are offered in exchange for allowing the given Lucavi to merge with the mortal's body.

Ramza also soon discovers the Lucavi have gained places of power and influence within the Glabados Church by merging with influential clergy members within its hierarchy, and are using its political clout to aid their quest to gather all the Holy Zodiac Stones so they can resurrect their leader Altima.

After killing Queklain, a Lucavi demon that had possessed Cardinal Draclau, Ramza is branded as a "heretic" by the Church. Soon after this, Ramza's sister Alma is captured, and he sets out to rescue her. Ramza's pursuit leads him to Riovanes Castle, where he defeats Wiegraf, who has merged with Velius; one of the Lucavi.

Zalbag, feeling guilty for his part in Dycedarg's schemes against Duke Larg, and having discovered that Dycedarg was responsible for poisoning their father Balbanes, confronts him. Ramza, after preventing the Nanten and Hokuten from battling at Bethla Garrison, arrives at Igros Castle in time to walk in on Zalbag confronting Dycedarg.

Dycedarg reveals that he has merged with a Lucavi named Adramelk; he transforms and obliterates Zalbag but is defeated by Ramza. Ramza declares that his family is finished and concludes that who he is (i.e., a member of the noble Beoulve family) does not matter as much as how he lives his life. With new focus, he sets out to save Alma.

After being forced to kill his brother Zalbag, who was raised from the dead by Vormav to fight him, Ramza's quest leads him through a dimensional portal to Murond Death City, where the Lucavi demon Hashmalum plans on resurrecting Altima using Alma's body as a vessel.

From Murond Death City, they travel to the Graveyard of Airships, Ramza intercepts and battles Hashmalum, but the demon commits suicide as a last attempt to provide sacrifice for Altima revival. This finally resurrects Altima, but Alma is able to resist and finally separate from Altima. Ramza then defeats Altima in its first form, the Bloody Angel, as well as its second form: the massive skeletal Arc Angel.

Subsequently, the airship they are fighting on explodes, while Ramza, Alma and their friends are assumed dead. However, Olan thinks he sees Ramza and Alma riding off on chocobos after their funeral.

Ramza's battle with the Lucavi behind the scenes of the Lion War concerned truths which flew in the face of important canonical doctrine; the legend of Saint Ajora and the Zodiac Braves, so the Church suppressed the truth of Ramza's role in the Lion War. The Church potentially stood to lose a great deal of political power if the truth behind the legend of Saint Ajora or actions undertaken by influential clergy possessed by Lucavi, were revealed to the public.

At the end of Final Fantasy Tactics, Alazlam, the historian who is narrating the story after uncovering long hidden documentation of Ramza's behind the scenes crusade against the Lucavi during the Lion War, reveals himself to be is a descendant of Olan Durai, who was burned at the stake as a heretic for documenting the events behind the scenes of the Lion War.

Delita Hyral


During the course of Final Fantasy Tactics, Delita shows his belief that, "the ends justify the means". When his sister dies due to the machinations of nobles, he vows never to be manipulated again, but instead to manipulate others.

His manipulations lead to his eventual rulership of Ivalice, while he lets everyone else duke it out. He uses Ovelia for his purposes, but actually falls in love with her while he's doing it. Although his goals coincide with those of Goltana and the Church at points, he always plans on double-crossing them. He lets his best friend, Ramza and his friends live so that they can destroy the Church's new Zodiac Braves and allow Delita to become king himself.

Balbanes adopted him and his sister Teta from their common background and they became fast friends with Ramza and Alma. While growing up, Delita attended the Gariland Military Academy with Ramza. He followed Ramza through the rescue of Algus, the kidnapping of Teta, and the decisive battle at Fort Zeakden, where Algus kills Teta. Delita kills Algus, but Golagros (Teta's kidnapper) ignites the ammunition inside Fort Zeakden.

As Delita tells Ramza later, when the walkway explodes in front of him, Teta saved Delita from the blast[[1]]and he is able to escape the scene unnoticed:

Delita: Teta saved me...
Ramza: What?
Delita: Teta saved me back then...
Ramza: .........

Delita's plan begins to form. He gains captainship of the Black Sheep Knights by pretending to be the sole survivor after their annihilation during a previous battle and at the same time works as an agent for Larg & the Hokuten.

Throughout all this, he's in contact with the Murond Glabados Church, vowing allegiance to their scheme to dethrone BOTH Larg and Goltana, and in fact it is he who ultimately kills Goltana. He's sent to kidnap Ovelia for Larg, but instead takes her for Goltana. However, after a fight with some Hokuten Knights, he leaves Ovelia in Ramza's charge. Later events in the game show that Delita marries Ovelia and usurps the throne of Ivalice. In spite of the different paths their lives take in the game, it is clear Delita still considers Ramza a friend.

In the final scene in Final Fantasy Tactics, Ovelia attacks Delita with a dagger, managing to stab him with it before he takes it from her, fatally stabbing her with it in response. As he limped away bleeding, Delita asked, "Ramza.... What did you get? I.........". Whether Delita died soon afterwards or not is unclear.

In any case, the Glabados Church romanticized Delita's actions during the Lion War, painting him as the main hero of the Lion War in a further effort to conceal the existence of Ramza Beoulve.

Princess Ovelia Atkascha


Athough her real identity is shrouded in mystery, Ovelia has been raised as a princess. She's brave in the face of adversity, but her courage is offset by her weakness and people are always taking advantage of her (especially Delita, without even realizing it). The real princess lunaria is the sister of King Omdolia; the current Ovelia was adopted by Omdolia because it was thought he was to weak to conceive a new heir. After Ovelia's adoption, she was taken to Orbonne Monastery, under the auspices of Simon Pen Rakshu. Her bodyguards are Agrias and her two knights Lavian and Alicia. (Before going to Orbonne, she was in a different monastery where she made fast friends with Alma.) Gafgarion, Rad and Ramza are also hired by Larg to protect her. However, a kidnapping scheme perpetrated by Larg and her stepmother/sister-in-law Ruvelia has the Hokuten Knights, posing as the Nanten, kidnap her. Delita takes her from them, intending to take her to Zeltennia Castle, but decides to leave her with Ramza and Agrias for the time being. Ovelia and Ramza head to Lionel Castle, where she assumes Cardinal Draclau will protect her. Draclau betrays her, however, and turns her into a prisoner along with Agrias. Draclau and Vormav then tell Ovelia that she is not the real Princess, and Delita takes her to Goltana, who attempts to put her on the throne. Larg refuses to acknowledge her, and the Lion War begins, and her true ancestry is never concluded.

Later in the game, Ovelia marries Delita, and becomes queen. Even as queen, she is still used as part of the scheme between the church and the government. Ovelia's role is far less important later in the game, and very little of her is seen after she marries Delita.

In the last scene of Final Fantasy Tactics, Ovelia confronts Delita about his manipulation of everyone. She stabs him in the stomach, and Delita kills her in retaliation.

Alma Beoulve / Altima


Alma is a very brave and kind-hearted girl, who's much closer to Ramza (her full brother) than her other half-brothers. She fights when she can, but Ramza constantly has to rescue her: she is the only eligible body for St. Ajora and Altima, the Bloody Angel; she is the cornerstone of the Lucavi plan. Alma attended the Igros Aristocratic School with Teta. After the coup at Fort Zeakden when Ramza disappeared, she was at a monastery where she befriended Princess Ovelia. Later, she lived in Lesalia Imperial Capital with her brother Zalbag. She met Ramza there and accompanied him to Orbonne Monastery (she wished to know the truth about the Holy Stones, and Ramza being a heretic would find it hard to enter the monastery alone). There, she is kidnapped by Izlude and taken to Riovanes Castle. When Vormav goes on a murderous rampage in the castle, she finds Izlude wounded; Izlude gives her his Pisces Holy Stone. Ramza tries to save her, but she is again kidnapped by Vormav; she is taken to Murond Holy Place. When Vormav finds the true location of Murond Death City, she is taken there. Her body is at first taken over by St. Ajora, but she somehow gets it back. After St. Ajora and Altima are defeated, Alma is buried by the Church, but as the ending indicates, the burial appears to be nothing more than a ruse.

Dycedarg Beoulve / Adramelk


Dycedarg is one of the archetypical Machiavellian anti-heros, driven by his own desires and accomplishing them through any means necessary -- devious or otherwise. In doing so, but not particularly caring, he is the only Beoulve who dishonors his family name. Cold-hearted only through his pursuit of power, he is often misjudged by many players of the game as being a complete sociopath who has a natural proclivity to kill.

Dycedarg became the leader of the Hokuten Knights during his father Balbanes' illness (see below), though he later complied with the latter's wishes and stepped down in favor of his younger brother, the Arc Knight Zalbag. Both a skilled magician and fencer -- earning the title of Lune Knight -- he is also an excellent diplomat, helping negotiate the final treaties that ended the ruinous Fifty Year War that Ivalice fought against the nation of Ordallia in the east.

A few months before the kidnapping of the Princess, he is vexed, like all high-ranking Hokuten officials (Dycedarg himself is the leader of Gallione), with wishing to get rid of the anti-aristocratic, Mafia-like Death Corps, led by a renegade knight of exceptional skill, Wiegraf Folles, and his sister, Miluda. To accelerate the Death Corps' demise, Dycedarg pays a Death Corps fencer -- probably promising clemency along the way -- named Gustav Margueriff, to kidnap Marquis Elmdor, and thus create an excuse to declare all-out war on the Death Corps, and in doing so, wiping them out for good. Zalbag, unaware of Dycedarg's plans, expresses confusion in a brief meeting with Ramza, Algus, and Delita as to why the Death Corps would suddenly stoop to kidnapping.

Ramza, for his part, is spurred on by a cadet he and Delita rescue on the Mandalia Plains named Algus to rescue Marquis Elmdor, the latter's liege. Following clues from an interrogated Death Corps captain captured in Dorter Trade City (on the trail of a missing spy from Gallione), they trace the hostage Elmdor to a basement underneath the ruins of a desert settlement -- the famous "Cellar of the Sand Rat." There, Gustav is killed in a duel with Wiegraf, and the latter lets Elmdor free -- knowing full-well that Dycedarg's sacrificing of Elmdor was meant to destroy the Death Corps itself.

Dycedarg becomes furious at Ramza, obstentiably for disobeying his orders and leaving his assigned sentry-posting at Igros Castle, but more likely because his plot was foiled. Larg, making a timely entrance while Dycedarg is berating Ramza, mentions to Dycedarg after the latter leaves (on assignment to find an abandoned fisherman's fort off the coast of Gariland Magic City that has become a major Death Corps base) that both of them were once eager young cadets, like Ramza and Delita are. He also assures Dycedarg that Ramza might have ended up turning the tide against the Death Corps even more so -- which, it turns out, he most certainly did.

Shortly thereafter, in fact during the same time as Ramza's successful sack of the aforementioned Thieve's Fort, Golagros Lavine (a Death Corps knight) tries to assassinate Dycedarg but fails, and tries to kidnap his younger sister Alma before Zalbag intervenes. He succeeds, however, in kidnapping Alma's best friend (and, significantly, Delita's sister and only surviving relative) Teta, and while Dycedarg promises Delita that he will make every effort to find her, he allows Algus a free hand to kill both Teta and Golagros at the Battle of Fort Zeakden, in order to finally quash the Death Corps for good.

Three months later, Dycedarg hires a Dark Knight named Gaff Gafgarion to kidnap Ovelia and blame it on the Nanten -- thus providing an excellent casus belli for the Hokuten to declare war and put Prince Orinas, supposed son of the late king of Ivalice, on the throne -- and so, of course, putting Dycedarg and Larg as the powers behind the new monarchy. Larg, as Orinas' uncle (he is Queen Ruvelia's brother), would be appointed in such a case -- giving him immense power over the whole of Ivalice.

Dycedarg's animosity toward Ramza reaches a high point by this time, and he informs Gafgarion to kill Ramza if he happens to get the way. He makes this pronouncement over a glass of wine in his office, Gafgarion standing at attention -- characteristic of Dycedarg's usual cold-as-ice persona.

During the actual kidnapping, Agrias Oaks, a Holy Knight in charge of defending Ovelia, berates Lezales, the leader of the troop trying to perform the actual kidnapping -- "Prince Goltana is such an idiot -- does he want to start a war?!" Ironically enough, this is exactly what happens: the plot to kidnap Ovelia ends in disaster, and in fact backfires spectacularly. Goltana, leader of the petty principality on the Ordallian border, had in his service the kidnapper himself, Ramza's boyhood friend Delita, who takes Ovelia back to him. Shortly thereafter, King Omdoria dies.

Larg marches the Hokuten on Lesalia, the imperial capital, and enthrones Orinas becoming Regent of Ivalice in the process. Goltana, however, his reputation so recently sullied by being framed for the kidnapping of the princess, also marches on Lesalia and, seeking to become a power behind the throne and clean up his image, enthrones Ovelia. This conflict is the starting point of the devestating "Lion War," so-called because of the lion's crest on Larg and Goltana's respective coat-of-arms.

Delita, endearing himself to Prince Goltana by ratting out a treacherous minister in Goltana's council named Gelwan and posing as a Black Sheep Knight under Baron Grimms, recommends the Nanten march and capture the Queen Mother Ruvelia, and imprison her in the impregnable fortress of Bethla Garrison. The Nanten sisruptucceed -- only to have the Hokuten under Zalbag also march on Bethla, in order to liberate the Queen Mother and damage the Nanten enough to claim victory.

Both armies are debilitated by the spraying of Mosfungus poison by the disgraced engineer Balk, and high atop a sentry tower overlooking the bloody battles below, Dycedarg finds Prince Larg debillitated by the poison and stabs him with a concealed dagger after he says that his intoxication is not fatal. Then he instructed Zalbag, who arrived on the scene in time to witness the assassination, to place in the hand of a dead Hokuten knight to make it look like the latter was a Nanten spy -- thus pinning responsibility for Larg's death onto the Nanten.

Larg, hacking up blood in his last moments, bitterly lashes out at Dycedarg for being a patricidal traitor: explicitly accusing Dycedarg of being personally responsible for Balbanes' death, much to the dismay of Zalbag, who had arrived on the scene in time to witness the assassination. Then Dycedarg passed out from the Mosfungus toxin in his system without addressing the accusation (much to the chagrin of Zalbag), but not before ordering Zalbag to place the dagger in the hand of a dead Hokuten knight to make it look like the latter was a Nanten spy; thus pinning responsibility for Larg's death onto the Nanten.

Later, recovering from the mild Mosfungus poisoning, Dycedarg meets the Glabados Sect of the Murond Church's envoy, a mysterious and sinister knight named Rofel, who is there to serve as an arbiter of peace between the Nanten and the Hokuten. When Dycedarg is initially uncooperative with him, Rofel cooly threatens him by revealing the Church's knowledge of Dycedarg's involvement with Prince Larg and Balbanes' deaths, reducing him to silence.

Then Rofel switches from coercion to apparent generosity: offering Dycedarg the Capricorn Zodiac Stone as a token of the Church's trust in him. Unknown to Dycedarg, Rofel is following orders from Vormav by giving another Zodiac Stone to a compatible host.

After this meeting Dycedarg is confronted by Zalbag, who had discovered evidence that Dycedarg had poisoned their father. After a brief confrontation, Ramza walks in on them. A melee ensues; Dycedarg and his guards on one side, Zalbag & Ramza on the other. Dycedarg is defeated but as he began to succumb to his wounds, the Lucavi demon Adramelk reached through the Capricorn Stone to merge with Dycedarg. Dycedarg, now sharing his body with Adramelk, brazenly admited to having poisoned their father (Balbanes), out of frustration with Balbanes' lack of ambition. Then he swiftly obliterated Zalbag before being killed in combat by Ramza.

Zalbag Beoulve


A noble and devout knight, Zalbag refuses to hear any bad words about his brother Dycedarg until events point otherwise. When he finally sees the truth, he pursues it without heed.

Zalbag, at Balbanes' behest, took over the Hokuten Knights when Balbanes died. He meets Ramza, Delita, and Algus at Igros, and tells them that a spy following the Death Corps was headed towards Dorter -- adding, "Guarding a castle is such boring work...don't you think?" This would probably lead to believe that Zalbag was baiting Ramza to disobey Dycedarg -- and thus help the Hokuten beat back the Death Corps.

Later, Zalbag foils Golagros's attempt on Dycedarg's life, but can't save Teta from him. By Dycedarg's order, Zalbag pursues Golagros to Fort Zeakden and tells Algus to kill both Teta and Golagros. Ashamed, he then returns to Lesalia Imperial Capital.

Many months later, he is visited by Ramza, who tries to tell him of Dycedarg's treachery, but Zalbag refuses to listen. After the decisive battle at Bethla Garrison, Zalbag finds both Dycedarg and Larg mildly poisoned. Dycedarg suddenly stabs Larg, and tells Zalbag to put the knife in the hands of a dead Hokuten, claiming that the Hokuten was a Nanten spy and killed Larg. However, Larg's dying words, accusing Dycedarg of killing his father Balbanes, shocks Zalbag and he resolves to find out more.

He travels to Igros, but ends up overhearing a conversation between Dycedarg and Rofel where Rofel gives several strong hints regarding Dycedarg's poisoning Balbanes with Mosfungus. Zalbag decides to find out once and for all; he hires a chemist to go to Balbanes' grave. The chemist confirms that Balbanes was killed by Mosfungus poisoning. Zalbag, in a righteous rage, heads back to Igros to confront Dycedarg. He kills him, but Dycedarg turns into Adramelk and destroys Zalbag, not even leaving a body. Zalbag is later resurrected against his will as a vampire, forced to fight Ramza in the basement of Murond Holy Place. He begs Ramza to kill him; Ramza reluctantly complies, and Zalbag finally rests in peace.

Prince Bestrada Larg


Prince of Gallione, and supreme leader of Hokuten Knights, Larg is only slightly more honorable than his enemy Goltana. He's a good deal more devious, hatching long-term plots and a long string of blames and red herrings. However, as events prove, he's not shrewd enough. His link to the throne is through Queen Ruvelia, his sister, and her son Orinas. Because of his flag, he's known as the White Lion. Larg's first entry into the Lion War is to commend Ramza for his work in rescuing Marquis Elmdor (even though Dycedarg, his right-hand man, set the kidnapping up). Larg thinks Ramza may prove useful in the future. Later, Larg is visited by Gelwan, an aide to Goltana who wishes to double-cross his master. Together with Queen Ruvelia, they hatch the following plot: Larg is to hire Gafgarion's troupe to guard Ovelia, who is stationed in Orbonne Monastery; this will prove Larg's intentions to protect her. At the same time, he is to send a cadre of Hokuten Knights, disguised as Nanten Knights, to kidnap her. He knows that they'll lose to Gafgarion, but while they're fighting, Delita (a Hokuten, as far as Larg knows) is to kidnap her. This way, Ovelia will be out of the way, and Goltana will be framed for the kidnapping. However, the plan backfires when Delita turns out to be a Nanten, bent on taking Ovelia to Goltana. Larg tries to chase Ramza (the only other one who knows of Larg's plot) and fails to catch him. He counts his losses and bides his time until the death of King Omdolia, when he declares that Prince Orinas is the rightful heir. Since Orinas is only 3 at the time, he declares himself Orinas's regent, which would put him in rule of Ivalice. However, Goltana simultaneously proclaims Ovelia as true ruler; the Lion War begins. However, Gelwan's true actions are exposed by Delita, who demands that Ruvelia be captured and kept in Bethla Garrison for her crimes against Ovelia. Larg's Hokuten eventually storms Bethla Garrison. However, they are paralyzed by an epidemic of Mosfungus, spread by Balk of the Temple Knights. Larg himself is poisoned, but not badly. However, Dycedarg takes advantage of Larg's state and stabs him, becoming the head of the White Lion flag.

Prince Druksmald Goltana


Goltana is the prince of Ivalice, supreme leader of Nanten Knights, and the leader of Zeltennia. Goltana is a bit paranoid, not very moralistic, and wants to rule Ivalice by declaring Princess Ovelia as ruler and not letting her out of Zeltennia. He is not as underhanded as his enemy Larg. Because of his flag, he's known as the Black Lion. Goltana was framed by Larg for kidnapping Ovelia, but had his own ace up his sleeve: Delita, Larg's backup, was really working for Goltana. After Draclau's death and Ovelia's arrival at Zeltennia, Delita exposes Gelwan's plot and demands that Goltana storm Lesalia and capture Queen Ruvelia, who ordered the kidnapping of Ovelia. She is to be held in Bethla Garrison for her crimes. Goltana agrees. During Ruvelia's capture, Larg insists that Prince Orinas is the ruler; Goltana retorts with his claim of Ovelia being the true ruler, and the Lion War begins. Despite heavy losses for both sides, Goltana would rather raise taxes to ridiculous heights then try for a peace treaty with Larg. During the battle at Bethla Garrison, Goltana hears reports of Orlandu (his most trusted aide and leader of his Nanten Knights) plotting rebellion; he sentences him to death. (Orlandu escapes afterwards.) He appoints Delita as head of the Nanten. At the same time, he knows of Delita's ties to the Murond Church and asks for a sanction of his claim. (He knows that the Church poisoned the Hokuten and therefore they must be on Goltana's side.) After the battle, Goltana is assassinated by Delita, who frames Orlandu for it (but he kills an impostor Orlandu so that the real Orlandu can be at peace).

Wiegraf Folles / Velius

Wiegraf was the leader of the Death Corps until their defeat by the Hokuten Knights. He was opposed to some of the more drastic actions of the Death Corps, and when a Death Corps Captain kidnapped Marquis Elmdor, Wiegraf responded by killing his own officer.

Upon the arrival of Ramza and Algus to rescue the Marquis, Wiegraf released the Marquis in exchange for his own freedom. His sister, Miluda, also a member of the Death Corps, was later killed by Ramza at Lenalia Plateau. When word of his sister's death reached his ears, Wiegraf had Delita's sister Teta who had been taken hostage by the Death Corps moved to Ft. Zeakden, and then met Ramza in battle outside his windmill hut.

After his defeat, he fled from battle, and eventually joined the Temple Knights of the Murond Glabados Church. He was given the Aries Stone. When Ramza entered the Orbonne Monastery to look for the Virgo Stone, Wiegraf and his comrade Izlude captured Ramza's sister Alma. When Ramza challenged them, Wiegraf had Izlude flee while he attempted to avenge Miluda.

He failed and was mortally wounded, but as he lay dying, a voice emanated from the Aries Stone, and offered Wiegraf great power. Wiegraf accepted in order to prolong his life, and became one with Velius, the Lucavi. Before Ramza could stop him, he disappeared.

Wiegraf then accompanied Vormav to a meeting Riovanes castle. When Ramza approached the castle to rescue Alma, Vormav ordered Wiegraf to deal with him. Wiegraf met Ramza in a hallway, surrounded by the corpses of the previous guards of Riovannes, and the two fought mano-a-mano. When Wiegraf noticed that Ramza had improved (i.e. had beaten him), he transformed into the Lucavi demon Velius, but at the same time, Ramza's allies arrived. Summoning three Archaic Demons to assist him, Velius attacked the group, but Ramza still triumphed, destroying Velius/Wiegraf.

Note: The fight with Wiegraf and Velius is generally considered to be the hardest required battle in the game. Even a well-leveled Ramza character can succumb to Wiegraf in a few attacks. Because it takes place as the second battle in a three-battle series, players will not have the option of going back to level up if they save beforehand and do not have a backup file.

Teta Hyral

Teta is Delita's sister, and a close friend of Alma Beoulve despite class differences between the Beoulve and Hyral families.

During a failed assassination attempt on Dycedarg, she is taken hostage by the Death Corps. Dycedarg sends Zalbag and Algus to attack the Death Corps at Fort Zeakden, but Delita realizes that Teta will be killed if a large-scale battle occurs. He convinces Ramza to move up through the Lenalia Plateau to attack the Death Corps from the rear and rescue Teta.

Teta is being held at the windmill hut near Ft. Zeakden by Wiegraf, but when Wiegraf's sister Miluda is killed during Ramza's advance, Wiegraf is determined for revenge. He has Teta taken to Fort Zeakden, while he fights with Ramza. Zalbag and Algus arrive to attack the fort, but Teta's captor, Golagros uses Teta as a human shield, and threatens to blow up the fort if the Hokuten give him any trouble.

As Delita and Ramza arrive, Algus fires his crossbow and kills Teta, and shoots Golagros while he is shocked. Algus states that her life is not important because she is a 'commoner'. Mortally wounded, Teta calls out to Delita one last time, and then falls unconscious.

Delita goes into a rage and kills Algus, but as he returns to Teta, Golagros, who has crawled his way back inside, trips the explosives. However according to the English translation of Final Fantasy Tactics, Delita says that Teta saved him from the explosion[[2]]:

Delita: Teta saved me...
Ramza: What?
Delita: Teta saved me back then...
Ramza: .........

Agrias Oaks

Agrias Oaks is Princess Ovelia's bodyguard. She has been called an early Beatrix (from Final fantasy IX). After Ovelia is kidnapped from Orbonne Monastery, she joins with Ramza and Gafgarion to save her. They catch up to Ovelia's kidnappers at Zirekile falls where Delita has accosted them, but Gafgarion betrays Ramza, and attempts to have Ovelia killed. He is wounded, forcing him to retreat, and Ovelia is rescued. She then helps to escort Ovelia to Lionel Castle where she believes Ovelia can find safe haven. Despite two run-ins with the Bart Trading Company, they succeed in reaching Lionel Castle. Cardinal Draclau of the Murond Glabados Church grants Ovelia and Agrias safe haven. Ramza then leaves to help Fusion investigate Bart Trading Company, but Draclau soon betrays the two women. After hearing that Ovelia is to be executed at Golgorand Execution Site, Agrias escapes her captors and flees south to Barius Valley, where Draclau's henchmen catch up to her, but Ramza arrives and saves Agrias from certain death. She then joins forces with Ramza, and the two head to the execution site, but it is all a trap: the Ovelia here is a decoy, and the executioner is none other than Gafgarion. During the ensuing battle, Agrias learns that Ramza is a Beoulve. They defeat the knights, archers, and mages lying in ambush and then return to Lionel Castle, unaware of the danger that awaits within. Agrias is of the Holy Knight class, she starts off as a non-playable character in Chapter 2, but becomes available full-time later on.

Gaff Gafgarion

Gafgarion is a Dark Knight in his late 50's. In his past, he was a leader of the Touten Knights during the Fifty Year War. His brutal fighting style forced him out after the war ended. He then became a mercenary who was employed by Prince Larg to kidnap Princess Ovelia, but failed when Delita Hyral intervened. He was then ordered to deal with Ramza Beoulve. His first attempt involved a trap centered around the staged execution of a decoy Ovelia. Agrias, who had been taken prisoner at Lionel Castle was allowed to learn of the execution, and she subsequently escaped and alerted Ramza, who walked right into the trap. Gafgarion's men emerged from hiding, and a battle ensued, but Ramza was victorious. Gafgarion retreated to Lionel Castle and waited for Ramza to arrive. When Ramza tried to slip over the wall to open the gate for his allies, Gafgarion triggered another ambush on Ramza's allies outside, and fought a duel with Ramza just inside the gate, but was defeated and killed. As a non-playable character, Gafgarion was a practictioner of the Dark Sword technique.

Cardinal Alphonse Draclau / Queklain

Cardinal Draclau is the second highest ranking member of the clergy in the Murond Glabados Church. He is the holder of the Scorpio Stone, and the human host for the Lucavi demon, Queklain. Draclau welcomes Ramza, Ovelia, and Agrias at Lionel Castle, and offers to protect the latter two, while Ramza investigates Bart Trading Company.

Unbeknownst to Ramza, however, Draclau is in league with Bart Trading Company, whom he has hired to find the twelve Zodiac Stones. Their leader Bart Rudvich extorts Ramza and Fusion into finding the Taurus stone for him, but upon bringing it to Draclau, it proves to be a fake. Enraged, Draclau kills Rudvich and orders Gafgarion to deal with Ramza. Gafgarion fails, and dies in battle with Ramza at the gate of Lionel Castle. Ramza then rushes inside to confront Draclau, who surprises Ramza by revealing his Lucavi form, that of Queklain. Ramza kills the the Cardinal, and is labelled as a heretic as a result.

Marquis Mesdoram Elmdor / Zalera

Marquis Elmdor is the ruler of Limberry. He is taken hostage by the Death Corps, but Wiegraf releases him to Ramza in exchange for his own escape. He is later reported killed in battle. However, at some point, the Lucavi Demon Zalera merges with him to prevent that death. Two Ultima Demons work form him, disguising themselves as human girls Celia and Lede.

Elmdor, Celia, and Lede appear at Riovanes Castle and attack Rafa, but Ramza intervenes and Elmdor flees back to Limberry Castle. Ramza later journeys to Limberry Castle looking for Alma. Elmdor is in the middle of a meeting with Vormav, when Celia and Lede burst in to warn them of Ramza's approach. Vormav rushes off to prepare for Altima's resurrection, leaving Elmdor to fight Ramza. Elmdor, realizing he cannot defeat Ramza in his mortal form, lures Ramza into the basement where he summons several undead creatures to assist him. He then transforms into Zalera, an act which is witnessed by Vormav's daughter Meliadoul. Meliadoul realizes the truth about her father and joins Ramza in battle against the demon. They prevail, and Zalera is destroyed.

Cidolfas Orlandu

Orlandu is one of the leaders of the Nanten Knights, and a powerful warrior. He is nicknamed "T.G. (Thunder God) Cid" and possesses the sword skills of Agrias, Gafgarion, and Meliadoul combined. He is also in possession of the Libra Stone, but is not a Lucavi. After the Nanten suffer a great defeat to the Hokuten, he begins to disagree with Goltana, and Delita uses this to his advantage. When Delita kills Goltana, he charges Orlandu with the crime. Orlandu escapes with Ramza's help, however, and Delita executes a decoy. Orlandu then joins forces with Ramza, now knowing that the Hokuten and Nanten were manipulated into fighting against each other. He is either Olan's foster father or his father-in-law (the game's translation does not remain consistent on this point). Orlandu is easily the most powerful character the party can obtain in the game. A master of all the game's sword skills, he also possesses one of the best weapons--the knight sword Excalibur, which generates a constant Haste effect on the wielder, making his attack turns come up more often and strengthening the power of all holy-elemental skills, making him even more devastating to the enemy troops. It is of note that while many of his swordskills are shown to be holy or otherwise elemental in tooltips, they actually gain the element of the wielder's weapon. Incidentally, Orlandu's Power and Strength is what started the once popular term of Orlandu Syndrome

Olan Durai

Olan is either the adopted son of Orlandu or his son-in-law (the game's translation does not remain consistent on this point); the identity of his biological parents is never revealed. Olan is an officer in Goltana's troops, and is presumed to hunt deserters for a living. He is well gifted in Astrology, and uses it in battle to severely limit the actions of the enemy by literally stopping them in place. In regards to personality, Olan is very similar to the main character Ramza; Olan will stop at nothing to uncover the truth and will not tolerate injustice.

Though we see little of him during the game, it is revealed during the epilouge that Olan later wrote a book detailing the actions of Ramza and the injustices of the Church. No one at the time believed him, and he was eventually burned at the stake by the Church for heresy.

It wasn't until centuries later, when Olan's works were discovered by his descendant Alazlam J. Durai, that the public learned the truth behind the Lion War and the magnitude of the crimes of the Glabados Church.

Izlude Tingel

Izlude is a Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church. He is the son of Vormav. Vormav dispatches him, along with Wiegraf, to recover the Virgo Stone, located in the third basement of the Orbonne Monastery. He reaches the temple and proceeds inside, leaving Wiegraf behind. Ramza arrives just after him and, leaving his sister Alma behind, he pursues Izlude into the basement. Izlude recovers the Virgo Stone, but Ramza challenges him. Ramza defeats Izlude, who teleports to escape. Meanwhile, Wiegraf emerges and accosts Alma. As Ramza rushes back up the stairs to rescue his sister, Wiegraf sends Izlude away with Alma while he confronts Ramza. Ramza quickly defeats Wiegraf, but Izlude manages to escape. Izlude and Alma are subsequently captured by Malak, and brought to Riovanes Castle. Vormav also goes to Riovanes Castle, accompanied by Wiegraf, and Izlude is brought before them. A furious Vormav strikes Izlude across the face. Word arrives that Ramza is approaching, and Malak and Wiegraf are both dispatched to deal with him, leaving Izlude and Vormav with the duke. Negotiations between Vormav and the duke quickly go sour, and Vormav begins to act strangely. Only when Vormav pulls out the Leo Stone and uses it to transform into Hashmalum does Izlude realize the terrible truth about his own father. He attempts to stop Hashmalum, but is killed.

Meliadoul Tingel

Meliadoul is the daughter of Vormav and the sister of Izlude. She is a Divine Knight skilled in the Mighty Sword technique, which allows her to destroy her enemies' equipment. Upon the death of her brother at Riovanes Castle, Meliadoul assumes that Ramza is the murderer. She is unaware that her father, who has mistreated both Izlude and Meliadoul, is actually Hashmalum, second-in-command of the Lucavi. She confronts Ramza on his way to search for Orlandu, and when Ramza is unable to convince her that Vormav is the real killer, he is left with no choice but to fight her. He defeats her, forcing her to retreat, but she refuses to give up. She follows Ramza to Limberry castle, where she bursts in as Ramza is fighting Marquis Elmdor. At that moment, Elmdor transforms in the Lucavi demon Zalera, and Meliadoul realizes there is some truth to what Ramza has told her. When she joins the battle against Zalera, he reveals that Vormav has indeed been possessed by a Lucavi. With her help, Ramza is able to destroy Zalera. Meliadoul then reveals to Ramza that his brother Dycedarg is in possession of the Capricorn Stone, and the two rush to Igros Castle to deal with him. Their next destination is the St. Murond Temple, where they once again encounter Vormav. Vormav is surprised to see Meliadoul fighting against him, and demands to know why she is doing so. Meliadoul responds by revealing that she knows about the Lucavi and subsequently disowning Vormav. Vormav escapes battle by summoning Zalbag from the dead to create a diversion, but the truth is now undeniable: Meliadoul's father is the enemy.

Vormav Tingel / Hashmalum

Vormav is a Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church, and a main antagonist in Final Fantasy Tactics. In truth, he is really Hashmalum, second-in-command of the Lucavi Demons who have infiltrated the Church by merging with influential members of its clerical hierarchy.

His son Izlude, also a Temple Knight, and his daughter Meliadoul, aren't aware of what their father has become, nor are they privy to the way he and the other Lucavi are using the Church's influence and power to help them gather the stones so they can bring other Lucavi, especially their leader, St. Ajora (A.K.A., Altima the Bloody Angel), to this plane of existence.

Ramza begins to interfere by collecting the stones himself, Vormav's son Izlude is sent to collect the Virgo Stone from Orbonne Monastery. He collects the stone and captures Ramza's sister, Alma, but is in turn captured by Malak. When Vormav was reunited with his son at Riovanes Castle, he denounces Izlude's weakness, slapping him across the face. Subsequently, when the Duke attempts to coerce Vormav's cooperation, he transforms into his Lucavi form and goes on a rampage, mortally wounding Izlude in the process.

When he discovers Alma at the end of his rampage, he notes that the Virgo Zodiac stone, St. Ajora's stone, reacts to her, identifying her as a suitable host. So he kidnaps her. After this, Vormav travels to St. Murond Temple and, aided by Rofel and Kletian, discovers the location of the the gateway to Murond Death City from High Priest Funeral; it is in the basement of Orbonne Monastery. Soon after he uncovers the location, Ramza catches up to them. Vormav coerces Ramza into relenquishing the Germonik Scriptures and learns the spell that is needed to open the gate. Then before fleeing, he summons Ramza's brother Zalbag from the dead to occupy his attention.

After travelling to the Graveyard of Airships at Murond Death City, he attempts to resurrect St. Ajora, but when his return is not forthcoming, concludes that more "bloodshed" must be necessary to allow St. Ajora to reach through the stone and merge with Alma's body.

When Ramza arrives, Vormav transforms again into his Lucavi form and tries to sacrifice Ramza and his allies to Ajora to create the necessary bloodshed, but he is wounded. Deciding that he cannot win, Vormav commits suicide in the hope that enough bloodshed will result to cause Ajora's resurrection.

Saint Ajora Glabados / Altima

The Legend

St. Ajora was born in Bervenia and raised in Milodos. The day he was born, he went to the town well and said that the well meant death; as it turned out, the well was tainted. His popularity grew until the Holy Empire Yudora began to be fearful of him; they executed him at Golgorand Execution Site after Germonik, one of his disciples, turned him in for money. However, days after his death, the headquarters of the Fara Church were destroyed in a giant tidal wave. This was taken to be a supernatural occurrence, and the Glabados Church was born. Legend also states that Ajora took 12 Zodiac Stones and 12 followers and defeated an evil demon summoned by a king of Limberry.

The Person

Ajora began as a petty spy, selling information about countries to the highest bidder. The Yudora Empire got wind of his actions and sent a spy, Germonik, to find out his activities. Germonik found more than he bargained for, though. It's unclear whether Ajora summoned the Lucavi or vice versa, but he was chosen to be the host for the Lucavi leader, Altima. Germonik found several Holy Stones (Virgo among them) and informed the Empire of Ajora's plans; the Empire, justifiably fearful of the havoc Ajora would cause, executed him. However, his spirit rested in Murond Death City, in the Airship Graveyard. 1200 years later, he was resurrected by Hashmalum, a Lucavi demon, but defeated yet again by Ramza and his party as the final boss and the last level of the game.

Cloud Strife

When rumors lead Ramza and his party to a temple on Nelveska Island (if players of the game unlock this side-story), they discover a robot identified as Worker 7 guarding the temple grounds. After they defeat Worker 7, another Zodiac Stone (Cancer) falls out of it. This stone transforms Reis from her dragon form back to her human one, reuniting her with Beowulf, her lover.

Subsequently, when they insert the Cancer Zodiac Stone into Besrodio's machine, it briefly activates a portal, and Cloud tumbles out of it. His first words, "What happened? Last thing I remember was getting caught in the current," seem to imply that his appearance in Tactics takes place canonically after he falls into the Lifestream in Final Fantasy 7.

Cloud is disoriented after arriving in Ramza's world, seemingly remembering only bits and pieces of his life before coming out of the portal. After a short exchange with Ramza and the others, he is racked by one of the same seizures he suffers during the course of Final Fantasy 7. As it fades, he exclaims, "I must go...must go to that place...," before running out, Ramza and his friends close behind him.

He wanders into Zarghidas Trade City, where he encounters a parallel counterpart to the Aeris from his world, a flower girl bearing the same name. Cloud is still confused, presumably from his trip to Ramza's world, and is further confused by this encounter:

[Cloud walks through the streets of Zarghidas. A girl comes out.]
Flower Girl: Buy a flower? Only 1 gil.
Cloud: ......
Flower Girl: Something wrong? Do I resemble someone?
Cloud: No...it's nothing.
[Cloud walks away.]
Flower Girl: What's wrong with him?

As Cloud is leaving, she is accosted by an apparent loan shark looking to collect on a 30000 gil loan. Cloud returns to help Aeris escape but starts to suffer another seizure as Ramza and his party catch up to him. After they save him, he joins Ramza's party, while Ramza agrees to help get him back to his own world:

Cloud: I lost...a very important thing...
Ramza: Cloud......?
Cloud: Ever since, I've been lost. Who am I? What should I do? What about this pain...
Ramza: Cloud...there's someone in your world waiting for you. We might be able to send you back where you came from by using the stone's power.
Cloud: Let's go, Ramza. I can't be here. Must go...to the Promised Land.

Presumably, since Cloud is saved from the Lifestream and plays further role in events taking place in Final Fantasy 7, Ramza succeeded in sending Cloud back to the Lifestream after events in Final Fantasy Tactics.