Kenji Yanagiya

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Warrant Officer Kenji Yanagiya (March 1919 - ) was one of the Imperial Japanese Navy's Zero fighter aces who fought the Battle of Solomon Islands in October 1942 – June 1943. He is known to the postwar as the only escort fighter pilot of the Yamamoto mission, who survived the war.

He was born at Hokkaido, Japan. He moved with his family and grew up at Tomarioru prairie in Karafuto(Sakhalin). He enlisted in the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) at January 10th, 1940 as an aircraft mechanic, then selected as a Hei-shu Hiko Yoka Renshu Sei (C-class Flight Reserve Trainee,) in April 1941. This C-class "Yokaren" course was for seamen and naval non-commissioned officers already in the navy. He completed pilot training course in March 1942. He then became a Flyer / 1st Class fighter pilot of the 6th Air Group at the IJN Kisarazu Air Base, Japan. He arrived Fort Rabaul on October 7th, 1942 as a member of the 6th Air Group, which was under the command of the 26th Air Flotilla of the South East Division Air Fleet. The 6th Air Group was soon renamed as the 204th Air Group on November 1st, 1942. He was one of the escort fighter pilots of the Yamamoto mission on April 18, 1943. He was injured and lost his right hand on a subsequent mission to Russell Islands, near Guadalcanal Island, in June 1943. He returned to homeland Japan in June 1943.

Yanagiya’s Reminiscences about April 18, 1943

"We had the outline of our escort mission in the briefing from Lieutenant (JG) Morisaki, 24 years old Midway Sōryū veteran, at the East airfield (Lakunai airfield). Both the Admiral's (Imperial Japanese Navy Grand Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's) aircraft and the Chief of staff's (IJN Grand Fleet Chief of staff Matome Ugaki's) aircraft were to take off from the West airfield."

The escourt mission members list, the 204th A.G., April 18,1942
Shotai Leader Wingman Wingman
1st Shotai Lt(JG). T.Morisaki PO 1/C T.Tsujinoue F 1/C S.Sugita
2nd Shotai CPO Y.Hidaka PO 2/C Y.Okazaki F 1/C K.Yanagiya

In the wartime of Rabaul, there was the East airfield (Lakunai airfield) by the seashore on the east side of Simpson Harbor , and the West airfield (Vunakanau airfield) on the west side high hilltop of the Harbor. The East airfield was for fighter units, while the West airfield was for twin-engine land-based attacker units, single-engine carrier-based dive bomber units and torpedo attacker units.

"0600 hours Japan Standard Time (JST), we six Zero fighters took off the East airfield and were waiting at the pre-briefed rendezvous point over the Simpson Harbor. Those two Type 1 Land-based attackers were taking off the West airfield and coming up to us. Two Type 1 Land-based attackers flew at altitude 2500 m (8,200 feet), we six escort fighters flew at altitude 3000 m (about 10,000 feet), which was plus 500 m higher to intercept the enemy fighters."

"These two Type 1 Land-based attackers flew in echelon, and six Zero fighters flew on their starboard side aft high in two vics formations. I've heard that the Imperial Japanese Navy official action report of the day said we Zero fighters escorted in both starboard side and port side aft of those two attackers to escort, but the fact is that we were escorting them on their 4 o'clock high. It was a fine weather day, no squalls nor cumulus clouds, comfortable for flying. We kept looking around the south air over the sea. We could see underneath transport ships with escort destroyers steaming on the blue water several times."

"After a while, we could see Bougainville Island on ahead of us. We followed to those Land-based attackers within certain distance. Before long two Type 1 Land-based attackers flew over the Bougainville Island and we escort fighters followed. On ahead of us, we could saw the IJN Buin air base, which was at the southeast end of Bougainville Island. The base looked like a brown colored small box of matches in the green sea of jungle to me. The IJN Buin base was known as a dusty airfield and always looked dry soil colored. I heard later some ground member muttered at the Buin base that base members had sprayed water to the airstrip in the morning and had been waiting for the Admiral's arrival. I thought then that was why it looked dark colored."

They were flying on schedule to land at the IJN Ballale Island airstrip on 0745 hours JST.

"Some 10 minutes passed and it was the time when we would start approaching to the airstrip. Then we found many airborne aircrafts in the direction over the Shortland Island, south of the Buin base. At altitude about 1500 m (5,000 feet), they were groups of P-38s. Their fuselage and wings were painted in green, they positioned in lower altitude, helped them camouflaged. It was obvious that we were late to find them. P-38s dropped their extra fuel tanks and were already zooming up to engage our two land-base attackers."

"Lieutenant (JG) Morisaki, dipping his wing to signal, dived to cover the GF Admiral's land-based attacker, we wingmen all accelerated and swooped into the group of P-38s approaching our attackers. We repelled the first group of P-38s, while another P-38s engaging aft the land-based attackers. They P-38s avoided to engage us, focused their targets just on our two land-based attackers. We were only 6 fighters that we could not cover our two attackers from them all. They were too many. I've heard that there were sixteen P-38s that day. When I recovered and turned back, I saw one land-based attacker going down in my port side with smoke and another land-based attacker going down in my starboard side on the sea. And the more, I watched the land-based attacker crash landing and disappeared in a jungle, with a little fire and smoke coming up. I also watched another land-based attacker water landing on the sea with splash. I was afraid that an extremely serious incident happened. I rushed to the Buin base, shot burst over the base to alart an emergency. Two fighters were taking off and coming up to us but the all enemies were already evading in high speed."

"I felt full of regret, I swore the revenge to the enemy immediately, flew to south east alone. I knew certainly that their home base were Guadalcanal, I expected the returning P-38s might fly in cruising speed. I got my chance, I caught one P-38 flew on the way back in low speed at altitude 3500 m (12,000 feet) over the Kolombangara island. The enemy didn't notice me. I climbed up my Zero plus 1000 m (3,300 feet) higher over him and swooped down to give exact bursts. My shells and bullets all hit the P-38, which went down to the sea with his fuel trailing in white smoke. I claimed the P-38 shot down because he was seriously damaged and couldn't come back to his base. I turned my Zero back and landed at the Buin base. PO 2/C Yasushi Okazaki had engine troubled and had landed at the Ballale Island airstrip, neighboring the Buin base. I've heard that the US official record confirmed that two Japanese Zeros were shot down that day, but it is not the fact. Okazaki fixed his Zero's engine trouble there and returned to the Rabaul base the next day."

F 1/C Yanagiya got off his Zero and lined to his colleagues. The Buin air base was in serious. The base members asked him what the last situations were. He couldn't help answering ambiguously.

Soon came an officer and noted to him, "This incident would influence to all Navy operations. Keep it the top secret."

The airborne leader of the day, Lieutenant (JG) Takeshi Morisaki would keep reporting to the cadre at the Buin base, didn't come out from the commanding post. The Buin airstrip, known as a dusty airfield, was so clear and still that day that made the Buin base pathetic. Yanagiya saw several aircrafts flew and kept searching over the jungle and the sea.

Soon back was Lieutenant (JG) Morisaki with his face pale. He said disappointedly, "Let's come back to Rabaul." Then Yanagiya and his colleagues all flew back with their Zeros. Five escort fighters took off the airstrip and regrouped over the Buin airbase. It was about noon. They took the direction in northwest and headed for Rabaul. The weather was fine and the sky was blue. They arrived Rabaul at 1350 JST. Leader of the squadron, Lieutenant Zenjiro Miyano were waiting them sadly. Lt Miyano had offered the escort mission not with six but with twenty Zero fighters from his unit, but the offering had been rejected by Lieutenant Commander Ryoji Nomura, the South East Division Fleet Air Commander Staff of Rabaul, on the day before. Lt Miyano led Lt (JG) Morisaki into the 204th Air Group commanding post at the East airfield. The 204th Air Group commander Captain Ushie Sugimoto waited for them. Yanagiya lined with his colleagues outside of the commanding post and waiting. The debriefing took long time while they four pilots kept standing outside under the tropical hot sunshine. They were called into the commanding post after the Lt (JG) Morisaki's reporting was over.

The 204th Air Group Commander, Captain Sugimoto told them strictly, "This incident was very sorry. It would influence to the Japan's future. You must not speak of it."

When those escort fighter pilots returned to the ready room, their friends all asked what had happened, because they escort fighters came back without those two Type 1 land-base attackers. Since their friends all watched them lined so long time outside the commanding post, then told something from their commander Captain Sugimoto. So questioned what had happened to the GF Admiral's aircraft the GF Chief of staff's aircraft, and the Okazaki's Zero. Yanagiya answered, "A light accident happened and the Admiral's aircraft and the Chief of staff's aircraft made emergency landings. But they were not so seriously troubled."

The unit members were all in silence. His friends then realized what had happened. It was fine all that day. Those aircrafts had been well maintained. Skilled aviators had flown them. There should be something more serious happened than a light accident.

The Six Escort Fighter Pilots after the Incident

Yanagiya and his fellow pilots were not accused nor criticized. Yanagiya was promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class on May 1st as scheduled previously. The 204th Air Group commander and his staff officers knew that it was hard to save two Type 1 Land based attackers spotless from 16 enemy fighters engaging with only 6 escort fighters. They six pilots, however, thought themselves responsible for that incident so seriously, charged themselves to shoot down as many enemy airplanes as possible.

On June 7th, 1943, the 204th Air Group at the Buin base planned to operate bombing the Allied Russell Islands airfield with 81 fighters. Twelve Zeros, armed firebombs beneath each wing, in 3 sets of “Lotte” formations approached at altitude 8000 m, while other Zero groups escorted. The reinforced 50 Allied fighters adopt new formation tactics with 10 fighters in 1 group, each. There arouse furious battle between Zeros and the 50 Allied fighters. Over the airfield, Yanagiya's group dived from 8000 m (26,000 feet) to 6000 m (20,000 feet), released their firebombs beneath each wing then pulled up.

Yanagiya was caught the tail position by two F4Fs and got bursts. He found his right hand had been shot off and lost with the top of the stick, his little finger left on his wrist. He got shot in his right leg too, and was bleeding. He held the stick with his left hand, controlled and flew back his Zero to the IJN Munda airstrip at New Georgia Island. While flying, soon his right leather boot being filled with his blood, he was almost fainting with losing his blood, kept shouting in a loud voice to awake him in the cockpit. He couldn't operate levers on the starboard side of the cockpit to unload flaps or landing gears; he made slide landing into the airstrip safely. Japanese Marine soldiers took him out from the cockpit and a doctor operated immediately and cut his remained right hand off from the wrist.

Chief Petty Officer Yoshimi Hidaka, Petty Officer 1st Class Yasushi Okazaki, both died in the action. Petty Officer 2nd Class Kameji Yamane was missing in the action. Petty Officer 2nd Class Kenji Yanagiya lost his right hand and hospitalized. These four pilots all flew Zero fighters armed heavy bombs beneath each wing on the mission that day. They couldn't fight with all their strength. The Zeros of the 204th Air Group claimed 13 enemy aircrafts shot down that day.

On June 16th, a Japanese scout aircraft found big group of Allied transports off shore Lunga point, Guadalcanal. The 204th Air Group at the Buin base all attacked in full power. The 204th Air Group fighter squadron leader Lieutenant Zenjiro Miyano died in the action. Lieutenant (JG) Morisaki died in the action.

On July 1st, the remained 204th Air Group stroke the Allied anchorage at Rendova Island. Chief Petty Officer Toyomitsu Tsujinoue was on the duty to escort dive-bombers and missing in the action.

Young Flyer 1st Class Shoichi Sugita, kept fighting wildly and survived the Battle of Solomon Islands, 1943, but he was killed in action at his age of 20 in April 1945. In August 1943, he was shot down in flames and bailed out. He was seriously injured and returned homeland Japan alive. In March 1944, Petty Officer 2nd Class Sugita came back as a member of the 263rd Air Group at Guam Island. But the units was seriously damaged by the three days of sorties in June, the 263rd Air Group members were merged to the 201st Air Group (2nd generation) in Philippine, which was reorganized as the first Kamikaze Corps by the 1st Air Fleet (2nd generation) Commander in Chief, Vice Admiral Takijiro Onishi. Many younger members had been ordered the Kamikaze sorties daily, Sugita finally threatened his commander of the 201st Air Group, Captain Sakae Yamamoto with his gun to get the order of Kamikaze sortie for him first. He was ordered to come back Japan, again. In January 1945, Petty Officer 1st Class Sugita joined the 301th fighting squadron of the 343rd Air Group. He was finally shot down and killed in action while he flew in Shidenkai (Allied codename George) taking off the Kanoya airfield, Kyusyu, Japan in April 1945.

Five out of six fighter pilots died and one injured.

Captain Ushie Sugimoto died in action on June 12, 1945 in Philippine. Sugimoto was the commander in chief at the 26th Air Flotilla, then. He remained with his ground members of the air units left without support, holding position somewhere in the Mount Pinatubo, Philippine, while all chief officers and most commissioned officers of the 1st Air Fleet and its air units had already withdrawn to Taiwan. The 26th Air Flotilla was under the command of the 1st Air Fleet, but the units lost all aircrafts in the order of Kamikaze sorties by January 1945.

On October 25 1944, Vice Admiral Onishi had called all his commanders of his Air Flotillas under the command of 1st Air Fleet to a mid-night meeting, at IJN Clark Air Base in Philippine. The Comander in Chief of the 1st Air Fleet, Vice Admiral Onishi, had confered with his high ranking officials for ideas on how to repel the Allied forces from Philippine with tangible way, but there had been few ideas. Onishi had then decided to expand the operation "Kamikaze" to all his air units, and had warned them if there were any officers who opposed the Kamikaze attacks should be executed.[1]

The Japanese were prohibited the surrender by their Military code. Few survivors testified that Captain Sugimoto died from starvation, and his last words was, "Eat my fresh and survive."

Yanagiya survived the war alive. He kept silent until a non-fiction writer Akira Yoshimura could touch his heart and interviewed 30 years later.


  1. ^ p215 - p.230, Chapter 4 Every Corner, "Tokko (Kamikaze)", Onda, Shigetaka



  • Yoshimura, Akira (March, 1976). "Kaigun Kō Jiken (Navy kō incident)". Monthly Magazine Bungei Shunju, the 135th issue. Tokyo, Japan: Bungei Shunju. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)
  • Yoshimura, Akira (June, 2007). "Kaigun Kō Jiken (Navy kō incident, reprinted version)". Kaigun Otsu Jiken, Bunshun Bunko series, (paper backs). Tokyo, Japan: Bungei Shunju. ISBN 978-4-16-716945-9. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)
  • Ugaki, Hiromitsu (November 1, 1952). "Yamamoto Gensui no Senshi (The death in action of Admiral Yamamoto), p.291 - p.299". Sen So Roku (The print copy, the Wartime Diary of Matome Ugaki), First Volume. Tokyo, Japan: Nippon Shuppan Kyodo.
  • Tsunoda, Kazuo (March 17, 2003). "Chapter 3, Rabaul - Shito no Tsubasa (Wings to the Death, P-38 and the Admiral Yamamoto)". Shura no Tsubasa (The Asura's Wings). Tokyo: Kohjin-sha. ISBN 4-7698-1041-5. - reprinted version
  • The 204th Air Group Fighter Pilots Association (March 10 1987). "Meian wo waketa 4.18 (The April 18th), p.177 - p.199". Rabaul Kuhsen Ki (The Battle of the Air Rabaul), air combat series, (paper backs). Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Sonorama. ISBN 4-257-17082-4. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - reprinted in paper backs of the first version in June, 1976
  • Koudachi, Naoki (Dec.4, 2006). "Chapter 9, Kumo ni shimiru Sikabane, Yamamoto Chokan no Zensen Sisatsu (The Death in the Air, The Admiral Yamamoto's Inspection on the Frontline)". Zerosen Taicho, 204 Ku Hiko Taicho Miyano Zenjiro no Shogai (Zero Fighter 204 A.G. Squadron Leader, Zenjiro Miyano). Tokyo, Japan: Kojin Sha. ISBN 4-7698-1326-0. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)
  • Tagaya, Osamu (1988). "RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING, P.10, P.12". Warrior 55, Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator 1937-45. United Kingdom: Ospray. ISBN 1-84176-385-3.
  • Sakaida, Henry (1998). "NEW GUINIA, RABAUL AND THE SOLOMONS, Warrant Officer Kenji Yanagiya p.44 - p.45". Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937-45. London, Great Britain: Ospray. ISBN 1-85532-727-9.
  • Stanaway, John (1997). "THE YAMAMOTO MISSION, p.14 - p.17". P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacific and CBI. London, Great Britain: Ospray. ISBN 1-85532-633-7.

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