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Piedmon is a Majin Digimon from the Digimon series. He is modeled after a pierrot. Piedmon is a master of deception.

He was voiced by Chikao Ohtsuka (Japan) and Derek Stephen Prince (US).


  • Level: Mega
  • Group: Evil
  • Type: Virus


Special Evolution


He has the power to mentaly control the swords on his back.


  • Trump Sword: Throws the swords on his back.
  • Clown Trick: Does various magical effects including transformation and disguises.
  • Final Spell: Create a sonic blasts that would inlict moral injury.

Important Events

Digimon Adventure

The most deadly of the Dark Masters, Piedmon has probably the most extensive history of all the Digimon the DigiDestined faced. He was around before the DigiDestined came to the Digital World to begin with, a product of Apocalymon's influence. Piedmon knew of the plot by Gennai and his followers to bring the DigiDestined into the Digital World to save it.

With an army of Guardromon and Mekanorimon, he attempted to steal the DigiDestined's arsenal. However, he was unable to get to them. Gennai took the Digi-Eggs and flew off with them. With the exception of one Digi-Egg that dropped somewhere on the Continent of Server, Gennai succeeded in saving the remaining Digi-Eggs and the 7 Digivices to File Island. But Piedmon gained the Crests and Tags and had Devimon hide the Tags in the Net Ocean while he scattered the eight Crests around the Continent of Server. While the DigiDestined were fighting Myotismon in the Real World, Piedmon and his three comrades (MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon and Machinedramon) were able to take control of the Digital World. Piedmon lived atop Spiral Mountain, where he viewed his domain, the wastelands.

After returning to the Digital World, when the DigiDestined first encountered Piedmon in the form of a clown, narrating their apending doom before revealing himself. From there, he easily defeated WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon because he had incredibly more power and experience. However, because he saved himself for the end, MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon were able to gain experience from their fights with the other three Dark Masters and, with the help of MagnaAngemon, were able to send him into the "Gate of Destiny" that MagnaAngemon opened up. Piedmon's fate was never revealed after that.


The Digimon partner of Sigma of the Alias Three, Piedmon was the 2nd Mega that Zeromaru went up against and defeated. As a punishment, Neo Saiba had Piedmon fight the newly hatched Arcadimon, whom killed Piedmon and asborbed his data to Digivolve to his Rookie form.


Digimon Adventure

  • Those pitplayers are frozen with stagefright. Hopelessly waiting for the moment they'll be saved. And yet there is a unseen twist in the plot.
  • I'm in complete agreement. A quick victory would be a let down.
  • The DigiDestined will be on Spiral Mountain soon. We must reverse before they get here.
  • It will be their final performance!
  • MetalSeadramon! Puppetmon! And Machinedramon! I present to you the downfall of the DigiDestined!
  • Well hello there boy and girl and welcome! Today I'm going to tell you an amazing story.
  • Once upon a time their were eight DigiDestined. They went with their Digimon compagnions to try to save the world. The children and their Digimon discovered that, in order to do it, they had to climb up to the top of Spiral Mountain. But to their dismay the Dark Masters defeated them. So sad!
  • Oh dear, I'm so sorry. Did I happen to mention the story is true? I wanted to give you a preview of the plot.
  • Your two Mega's are newly Digivolved. How can you expect them to compete against a more experienced and might I boost superior Digimon.
  • Please permit me to present my fellow actors in this captivating encharming comedy of arrows. MetalSeadramon, Machinedramon, Puppetmon, and myself Piedmon.
  • We'd like to begin by asking for audience volunteers. Who would like to be the first to be destroyed?
  • Oh come now, don't tell me you have stagefright?
  • You're incessent whining is getting on my nerves. You'll be the first one to go.
  • Chuumon was a fool. So now that he's out of the way, who would like to be the next one to make their grand exit?
  • Be my guest!
  • How can such a powerless little Digimon even think of defeating us?
  • Well you don't... see that every day.
  • The plot sickens. I had such high hopes that these little ones would put on a more entertaining show. But this, really it's too tiresome. Can we just get this over with and get on with something a little less tedious. There's no escape from Machinedramon. He's designed for total annihilation. It's only a matter of time now before he catches them. And then the game is over. Ah it's no fair that that overgrown canopener get's all the fun when I was so looking forward to playing with them myself. Farewell little ones.