Ömür Arpacı

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Ömür Arpacı, 2015

Ömür Arpacı (born January 25, 1982 in Trabzon ) is a Turkish actor .


He studied at the Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezi . At a young age, when he was 13, his career began with the Turkish series Çiçek Taksi . He achieved great fame on Turkish television in the series Fırtına and Avrupa Yakası , in both series he portrayed a Lasen . In the 2004 Turkish film Diebstahl alla turca, he played a supporting role as Sefer .



  • 2004: Theft alla turca ( Hırsız var! )
  • 2008: Çıngıraklı Top
  • 2008: Yankee Go Home


  • 1995: Çiçek Taksi
  • 2004: Çocuğun Var Derdin Var
  • 2004: Kadın İsterse
  • 2005: Düşler ve Gerçekler
  • 2006: Fırtına
  • 2007-2009: Avrupa Yakası
  • 2008: Sınıf
  • 2008: Şöhret
  • 2012: Yalan Dünya

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Genç Türk Haber: Dursun'la dobra dobra! (Turkish)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.gencturkhaber.com