Austrian youth book club

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The Austrian Youth Book Club is the largest Austrian institution for promoting reading .


It was founded in 1948 by Richard Bamberger . The Austria-wide literature and reading network is a socially and culturally committed non-profit organization. It is supported by 6,000 volunteer speakers at Austrian schools. The aim is to awaken reading pleasure and playfully promote reading skills. Parents and teachers are advised when choosing a book.

The book club publishes the magazines PHILIPP and YEP for primary school children, mini-PHILIPP for kindergarten children, the paperback series Buchklub Gorilla for 10-14 year olds and the media magazine Buchklub Crossover for young people. The book club publishes accompanying reading didactic materials for each of its media in print and online. The "CyberTours" are a particular specialty: Each volume in the Book Club Gorilla and Book Club Crossover has its own website with further information, games and links. Together with the Youth Red Cross, the book club also publishes the youth magazines JÖ and TOPIC.

The magazine JUM (youth and media) is aimed at teachers four times a year, the book club Elternmagazin informs parents about current topics related to reading and media education . Around 400,000 children and young people are members of the book club.

Another focus of work is reading campaigns, such as For example, the "Reading partners" campaign together with the Ministry of Education and the "VorLeseKinderGarten" campaign to promote reading in preschool. The platforms and include the internet in their reading activities. Important reading campaigns throughout Austria were the "Aktion Bookmarks" (children made 130,000 bookmarks across Austria), the "Österreichalbum" project (children and young people researched contemporary history together with their grandparents and great-grandparents) and the "LESEMANIA" campaign (children and young people developed advertising slogans for The reading).

The book club operates regional offices in all federal states and has a dense network of reading teachers in all school districts who organize reading events and advanced training seminars.

The head office of the book club is located in the KinderLiteraturHaus Wien, where the book club also operates the "Ü - die Bücherbühne", an event center for teaching children and young people's literature. The book club's chairman is Christa Prets, managing director Gerhard Falschlehner .

In 1952, the Austrian Youth Book Club was one of the winners of the Karl Renner Prize .

Web links


  1. Vienna City Hall Correspondence, December 10, 1952, sheet 1937.
  2. Vienna City Hall Correspondence, December 13, 1952, sheet 1966.