About the circumstances

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About the Conditions is a novel by the Austrian author Barbara Frischmuth , published in 1987 .


At the center of the contemporary novel is the emancipated and self-confident landlady of the suckling pig inn, in whose environment private and political relationships are interwoven in many ways. Her 20-year-old daughter of all people wants to secretly marry, although this is diametrically opposed to her emancipatory upbringing. The mother tries desperately to win her daughter back for herself. In doing so, she lets her relationships with members of the highest government circles play out, whose evening meeting place is the suckling pig .


Since one of the main characters is a Federal Chancellor , the work was also read as a roman a clef.



  • Gülperi Sert: Forms of self-confidence of women in the novels by Erica Pedretti , Barbara Frischmuth and Adalet Agaoglu . Phil. Diss. (Masch.) Ege University 1991.
  • Gülperi Sert: The mother-daughter relationship in Barbara Frischmuth's new novel 'About the Conditions'. In: Aegean Journal for Linguistics and Literature Studies. No. 8, Izmir 1991, pp. 137-146.

Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Frischmuth as guest. on: orf.at February 4, 2006.
  2. Sert, Gülperi. ( Memento of the original from December 6, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: uebersetzercolloquim.de @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.uebersetzercolloquium.de