Spring over my home

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About my home spring by Eberhard Koebel (also known by his journey name "tusk") is one of the most famous journey songs that originated in the German youth movement . The text was published in October 1933 in the journal Die Kiefer , for which Koebel was responsible , and the melody in 1934 in the songbook Soldier Choirs of the Icebreaker Team .


In the bündisch scene is another popular song.

In addition to the prominence of the author, the song owes its great popularity to its content: the romance of journeys , wanderlust and the recurring motif of the lonely, wild Nordland ( Scandinavia ) in the Bundischen scene . The melody, a song of the Kuban Cossacks , underlines the longing mood of the text with its peculiar alternation between major and minor.


Konrad Schilling and Helmut König (eds.): The tower . Voggenreiter Verlag, Bad Godesberg 1952–74