Şeker Ahmed Pasha

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"Şeker" Ahmed Pascha (* 1841 in Istanbul ; † May 5, 1907 there ) was an Ottoman painter and soldier. His real name was Ahmed Ali , his nickname "Şeker" means "sugar".


Ahmet Pasha entered the military academy in 1855, where he studied medicine. There his interest in painting was aroused. He caught the attention of the sultan, who sent him to Paris to study in 1863 . He studied first under Gustave Boulanger and then under Jean-Léon Gérôme at the art academy. He spent seven years in Paris and another year in Rome before returning to the Ottoman Empire.

In Istanbul worked as a teacher. In 1871 he organized his first exhibition there. Subsequently, he also advanced to the military rank and was appointed lieutenant general in 1890. Appointed to the court, he was given the task of buying European paintings for the palace. In 1896 he became master of ceremonies at court. In 1906 he had the title of General ("Ferik").

On May 5, 1907, he died of a heart attack in Istanbul.


Ahmet Pasha became a pioneer of oil painting in the Ottoman Empire. He painted natural motifs such as forests, fruits, flowers and animals. His life and work reflect the experiences of the Ottoman elite in the aftermath of the Tanzimat reforms as they approached Western culture. Ahmed Pascha's compositions are based on European painting, but he never lost touch with oriental art.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Turan Erol: Turkish painters in the 19th and 20th centuries. In: The History of Turkish Painting . Palasar, Geneva 1989, p. 111 f.