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Šassuratu (also schassuratu , SIG 7 -en-SIG 7 -SAr ) referred to in the Akkadian language , the divine mother bodies , inter alia, in Atrahasis epic and in Enki and Nammu were responsible for the creation of man. In a Neo-Assyrian tradition of the Atraḫasis epic it says: "The wise and knowing (women), seven and seven wombs: seven create men, seven create women."

It is known from older sources that Nintu, the mother of the gods , was pregnant with seven twins. In Enki and Nammu , the seven active wombs are mentioned by name: NIN-imma , Šuzianna , Ninmada , Ninšara , Ninbara , Ninmug and Dududuḫ . Some of the womb goddesses are already recorded in the lists of gods from Šuruppak : DIGIR NIN-imma, also called DIGIR NIN-SIG 7 , shows striking similarities to the later DINGIR NIN-imin ( mistress of the seven deities ) and DINGIR NIN-nammu ( mistress of everything ).
