Žabljak Crnojevića

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Žabljak around 1860

Žabljak Crnojevića ( Serbian also Скадарски Жабљак = Žabljak on Lake Shkodra ) is a medieval ruin site in Montenegro . The Žabljak castle with its suburb was the residence of the Montenegrin princes from the Crnojević family in the 15th century .

The place is located on a hill surrounded by marshland not far from the northeastern shore of Lake Shkodra, where the Morača River flows into it. The castle may have been built in the 10th century; The first written reports about Žabljak only come from the 15th century. In 1479 the Ottomans conquered the castle and Prince Ivan Crnojević moved his residence to the mountains, where the city of Cetinje later emerged. Almost exactly 400 years later, in 1878, the area around Žabljak was given back to Montenegro by the Ottoman Empire.

Žabljak is largely abandoned today; at the foot of the castle hill there are only a handful of inhabited houses. In addition to the fortifications, the palace of Prince Ivan and St. George's Church are worth seeing.


  • Franz Miklosich: The Serbian dynasty Crnojević. In: Session reports of the philosophical-historical class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. 112 (1886), pp. 29-92

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Coordinates: 42 ° 19 ′ 2 ″  N , 19 ° 9 ′ 25 ″  E