28 cm SK C / 28

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28 cm SK C / 28
General Information
Manufacturer country: German EmpireGerman Empire (Reichskriegsflagge) German Empire
Developer / Manufacturer: Friedrich Krupp AG
Development year: 1928
Weapon Category: Ship gun
Technical specifications
Pipe length: 14,815 mm
Caliber :

283 mm

Caliber length : 52
Elevation range: + 40 / -10 degrees

The 28 cm SK C / 28 was a ship gun of the German Navy during World War II .

History and commitment

The gun was developed for the three armored ships of the Deutschland class . Compared to the previously used 28 cm guns from the German Empire, it had significant innovations: These included a longer barrel and longer projectiles, which allowed a significantly higher firing range with the new mount.


Type of pipe: 3 layers and loose casing with a horizontal wedge lock

Technical specifications


  • Description: 28 cm wire length. C / 28
  • Weight: 600 t, including armored personnel carriers 70 t
  • Caliber: 28.3 cm
  • Tube length L / 52: 14,815 mm
  • Core length: 11,411 mm
  • Number of tubes: 3
  • Number of straightening axes: 2
  • Muzzle velocity: 910 m / s
  • largest increase: 40 °
  • greatest depression: −10 °
  • Loading position: 2 °
  • greatest firing range: 36,500 m
  • highest altitude: 12,800 m
  • Lifespan: 400 shots
  • Rate of fire: ~ 3.5 rounds per barrel and min.
  • Max. Swivel speed: 6 ° / s
  • Max. Elevation speed: 8 ° / s



  • Tank explosive grenade with bottom detonator and ballistic hood - Psgr L / 3.7 m Bdz (with hood) to 300 kg
  • High explosive grenade with bottom fuse and ballistic hood - Spgr L / 4.2 m Bdz (with hood) to 300 kg
  • HE grenade with head detonator and ballistic hood - Spgr L / 4.2 KZ (with hood) to 300 kg

Propellant charge

  • Sleeve cartridge: 118 kg
  • Pre-cartridge: 37 kg


  • Mike J. Whitley: German Capital Ships of World War Two. Arms & Armor Press, London 1989, ISBN 0-85368-970-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Main information about the artillery on board for the handbook for Admiralstabsoffizier, status 1.1.1939
  2. M.Dv. No. 185.2 Dimensions, weights and space requirements of ammunition and their packing containers