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4Q49 (also 4QJudg a ) is the name for fragments of a manuscript from the book of judges from cave 4Q in the vicinity of Qumran .

The manuscript is still preserved in two fragments, on which parts of Ri 6,2-13 are preserved. Paleographically , the manuscript is considered to be “late Hasmonean ” or “early Herodian ”, so it can be traced back to about the third quarter of the first century BC. To date.

Despite its brevity, the manuscript has some text-critical variants that distinguish it from both the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint . The lack of verses 6, 7-10 EU , which had long been viewed as late updates in the Deuteronomic style, has drawn particular attention in research .


  • Natalio Fernández Marcos: The Hebrew and Greek Text of Judges. In: Adrian Schenker (Ed.): The Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible. The Relationship between the Masoretic Text and the Hebrew Base of the Septuagint Reconsidered. SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies 52. Atlanta 2003, pp. 1-16.
  • Richard S. Hess: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Higher Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: The Case of 4QJudg a . In: Stanley E. Porter, Craig A. Evans (Eds.): The Scrolls and the Scriptures. Qumran Fifty Years After. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, Supplements 26. Sheffield 1997, pp. 122-128.
  • Julio Trebolle Barrera: 49.4QJudg a . In: Eugene C. Ulrich u. a. (Ed.): Qumran Cave 4.IX: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings. Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XIV. Oxford 1995, pp. 161-164. ISBN 978-0-19-826366-1