ACG (subculture)

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ACG is an abbreviation for "Anime, Comic and Games" and is used in some subcultures of Greater China . Because there is a strong economic and cultural link between anime , manga and games in the Japanese market , ACG is used to describe this phenomenon in relative areas. The term specifically refers to Japanese anime, manga, and video games . The term is not usually translated into Chinese. If the meaning needs to be translated, it is usually “動漫” ( dòngmànyóuxì , animation, comics and games), “two-dimensional space” (二次 元, Èr cìyuán ; Japanese: 2 次 元, translit. Nijigen) or “動漫 遊” ( dòngmànyóu , animation, comics and games).


In 1995, a Taiwanese fan of animation and comics called "AIplus" founded a board on the mailbox of the National Sun Yat-sen University . The board was named "ACG_Review Board" which refers to animation, comics and games. It is considered the first occurrence of the term "ACG". The three-letter arrangement, promulgated by the Taiwanese anime and comic book review group Shuffle Alliance, took off and the term became popular in mainland China , Hong Kong and Taiwan.

After light novels , which were adapted from anime, comics and video games, became increasingly popular, the term “ACGN” (Anime, Comic, Games and Novels) was coined. However, the term ACG is still used in most situations and includes light novels without the addition of the "N".

The Japanese do not use the term ACG, although a similar concept "MAG" (Manga Anime and Games) means "Manga, Anime and Games". Japanese speakers usually use nijigen (2 次 元, lit. "two-dimensional space") to refer to a certain type of anime and manga culture with light novels and garage kits. The otaku culture (文化 タ ク ak otaku bunka) refers to the corresponding subculture, while the otaku industry (オ タ -Otaku sangyō) refers to the corresponding industry.

The term ACG is not widely used in English-speaking regions.

Individual evidence

  1. 亮 张: 日本 动漫 产业 启示 录 . In: 南风窗 . No. 广州 日报 报业 集团, February 23, 2003, pp. 60–64.
  2. CCSX: Dead or Alive── 台灣 阿 宅 啟示 錄 ( zh ) (= 阿 宅 , 你 已經 死 了!). 時報 出版 公司, Taiwan August 24, 2009, ISBN 9789571350653 , p. 31 (accessed October 14, 2011).
  3. 朝日 新聞 ま で も が 危 惧 し 始 め た 「世界 に 広 が る オ オ タ ​​ク 文化」 の 幻想 と 危機 的 状況