ANSYS Parametric Design Language

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Paradigms : Imperative programming
Publishing year: 1970
Developer: John A. Swanson
Current  version : 2020R1   (January 28, 2020)
Typing : Scripting language
Operating system : Windows , Linux

Ansys Parametric Design Language ( APDL ) is the scripting language of the ANSYS solver and interpreter , which was renamed MAPDL (Mechanical APDL) around 2010 .

Syntax example

Example of APDL (with syntax highlighting in the Emacs editor)

The parameters of the APDL commands are separated by commas.

! Das Ausrufungszeichen dient als Kommentarzeichen

/com,Dies ist eine kommentierte Ausgabe

/prep7 !Starte den Präprozessor

block,1,1,1,1 !Erzeuge einen Quader


The language was developed by John A Swanson in the punch card era and contains a number of peculiarities and limitations.

  • No distinction is made between upper and lower case.
  • "Character parameters" may only be 8 characters long (e.g. Name = 'Macro').
  • A variable name can only be 32 characters long (e.g. Dies_ist_ein_langer_Variablen_Name=3).
  • Strings for some commands can only be 72 characters long (e.g. /title, Dies ist eine Zeichenkette).
  • Strings must be arraydeclared as parameters and are limited to 248 characters (ANSYS version 16).

APDL editors

APDL instructions in a file are also called macros . APDL macros can be created and edited with any text editor . Simple syntax highlighting is available for some editors, such as: B. Vim , nedit, Sublime . In addition, the editors listed below offer a considerably larger range of functions and tools for editing and studying APDL.

Free editors

  • The APDL mode for the GNU Emacs editor.
  • Another free APDL editor does not seem to be serviced since 2011

Commercial editors

  • The Pedal Script Editor has not been sold since 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Retrieved on July 19, 2015 (English, under tools & utilities).
  2. GitHub. Accessed July 19, 2015 (English, APDL syntax highlighting package).
  3. ANSYS APDL mode for GNU Emacs. Retrieved February 7, 2020 .
  4. APDL Editor. Retrieved July 22, 2015 .
  5. Pedal Script Editor. Retrieved February 6, 2020 .