A Última Valsa

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Television series
Original title A Última Valsa
Country of production Brazil
original language Portuguese
year 1969
Speech Globo
Episodes 103
idea Glória Magadan
First broadcast January 7, 1969 on Rede Globo

A Última Valsa (Eng .: The Last Waltz ) is a Brazilian telenovela from 1969. It was produced by the Rede Globo television station and broadcast between January 7, 1969 and June 5, 1969 in its evening program at 9:30 p.m. .

The script for the series was written by Glória Magadan. She was inspired by the film Moulin Rouge by John Huston .

The action is set in 19th century Austria . She tells the dramas of the fictional Count von Olemberg, who falls in love with Countess Yolanda, but marries Kathy Ambross. In the first phase of the series, Count Olemberg is accused of espionage for Germany. Later he worries about the future of his daughter Clara, who is rejected by the court because of her mother's low origin.

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